The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1683: Emperor Moon

? After being surprised, the maiden's murderous flickers: "Yeah, take it to the Dayu dynasty, maybe you can offset my sin of that year, and remove me from the wanted list."

Just as she hurried forward, preparing to subdue each other.

There was a whisper of cold humming.

"You know too much." The voice of indifference swirled in the dense forest.

The demon virgin was startled, she felt a strong and extraordinary pressure, that is the coercion brought by the emperor, or the extremely powerful emperor.

唰 ——

She seemed to feel something. The virgin turned her head and looked in horror. It turned out that a young man with white hair appeared strangely in front of the girl half step.

"You're so disappointed in me." The white-haired young man looked down at the girl and said indifferently: "I sent you to sneak into the rain, but even a small half-step emperor could not solve it, but she was secretly calculated."

The puppet girl looked pale: "The corpse emperor spares his life, and his subordinates are incompetent."

The white-haired young man is not someone else, it is the white-haired corpse emperor who escaped from Su Yu! !!

He actually appeared in the Dayu Dynasty.

"Just, Daoyu is imminent, there is no time to replace other people." The corpse frowned.

The young girl was pardoned: "Thank you, the corpse!"

He nodded, and the corpse emperor glanced at the devil virgin, and said lightly, "Looks like I have to borrow your head."

The demon virgin is not good in secret, and turns and flees.

But without escaping three steps, the skull flew away by itself, leaving a headless body running hundreds of feet before finally falling.

The demon virgin's head flew back to the corpse emperor's hands, his eyes widened, leaving shock and unbelievable before death.

She hasn't understood how she died.

扔 Throwing her head to the girl, the Emperor Bai Mao gazed at the other seven warriors and said indifferently: "Take care."

"Yes!" Who answered virtually.

Immediately afterwards, the gloomy dense forest continued to utter the terrible screams.

Qi Suyu clenched Liu Yemei's eyebrows and saw everything really, with a great surprise in her heart.

No wonder he had sensed a killing gaze. It turned out that this corpse girl had recognized Su Yu.

Fortunately, he was vigilant and did not rush forward, otherwise it would be troublesome to meet Bai Mao Corpse directly.

I waited for them to leave before Su Yu quietly appeared.

"The magic virgin is gone, it seems that I can only find the magic moon Langjun." Su Yu was helpless.

The tricky part of the magical moon prince is far above the magic virgin.

To stubbornly break into the palace, take away the three concubines, and leave calmly under the interception of several heaven and earth emperors, but it is really difficult to deal with.

But there is only one try.

The last time that the magic moon Langjun appeared, was the most prosperous blue house in the imperial city.

Wu Suyu didn't choose to come here, and a large part of the reason was that it was impossible for Magic Moon Langjun to stay in such a place with many eyes and eyes for too long.

So he came to investigate with an optional mentality.

Ignoring the solicitation of the old lady and the gorgeous dancers, Su Yu went straight into the room where the magic moon Lang appeared.

According to the news, Jun Yue Lang was in this room.

"Should have left long ago?" Su Yu thought, and the eyes of the perspective swept away randomly.

Unexpectedly, there were actually two people inside.

One of them, with peach eyes and jade face as a crown, is unusually handsome, and he is a well-known wanted criminal, Huan Yue Lang Jun.

He sat against him with a jade face boy with red lips and white teeth, which was also handsome.

The two were very happy to talk to each other, talking about the world as if they were old friends.

Xun Yueyue Langjun laughed and said, "It is a certain blessing to meet the Eastern brother. Come and drink this cup."

Puyu Nianxiao smiled and drank his head up, but his right hand placed on his thigh silently slipped off a pink dagger, stabbing away while Jun Yue Langjun raised his head to drink.

Wu Suyu looked at the score.

The magic moon Lang Jun on the opposite side seemed to be drinking, but the lips had the edge of the glass and did not drink a drop.

角 The corner of the upturned mouth is the same as the virgin!

I'm a trap!

Sure enough, the criminals who have never been exposed suddenly appeared suddenly, all with a purpose.

Xun Yueyue Langjun is not afraid of being exposed, and staying on the ground for three days is a trap.

Squinting at the jade-faced son, Su Yu was worried about his bad things and immediately used the Yin-Yang qi to teleport into the room.

The moment he pierced the small sword, he pushed him against the wall.

Sudden change that occurred to both of them was unexpected.

Hei Yueyuelang doesn't move, put down his glass, his eyes sharply: "Who are you?"

Su Suyu had not responded yet, and she heard the irritable scolding in her ear: "You are so bold!"

He looked intently, Su Yu poked his chest against the wall, and his right leg pressed against him, preventing him from subconsciously.

Su Su Yu said, "Don't be fooled, it's a trap."

I said, letting go of him.

Who would have expected that Jade-faced man's face flushed, rubbing his chest and saying, "Who are you?"

"Same as you, kill him." As a precaution, before entering the blue building, Su Yu changed his form with a blindfold.

Saitama's anger faded: "You say it's a trap, is there any evidence?"

Yun Su Yu shook her head: "No, but the trap should be on him."

Sweeping through the perspective, Su Yu clearly saw that the three-inch body surface of Huanyue Langjun traveled through a layer of invisible powder.

Anyone who comes near will be contaminated.

The powder must not be good.

"Oh, it seems that I have been staying for a long time, and smart people can already see that it is a trap." Hiroshi Tsukihiro chuckled: "So, have you ever thought, why am I still here?"

Needless to say, I want it, because all those who come to find trouble are dead.

His eyes are sharp, as if he can perceive people's hearts, staring at Su Yu: "It seems that you know, now that you know, then Ben Langjun will not leave you."


He shuddered, and the powder flowing around three inches around him immediately covered the whole house.

The wicked breath appeared immediately.

At the same time, the scene around Su Yu was distorted immediately, making him unable to distinguish between reality and reality.

"Knowing that I am proficient in illusions, I dare to break into a small space and say that you are smart to lift you up." Hiroshi Yukihiro stood up with a smile.

Xu Suyu was completely blank in front of her eyes, unable to locate the true location of the magic moon prince.

This is why he can escape from the three heaven and earth emperors calmly.

The jade-faced boy next to him was almost the same, his body swayed and fell on Su Yu.

"You can die, but this beautiful woman dressed as a man, you have to let her be the best, and then let her go." Meng Yuelang laughed evilly, hooked his fingers, and took the jade noodle boy away.

Xun was preparing to embrace her waist and her abdomen became abrupt.

He was a jade-faced boy in confusion, and suddenly a strange smile appeared.

When Jun Yuelang realized something was wrong, it was too late.

The son of Jade Jade Emperor suddenly shot two pieces of clear light in his eyes, and dropped the handle in his sleeve. After shaking it off, he flew out several shadows and immediately entangled the Yueyuelangjun.

Diffuse the audience's powder, lost control, and immediately sank, Su Yu returned to clarity in front of his eyes.

The son of Jade Jade noodles gently shook the folding fan, and the light cloud and light wind stood in front of the bound Junyue Langjun.

Wu Suyu was slightly surprised that Jade Face Boy was not affected by the powder.

"If it wasn't for your noisy affairs, he would have been subdued by me." The jade-faced prince glared at Su Yu angrily, remembering Su Yu's intimacy.

Wu Suyu was a little speechless.

In fact, he is not affected by the powder, but he poses and makes Huan Yuelang Jun relax his vigilance.

Who ever thought that Jade Face Master also had a hand.

He caught Magic Moon Langjun, and Su Yu lost his last goal.

"Is the mission doomed to fail?" Su Yu is helpless, with seven days left, where can I find the top 100 criminals?

Suddenly, Su Yu realized that everything was wrong.

The dangling powder suddenly had a movement.

"Be careful, leave Magic Moon Langjun soon!" Su Yu said subconsciously, and at the same time flashed over and threw the Jade-faced boy to the ground.

At almost the same moment, the floating powder quickly gathered into an invisible long sword, and stabbed an empty place in the place where the Jade Boy had just stood.

Wuying Long Sword fell into a palm in a roundabout.

的 Yan Yuelang, who was supposed to be bound, didn't face the trouble at all, but looked stubbornly: "Oh, interesting, forcing me to this, you are the first time."

嗤 啦 ——

Haw entangled his shadow and was easily shaken away by him.

The son of Saitama noodles was startled: "How can it happen? It is impossible for a half-step emperor to break free, how do you ..."

He didn't say any more, because the body of the magic moon Lang Jun naturally revealed the pure power of flood and wasteland!

The Emperor of Heaven and Earth!

半 The half-step emperor's fantasy moon prince was already the emperor of heaven and earth! !!

No wonder he dared to appear in the blue house without fear, without fear of hunting by the emperor.

Qi Su Yu's eyes sank and he urged the yin and yang wings of Taiji secretly.

"You say, what should I do with you? Ben Langjun, I'm really reluctant to kill you." Mengyue Langjun grinned, snow-white teeth seemed extraordinarily sensible: "It would be better to abolish your cultivation and let you live forever What about my slaves? Like the three beautiful princesses who were taken away by me. "

"Don't even think about it!" Yu Mianzi's face was red-eared and red, and Su Yu pressed to the ground, panting deeply.

Xun Yueyue Langjun smiled evilly: "That can't let you go, follow me, don't let me do it!"

In front of the Emperor, no matter how strong the overlord, there is no resistance.

Even the half step emperor.

Xun Sheng kills and wins, all in the thought of the emperor.

The son of Jade Jade Face clenched his teeth, as if a calamity was imminent, his eyes were dignified.

Instead, Su Yu smiled slightly: "That may not be necessary."

Ok? Wuyue Langjun frowned slightly: "So rich yin and yang two qi ... not good, this is yin and yang technique!"

He sighed swiftly ~ ~ A sword to Su Yu.

But Su Yu grabbed the jade face boy and moved out of the place instantly.

The next moment, they appeared ten billion miles away! !!

"Nice speed!" But just after landing, he passed the chuck of the magical moon lover from the sky.

How can Su Suyu's pupils shrink?

He launched the advanced version of Taiji Yinyang Wing, and the double crown world emperor may not catch up with Su Yu.

How could Yukiyuki Langjun catch up easily?

Oh no! He did not teleport 10 billion miles.

Wu Suyu keenly felt that powder remained around him.

It is these powders that have affected Su Yu's judgment of direction.

His teleportation spared a lap, just teleporting a billion distance away.

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