The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1661: Magic Sword 6

It seems that after handling the matter of Xing Suhai, you must leave immediately without delay!

Intuition tells Su Yu that the appearance of the evil girl's breath is probably related to Su Yu.

"Then where do you go from here?" Su Yu looked into Xiao Qilin's eyes.

Today, it has completely inherited the inheritance of the Emperor Kirin, becoming a new generation of Emperor of Heaven and Earth.

How can he surpass Su Yu and continue to be a spiritual pet?

Little Kirin scratched Pinken's ears: "I am also very distressed. In the end, it is better to accept you as a pet or to accept you as a mount. Hey, how difficult it is!"


"Hey, is there a spectrum? Dare to speak to the Emperor of Heaven and Earth like this, believe it or not, the Emperor sneezes off at you?"

"Royal Dragon Sword!"

"Wow! Are you really here?"


When Su Yu left Jiubi Lingzhu, there was a harmless palm-sized little unicorn on the shoulder.

Its round eyes and angrily glanced at Su Yu's side face: "Asshole, inherited the Emperor Kirin, still can't beat you, really annoying!"

A faint dragon-shaped sword mark remained on its forehead.

Su Yu smiled.

How can a king-powered dragon sword defeat the Emperor of Heaven and Earth?

It was just a deliberate concession, giving himself a reason to stay with Su Yu.

One person, one pet, has no idea.

唰 ——

At the same time when the soul returned to the body, the few dead kings who had left returned one after another.

The corpse king Zhu Zhu was full of despair: "He ran away."

Corpse Whip is customized for Corpse Emperor and used as a means of escape.

She didn't catch up. Although Su Yu felt regret, she was not too surprised.

"Anyway, the plan finally took a step." Su Yu thought. "The injury caused by Wujieyeyan to the corpse emperor will be difficult to recover at one and a half, and there is no time to make trouble."

The corpse king Zhu Shu breathed a breath: "Then, it depends on you."

Su Yu's eyes were far-reaching, and she bowed slowly.

"Bead King, we caught the absent King of the Dead!"

The bone corpse king has always been the confidant of the corpse emperor. This coup was launched, and all nine corpse emperors specifically concealed it.

It was not until the coup d'oeuvre that the King of the Bone Corpse woke up like a dream and wanted to run away, following the Emperor.

However, as soon as he left, he was stopped by the corpse kings who had been prepared.

"How to deal with it? Is it killing, or ..." A few corpse kings didn't have a good face for the painting corpse king.

Before that, he assisted Lanyue and forced them to surrender the corpse!

Zhu Xi's eyes turned, and she turned to Su Yu: "Fu Jun, do you have any suggestions?"

"It's no use staying, it's a shame to kill." Su Yu commented briefly: "Just keep in jail!"

Suddenly, Su Yu said, "First search and scrape off your body."

A few corpse king thieves laughed and ran a clean sweep of his head to toe.

哐 When the sound of a piece, mixed objects.

One of them attracted everyone's attention.

A golden cane.

"Good guy, even the golden coffin of the corpse emperor stole fish in muddy water." A corpse king joked.

It must be that during the war between the two sides, the skeletal king of the bones stole and overturned the golden coffin on the ground.

"Is it because the copper coffin didn't sleep well and wanted to try the taste of the corpse king's golden coffin?" Several corpse kings gathered around, laughing and laughing.

The bone corpse king Ha nodded, smirking.

However, deep in the pupils, there was a twinkling nervous look.

Sadly, he stood beside Su Yu, who is best at insight.

"Check the golden coffin." Su Yu said lightly.

The skeletal king's face turned pale, two deep-set eyes, staring at the golden coffin and refusing to blink.

Several corpse kings noticed the abnormal color and immediately examined the golden coffin.

"Oh? There's a hidden mystery inside the golden coffin!" Zhu Xi came over to take a look, but at the bottom of the golden coffin, there was a layer of secret text.

She stared at her eyes and wondered: "What kind of text is this? Why haven't you seen it?"

But seeing the crooked font above, at first glance, a small sword shaped like a handle, there is a hint of aggressive sword.

The glyphs are completely unlike the common language of corpses.

Several corpse kings came together.

"Quirky! I never saw a similar font."

"How could these strange sword-shaped words remain in the corpse's golden coffin?"

"What do these words mean? What did the Corpse Emperor leave them to say?"

Everyone talked, but couldn't figure out their heads.

"It is the ancient text of the Tianjian clan." Su Yu came over and looked at it for a long while.

Zhu Zhuwei said: "The corpse emperor was indeed a third-class race and a family member of the Tianjian tribe. I know this, but what happened to the ancient script?"

"The text of any race will continue to advance with the times. Some ancient and lonely text will gradually be introduced into the text, which is called ancient text." Su Yu said: "This corpse emperor can master the ancient text of the Tianjian tribe. It's been a long time since its existence! "

All the corpses were suddenly awake after death.

How long they died before resurrection, no one knows except the "sky" that created the corpse.

"So what did these ancient texts of the Tianjian clan say?" Zhu Yi asked.

There was a smile on the corner of Su Yu's mouth: "It is a spell to open a secret space of the Corpse Emperor."

Smiling, Su Yu muttered the ancient text left behind.


A vision suddenly appeared at the bottom of the golden coffin, divided in two from the middle, and slowly separated to the sides.

Reveal a secret space.

"Can it actually shield our perception?" The corpse king onlookers was surprised.

The corpse king's realm is equivalent to the emperor of the heavens and earth, and their sense of power is unimaginable.

The corpse emperor set up such a hidden space to avoid their investigation, it can be seen that it took great care.

The hidden space uses space magic, which looks only a thin layer on the outside, but it is one foot thick and three feet long!

"Ah! There is also a Corpse King!" When the objects in the space were clearly seen, the appearance of the Corpse King changed dramatically.

Look carefully, there is indeed a corpse at the bottom of the golden coffin, exactly like the corpse emperor!

"Quiet! This is just an empty shell, there is no corpse soul!" Zhu Yi stabilized the corpses.

Carefully examining the body, Zhu Xi could not help laughing: "Is this the spare body when the Emperor is preparing to restore the double crown?"

"The corpse emperor recovered in a short period of time. The current body is unbearable, and he must undergo a body change. This body should be prepared for the breakthrough." Zhu Xi giggled: "I think this body should be related to the corpse emperor Like the needle and the corpse emperor whip, the corpse emperor was born. "

"I didn't expect that this time it was a sudden defeat. I hurried away and had no time to take away the spare body in the golden coffin."

The corpse king present was even more relieved. So, they inadvertently slowed down the process of corpse emperor's restoration.

Zhu Yan raised his hand: "Burn this corpse, save worry!"

This body had no effect on their corpse king.

"Wait, can you hand the body over to me?" Su Yu asked with a flash of gaze.

Zhu Xi was surprised: "The husband is interested in this corpse? It's hard to say, you just take it."

The rest of the corpse king had no opinion.

"Since it was discovered by Su Yu's Corpse King, he personally dealt with me and waited naturally."

As a result, Su Yu easily reached the complete body of the corpse emperor.


Xingsuhai, the end of the East China Sea.

Corpse Emperor pale, lying on a meteorite with Lan Yue's help.

"Isn't the King of Paintings dead yet?" The Emperor asked hard.

He was still burning, with golden thunderfires that had not yet died, and continued to destroy his body.

Lanyue shook her head, her eyes desolate.

After finally turning into a queen of corpses, it collapsed because of Su Yu's arrival.

"Su Yu, are you really my blue moon's nemesis?" The jade face, which should have been so beautiful, was made up by suffocation.

The Corpse Emperor gazed at her affectionately, and said, "My queen, don't worry, as long as I don't die, it's only a matter of time before Dongshan rises again!"

"Now, go!"

Lan Yue converged to sorrow, and said, "What about the bone king?"

The Emperor shook his head: "No need to wait, he can't come back."

They drove a meteorite into the darkness and death.

Soon after they left Xingsuhai, three rapid stars, such as meteors, passed over Xingsuhai.

"Is this the Xingsuhai civilization?" The proud young man stood proudly, looking around at the Xingsuhai, unable to hide the contempt for his eyes.

Beside him was an old man in gray robes, with a wrinkled face.

His eyes were sharp and energetic, he looked at the Xingsuhai civilization, and said, "It's amazing that even the wild civilizations such as Su Yu and Ziwei have been born in such a superb heavenly arrogance and stunning northern envelope!"

They are not bystanders, they are the proud pride of Li Ning and Bei Wang Chen, one of the nine princes who came to recover Bei Ding Wang Ding.

"Huh!" Ao Xiang's nostril lengheng: "Ziwei is barely Tianjiao, but what about Su Yu? It still has to be verified by this son!"

Dressed in ink and blue shirt, the quiet and beautiful woman, said leisurely, "I don't believe that the little monk from the wild civilization can defeat the pride of the second brother."

Li Wang sighed, "Zhu Er, I didn't expect you to come."

Those who could be so kindly called by the last King of the North Envelope had few people except Beixin.

Rao is Bei Wangchen's proud pride, and he rarely throws a kind look at the girl: "Seven sister, are you here to fight against this deity?"

North Wangzhu, the seventh daughter of the contemporary North Envelope King, is known as the Seven County Lord.

Bei Wangzhu bowed his head, with infinite vision: "I don't believe anyone has the talent to surpass the second brother, never believe it!"

"Hehe, just go and see!" Bei Wangchen smiled proudly.


Su Yu, who knows nothing about this, is playing with the body in the back room.

How could he forget the secret that Mu Canghai told his corpse king?

On the same day, she cut off a phalanx from the emperor's body and turned it into a gray-black stone.

Relying on that stone, Su Yu actually had a terrifying effect on the enlightenment of the exercises.

Right now, there is a whole body of a corpse king!

Suddenly, Su Yu took out Jin Yujian and cut off the arm of the corpse.

After leaving the body, the arm did start to petrify, and turned black and gray!

Su Yu overjoyed: "Hehehe, the corpse emperor really left me a rare treasure!"

With surprise in his eyes, Su Yu cut off the entire body and allowed it to petrify.

Staring at so many black limestone blocks, Su Yu couldn't help but stir. Dacheng

The black limestone block turned by a finger still makes Su Yu touch the edge of Soul Eater Dacheng.

What is the effect of a whole body of stones?

Su Yu couldn't help licking her lips, can't wait to practice in one breath.

Unfortunately, he only has two days.

"Two days, two days!" Su Yu first arranged a part of the gray-black stones into a thick liquid, and then jumped into it to undergo the baptism of the spiritual fluid.

At the same time, the law of time acceleration was launched, putting itself in a state of time acceleration five hundred times.

Limited time, he concentrated all his energy on the sixth form of the magic sword.

Based on the skill of the fifth form, the inspiration of the sixth form is looming.

In the ambiguity, Su Yu's consciousness seemed to see a shadow of a mighty shore, holding a magic sword, one sword cut to the sky.

The vast sky, like a broken mirror, is shattered layer by layer.

The endless blood rain pours down from the depths of the sky, flooding the earth!

The thunder roared, the fury rushed, and the existence in the murmur also roared.

As if this sword hurt the supreme heaven!

"Cut ... heaven ... one ... sword ..." Su Yu murmured, and Shura sword, who crossed her knees in front of her, kept trembling.

That's a sign of a sword!

I have to say that the magical effect of gray and black stones on the enlightenment of the exercises, Su Yu, who has not even touched his fur, quickly found inspiration!

"Well, this guy, you have to improve your strength again!" Little Kirin on his shoulders opened his eyes lazily and muttered, "What a monster!"

Two days later, the moon was full.

A moon-white towering sword shadow rises from the depths of the palace to the sky.

Suddenly, as if affected by the shadow of the sword, the surroundings were disturbed by divine power, the earth was trembling, and the sky was changing colors along with the sky.

The strange vision shocked all the corpses and came out to watch.

But the sword shadow disappeared immediately, leaving the source untouchable.

Su Yu put away the Shura sword, got up from the huge wooden barrel, and prepared the gray-black spiritual fluid, leaving only a ball of clear water.

"It's a tyrannical force of enlightenment. In just two days, the sixth type of slashing sky and one sword have been successfully cultivated! It's incredible!" Su Yu was refreshed.

Only one-tenth of the black-grey stones consumed in this enlightenment.

If he is given enough time, he is confident that he can fully understand the nine types of the magic sword inheritance in one breath!

However, time is not enough!

"Fu Jun, the hour is almost here." Zhu Xi reminded the outside, drinking wine on the moon.

She disapproved of Su Yu's approach ~ ~ Why did Su Yu owe Xing Suhai, but Xing Suhai didn't even have the most basic trust, she could turn her face ruthlessly in one thought and regard Su Yu as everyone's gain The traitor of 诛.

Does such a civilization require much effort and energy to save?

However, Zhu Yan smiled, didn't she fall in love with him because of this?

If Su Yu were a selfish person, she would not turn back for her, let alone "whatever the life is, the world can abandon it!"

The stone door opened, and Su Yu walked out a little tired.

Zhu Zheng came up, and the bird helped him sit down, leaning on his shoulder, and said, "No matter who is against you, I will stand by you. Even if the whole world is against you, my enemy will worldwide."

The straightforward words spoken out of the lungs deeply moved Su Yu's heart.

Gently patted the back of her hand, Su Yu chuckled: "On the contrary, tomorrow, I will let you the enemies of the world, wipe away, and leave no one."

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