The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1680: Mizuki Langjun

Seems to understand Su Yu's thoughts, the middle-aged gray robe said: "Dao rain is scattered and dense, and densely tolerated Dao rain is naturally more sparse, and less sparse. When the rain falls, the fourth-level position is divided according to how much rain will fall. "

"One of them is exclusive to members of the Oriental Royal Family, and outsiders are not eligible to enjoy it. The second is to be enjoyed by the top ten kings and Tianbang contributors, the third is by the contributors on the top list, and the fourth is on the Mysterious Contribution list . "

Is it really related to the contribution list? Su Yu Jingguang flashed.

The second-class scope that only the contributors of the day list can enjoy, Princess Dust can also find a way to break into her people.

This princess is not low in dynasty!

"Can you tell me what the princess was doing to select us?" Su Yu said.

Princess Ruchen spent so much effort, secretly selected outstanding people from all parties, and given such amazing rewards in the second-class range, must she have a plan?

"We are only ordered to do things, only when the seniors go," said the middle-aged gray robe.

He added in his heart that even if you go, you may not know.

Of the ten candidates, only one could meet the princess' requirements.

With a little thought, Su Yuzheng: "Lead the way, listen to what she wants to do first."

The middle-aged man in gray robe was pleased with his brow, the magic sword technique of Ming, dare to ask where the donor came from? "

Su Yu's pupil flickered slightly, and his repair was the inheritance of the ancient sword **** Emperor.

Is the Emperor of the Sword, like the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the emperor of heaven and earth who accidentally fell into the ancient **** realm?

Although surprised in her heart, Su Yu's expression was calm and plain, and she could not see any strange colors.

"The question of the master is related to this selection?" Su Yu asked.

Nanga Buddha shook his head: "It doesn't matter, it's just that the poor monk himself is curious. The donor is unwilling to answer the old uncle, but only from the old uncle's point of view.

Oh? Has he seen the rest cast magic swords?

As for the unusual, the nine swords of the magic sword are indeed more amazing than one sword.

When practicing to the extreme, the magic sword boundlessly hurts the wicked girl with a wooden sword!

"The master's fallacy is nothing but ordinary magic swordsmanship."

Nanga Buddha smiled: "The poor monk just saw that he was intrigued because His Majesty Princess Ruchen also had a strong swordman from the magic prison civilization."

Su Yu's heart burst.

"Oh? I wonder how strong?" Su Yu asked.

Nanga Buddha said: "Swordsmanship may not be as advanced as yours, but it's so advanced, so ..."

Therefore, Su Yu is not as good as the magic Tao strong.

Su Yu laughed without saying a word. What he just uttered was just 30% strength.

However, speaking of this, the Nanga Buddha's strength is not trivial. Perhaps it is the restraint of the magic gate power, which can be comparable to Su Yu.

Changed to the ordinary peak overlord, was long wiped out by Su Yu.

This person should have a certain weight under His Majesty Princess Ruchen

The Emperor Dayu of the Dayu Dynasty had six sons-in-law, five sons and two daughters.

Five princes competed for the throne, and Princess Ruchen was no exception. Although she was a woman, she expected to become the first queen of the Dayu Dynasty.

His Majesty is full of talents and masters like clouds.

The well-known master of the formation method, the Invisible Emperor, is the mainstay of Her Majesty the Princess.

However, compared with her eldest brother, the Crown Prince Dongfang Yuliang, it is still far away.

In the Ming Dynasty, there are as many as nine Emperors of Heaven and Earth in support of Oriental Yuliang, including three kings, and even one with double crowns.

It can be said that the entire 30% of the strength of the Dayu Dynasty supported the Crown Prince's ascension.

Its power is beyond the reach of other princes and queens.

At least Princess Dust didn't get the full support of even one king.

She wanted to fight for the throne, and it was very difficult.

"That restaurant is where the princess entertains her seniors." The middle-aged gray robe did not lead him into the palace, but came to a luxurious restaurant in the middle of the bustling downtown.

Sweeping the plaque, Su Yu's expression was slightly strange.


Isn't that a promised place to meet Su Yu?

So coincidental?

With a hint of surprise, Su Yu followed the middle-aged gray robe to enter the backyard of the restaurant.

Yajing's backyard, the eight powerful men with various shapes, are scattered in the courtyard.

Everyone was exuding the breath of the peak overlord, and one of the enchanting women was particularly noticeable.

Not only beautiful and dignified, gentle and pleasant, it gives people the feeling of a girl next door to Xiaojiabiyu.

What is more noticeable is that the cultivation of the standing flocks.

"Half-stepped Emperor!" Su Yu's pupils narrowed slightly.

I believe that the eight people in front of them, like Su Yu, are secretly recruited candidates.

"Xuanjing Overlord? Really lucky."

The arrival of Su Yu naturally attracted attention.

It is inevitable that such a low practice has arrived here.

"It seems that I'm just eliminated, and it won't be too embarrassing. Someone will always be at the bottom." The speaker looked at the half-step emperor's woman, his brows slightly relieved.

This woman puts a lot of pressure on them.

Su Yu's face turned to the corner without any difference, and she waited slowly.

The moment he closed his eyes, Su Yu suddenly felt his eyes open like sharp spikes.

But his eyes were extremely sharp, and he immediately withdrew.

When Su Yu glanced, she could not catch the source of the gaze.

who is it?

If the eyes were to visit, it would have a deep sense of murder and hatred.

Did you accidentally provoke one of the eight people present?

But a careful glance, none of them had been seen by Su Yu, which raised a slight alert in his heart.

"Congratulations to everyone here." A low, full of magical voice, shivered into his ears.

The central courtyard of the small courtyard suddenly burst into a large area of ​​magic, converging into an adult form.

A mysterious man wrapped in magical energy appeared before him.

There was a slight movement in Su Yu's heart, could he be the master of the magic prison Kendo that Nanga Buddha said?

When this person appeared, he gave people extremely powerful coercion.

Except for the half-aged Emperor ’s wonderful age woman, the rest felt pressure and involuntarily surrendered divine power to counteract the oppression.

"I am Her Majesty Princess 108, the magic heart!" The breath of the half-king emperor was released like a waterfall: "Nine of you, only one of you can be the person that the princess finally determines, and the rest Be eliminated!"

It was not surprising that they had already heard the news from the en route population.

"Excuse me, how to select the final candidate from us." Someone asked.

The magic heart husky smiled: "It's very simple. Give you ten days to hunt the criminals on the wanted list of the Dayu dynasty, and kill the highest ranked one to get the princess' approval."

Everyone frowned.

The criminals on the list of the Dayu Dynasty are all fierce names.

Su Yu is no stranger to this. When he first came to the Dayu Dynasty, it was the skull of the evil wolves ranked 100th in the Wanted List given by Beiwangzhu, so that Su Yu could jump into the Yellow List.

That evil wolf, however, is ranked one hundred, and has the terrible power of the half-step emperor.

He even escaped the joint hunting of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth many times, which is extremely difficult to entangle.

"The number one sinner is a sinner, and the number ten thousand sinner is also a sinner. Is there no minimum limit?"

The magic heart grinned: "Of course, the lowest ranking must be within one hundred."

what? Nine people frowned.

Sinners in the rank of one hundred, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth, may not be able to kill them, let alone them?

What makes them even more puzzled is that the top 100 criminals rarely swayed the city and showed few traces.

For many thousands of years, there is no news. In just ten days, where did they go to find the top 100 criminals?

"For reference, I can reveal to you two latest news ~ ~ The spirit and spirit of the spirit surge, and nine small groups of magic mists are shot at nine people.

Including the half-step Emperor's woman, they caught it vigilantly and carefully, peeling away the magic mist carefully and searching for its contents.

On the contrary, Su Yu's repair was the lowest, and he grabbed the magic mist directly and swallowed it.

"If you swallow it directly, you can extract the information in it ..." Moxin said, noting that Su Yu swallowed it on his own initiative, and couldn't help but lightly: "Why? Do you know this is Moxin's message?"

Only the Devil knows how to use Devil Mist correctly.

Su Yu smiled, didn't answer, but felt the message calmly.

The content of the message is not unexpected. There are only two criminals in the top 100.

One of them was the 99th Witch.

Together with poison, attainment reaches its peak.

Once a whole bloodline descendant of the King was slaughtered, and the ancestor of the King was severed, which is a major case that sensationalized the world.

Its fame is stronger than the original evil wolf.

The latest news of the Witch Girl's appearance is three hundred years ago, when she was half-step king.

No one knows how she cultivated after three hundred years.

If hunting her is difficult, then the other is impossible.

Eighty-three-year-old Magic Moon Lang has been on the wanted list for thousands of years.

That year, he broke into the palace with one person, took away the three concubines of the monarch, and caused a sensation throughout the Dayu Dynasty.

Eastern Xiadu was furious, and personally ordered to hunt down Yueyue Langjun.

But like a sea of ​​stones, he never showed up again.

At that time, he was also able to deal with the three emperors of heaven and earth alone, and laughed away holding the three concubines.

Some people speculate that he was a master of heaven and earth at that time!

In the current situation of the nine people, even if all of them join forces, it is impossible to hunt down the magic moon Langjun.

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