The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 172: Extreme cultivation

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Su Yu sighed: \ "Thank you for your kindness, I \"

\ "Now, don't rush to answer, answer your husband after you have reported your hatred! \" Yun Yazi smiled.

Excited and grateful, Su Yu bowed down: \ "Thank you Yunya senior! \"

\ "However, I will not intervene in your enemies. I will rely on you to report. This is a respect for you and a test before your visit. If you fail to complete, I need to reconsider the apprenticeship! \" Yun Yazi added.

\ "I have this intention, Master's hatred, a disciple, how can I fake it?" Su Yu thanked Yunyazi for his respect.

Yun Yazi bowed with satisfaction: \ "Oh, okay, the next time, before the end of your revenge, the old man will always be in your jade box, as a reward for hermit, the next month and a half, the old man will carefully point you to cultivation. \"

At the same time, Su Yu was surprised, her eyes were a little dark, if she could meet Yun Yazi earlier, there might be hope to defeat the seventh-ranked King of the Peak.

But at this moment, it's too late.

Dacheng fifth-order holy king, away from the peak seventh-order holy king, separated by a heaven!

In just one and a half months, there is almost no possibility of making up!

Seems to penetrate through Su Yu's mind, Yun Yazi chuckled: \ "Zhu District Peak Seventh, what's the difficulty? If you follow your husband's instructions, you can reach the strength of Hualong within one and a half months! \"

Su Yu was shocked, as if her throat was blocked: \ "化 龙? \"

He himself didn't even dare to hope for the seventh-ranked King of the Peak, but Yun Yazi could enable him to quickly reach the strength of Hualong?

\ "But the premise is that you can endure hardships! \" Yun Yazi added lightly.

Upon hearing this, Su Yu laughed with a smile: \ "Eating hardship? If Su Yu is afraid of suffering, now, she is still an unknown student of Shenyue Island! \"

\ "In this case, let's get started! \" Yun Yazi's mouth hung a hint of playfulness, one finger pointed at the boulder below the hill: \ "Back it up. \"

Su Yu looked, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.It was a boulder with a diameter of five meters and weighed at least two tons, which was equivalent to a car in the previous life.

If such a weight is put on the body, the ordinary person must break the bone.

But Su Yu, physical fitness has improved to this day.

Breathing quietly, Su Yu tries to rely on the power of flesh and blood, but the stone pattern does not move!

Under my mind, the reiki moves, flesh and blood, and the strength suddenly increases!

\ "Drink!" With a low drink, Su Yu clenched the gap between the stones with both hands, exerting strength with both arms, and finally weighed two tons of boulder, and finally got off the ground and was hugged by Su Yu!

Although it feels heavy, it is not difficult to help with the spirit.

\ "Senior, the stone has been carried back, how to cultivate next? \" Su Yume with expectations.

However, Yun Yazi wrote lightly: \ "Big stone? I told you to carry that hill! \"


Su Yu's body was stiff, and the boulder in her hand smashed to the ground.

\ "Little hill? \" Su Yu raised her head stiffly, looking at the hill in front of her!

Thirty meters high, a towering shadow envelopes the small Su Yu!

Visually, this sitting hill has a weight of at least 100 tons! !!

\ "The predecessor is surely this hill? \" Su Yu's mouth was dry, so much weight was put on her body, even now Su Yu must be crushed into meat mud!

However, Yun Yazi said lightly and indifferently: \ "Why, is it heavy? \"

唰 ——

I saw Yun Yazi flicking his sleeves, and then he heard a boom, the whole hill was actually lifted from the ground by his soul, floating a few meters high from the air!

\ "Get well! \" Yun Yazi gave a faint whisper and flicked his fingers.

嗖 ——


The whole hill, with the sound of thunder, suppressed Su Yu down!

\ "Is this cultivation, or is it fatal? \" Su Yu's face changed greatly, and when fateful, fate turned into aura!

But intuition told Su Yu that even if the spiritual power is full, Su Yu will be crushed into flesh!

\ "Glazed ice flame! \" Su Yu burns six feet of ice flame and freezes everything!

Yun Yazi was so full of time, leaning under the big tree, faintly nodding: \ "The ice path exercises are among the best in the tradition, with a bit of the true spirit exercises shadow, but the fire is still shallow and the power is average. "

Although the ice flames triggered the extreme, the hills were unhindered and they were crushed!

Liuzhang Bingyan was completely crushed by just blocking the hill for a moment!

In critical times, Su Yu has no reservations!

\ "Ice God Battlegear! \"

Do la la--

The ice **** ring in his arms shot the ice goddess of the sky and quickly made it into a mighty armor, put it on Su Yu's whole body, and set his thin body against the martial arts.

Bingyan skyrocketed from six feet to seven feet!

Yun Yazi's eyes were bland, and there were slight fluctuations: \ "Oh? Ice Road Artifact? Still under your control? Unfortunately, only 30% of the power of the Artifact is used, average. \"


Qi Zhang Bing Yan, after two breaks in the street, was broken again!

Seeing that the hill was completely depressed, Su Yu gritted his teeth and learned as much as he could in his life!

\ "Ice Thunder Penalty! \" The demigod, through the void, shot straight towards the hill!

Yun Yazi's eyes rarely show appreciation: \ "At the age of fifteen, you can understand the sacred meaning of the demigod, which shows that your understanding is acceptable, and there is a certain natural rhythm in the meaning, but it is a pity , Only learned fur, ordinary power. \ "

The hill is stagnant, and under the bang, it is only one meter away from Su Yu!

At the last moment, Su Yu gritted her teeth. [,! ]!

\ "Space control! \"

The red light filled the sky and wrapped the hill to move it away.

But the goal is too big to move!

Yun Yazi's old eyes finally appeared dignified: \ "The most amazing old man is your ability to control space! If I'm not wrong, you should be a different spirit, talented, and masterful of space, but only weak in talent, It's a pity. \ "

Only half a meter left!

Can't hold on anymore!

Su Yu's left eye flickered with purple light, and the seal of time emerged!

In a hurry, the hill was fixed in a moment!

Yun Yazi stood up arrogantly, shocked: "" The talent of time? How is it possible? You are the one who controls both talents of time and space? "

Time is king and space is god.If you control any one of these talents, you can smile at the same level.

But Su Yu actually controlled both!

Rao is full of eyesight and has experienced endless Yun Yazi, and is also deeply shocked!

Immediately, after a moment of observation, Yun Yazi was slightly disappointed: "Although the time talent is stronger than space, it is still not strong enough. The Holy King Realm is still barely applicable, and the Hualong Realm is like a chicken rib."

The hill crushed the seal of time and finally suppressed it completely!

Su Yu growled and wore the Ice God Battle Armor and resisted madly!

However, the pressure was so strong that Su Yu had almost no resistance and was suppressed on the spot!


Opening his mouth, a blood spurted out, and Su Yu was crushed lying on the ground!

The heavy pressure caused him to tremble and tremble, and his body seemed to be crushed.

However, imagined that the scene of being crushed into meat mud did not appear.

Su Yu was horrified, and after careful observation, she found that on the hill, a layer of weak soul power flowed.

\ "I dragged the hill with the power of the soul. At present, it only weighs one-tenth the weight of the hill. In the middle of January and a half, you will carry this hill to practice until you reach the peak of the seventh-order Holy King strength! Of course, if you eat If you ca n’t suffer, give up halfway, you can also drop the hill, but you also lose your qualifications as my disciple. You ca n’t eat this bitterness, and it ’s hard to be a great tool in the future! \ "

Su Yu was pressed so hard that her fingers couldn't move, but she turned her strength and gritted her teeth: "" I won't give up! "

\ "Okay, then, let ’s start practicing. The top grade Xishui Dan has a third of its medicinal power seal in your body, and it can now be absorbed. \" Yunyazi sat down again and closed her eyes slowly: \ "This It ’s your first step to practice! Stand up! "

Previously, Shangyu Xiu Dan Dan, Su Yu absorbed one third of the medicinal power, Yun Yazi also absorbed one third, and the remaining one-third was all sealed in Su Yu's body.


Su Yu was pressured to breathe, her face flushed.

However, he still followed Yun Yazi's suggestion and gradually released the seal.

Suddenly, the Aura exploded in the body!

恍 If the flood beast swept the Su Yu meridians, the aura was extremely painful.

A feeling of desire to be blasted by violent energy, burst into his heart, making his heart pound.

Looking at Yun Yazi again, he closed his eyes and settled in, and never noticed that Su Yu was in crisis!

Without help, Su Yu gritted her teeth and madly operated the blood in her body, dispersing the outbreak of medicine quickly throughout the body.

The pain continued, but Su Yu was pleasantly surprised to find that under extreme pressure, his bloodline was working far more than usual!

That crazy burst of energy was spreading all over the body at a very fast speed to avoid the danger of explosion!

Although the process was extremely painful, Su Yu gritted his teeth, and his forehead was cold and sweaty.It was far less comfortable than when Yun Yazi channeled his soul.

But, by his own power, he gradually cleared out this violent energy.

At this point, Yun Yazi, who rested with his eyes closed, said faintly: \ "Human potential will only erupt when desperate. I cannot provide you with real despair, but I can provide you with extreme oppression. Cultivation will do more with less! \ "

Su Yu suddenly understood Yun Yazi's intentions, was deeply grateful, and desperately absorbed medicine, seeking a breakthrough in cultivation!

After a few hours, Weng whispered in Su Yu's mind.

Under the violent energy, he finally broke through the peak of the fifth-order Holy King!

\ "Give me!" Xiuwei's breakthrough is accompanied by a surge in reiki and physical improvement.

Su Yu gritted her teeth, roared, and climbed hard!


The hills on my body are constantly shaking, as if there is some kind of horror at the bottom of Foshan, and he is breaking free of the suppression!

Su Yu dripped sweaty beans on his forehead, and his teeth were bitten tightly.Because he was too hard, his white teeth seemed to be broken.

There were crackling sounds from the bones of the limbs, and there were faint signs of breaking!

However, Su Yu climbed up little by little. Although it was difficult and slow, she slowly got up!

Finally, after a full cup of tea!

Su Yu successfully climbed up, resisting the entire hill over her shoulders!

A little blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his long-term suppression made him embarrassed, but it was difficult to hide the joy in his eyes!

\ "Senior, I'm standing up! \"

Yun Yazi opened his eyes slowly and nodded slightly: \ "An hour faster than I expected, you are indeed more determined than the average person! \"

\ "That's it, start the second step of cultivation and walk!"

First step, stand up!

The second step is to walk!

Everything, like a baby, starts from scratch.

Under the guidance of Yun Yazi, Su Yu also gaped, and he was practicing all the way to get a new life!

Su Yu sinks her heart. [,! ], Carrying the hill, once again desperately absorbing the remaining potency!

Yun Yazi is satisfied with the painstaking effort of Su Yu's cultivation, and the corners of his mouth have crossed the mysterious color: \ "If you successfully take a step, I will take you to one, for you, the place you dream of, where you will reach the dragon Land of Strength! \ "

I have just experienced a great life ups and downs, the next chapter tells everyone.

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