The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1776: Bailong coincidence

The beautiful woman in Bi skirt obviously stumbled a bit: "What kind of chess is you saying, the Taoist artifact left by that Taoist master, its existence, but it is only a legendary historical record, which has been accompanied by the fall of that Taoist master, completely Disappeared in the world.

The old man's eyes followed the direction of the disappearance of breath, and the old face flashed with lingering excitement: "History is after all historical history. The truth of history is always in the hands of only a few people. The sword leader once said that Cang Shengqi is still, With the burial of that Taoist, and opening up the Chess Chess in an unknown place, the Taoist lifeline can be opened. "

I heard that the beautiful woman in the Biskie dress changed dramatically: "The inheritance of the Taoist master"

"It is true that the sword lord speculates that the Taoist is dead and dead, but he may still have a part of his body, if he can get his remains," he said without a word, and the beautiful lady in the blue skirt was already deeply surprised.

What does the body of the Tao mean?

The blood, the bones, the muscles, and the flesh are all extraordinary treasures of cultivation and refining. They are more precious than any so-called heavenly treasures.

It should be noted that the Taoist masters were born by absorbing the wonders of the heavens and the earth.

But the Taoists are extremely rare, and after their fall, their remains will be taken away by the Zodiac Temple, and rarely leave.

Only the scarce remains of scattered repairs can be left out.

The Taoist in front of him is the scarce casual repair, and only his remains may be left.

"But, since Cangsheng Chess was obtained, why hasn't anyone started Cangsheng Chess for many years?" A deep doubt appeared in the eyes of the beautiful woman in Bi skirt.

The old man said: "It is only necessary for those who have the right to open to look at the Dark Star civilization. Unless the sword leader and the Dark King take the shot themselves, no one can start the game of Cangsheng, and everyone else is ashamed"

The beautiful woman in a green skirt took a sip of air-conditioning: "No wonder the four crown princes can turn on"

"Never mind, I will immediately split the alliance headquarters and notify the sword alliance owner in person, the heritage of that Taoist is no small matter."

In this regard, the beautiful woman in a green skirt had a little head and quickly left with the old white man.

"Bao Kun Master" returned to the Dust Free Pavilion after sending away the worship leader.

The three disciples methodically stabilized Zongmen, and went back and forth to Master Baokun.

"Master, everything has been settled." Heilian Demon King respectfully said, his heart was completely stable.

The news of Master Baokun's return informed the deacon that they all stabilized.

The dust-free Moon Sect, which is about to fall apart, is finally back on track if the land-cutting and reconciliation has not been announced.

The black lotus demon's eyes turned slightly, presented a copy of the jade bamboo slip, and handed it to Master Bao Kun: "Back to Master, this is an information I accidentally got a year ago, please Master."

The soul of Baokun swept away and immediately found out the news.

Much of the information obtained by torture Ba Yue.

Lord Bao Kun nodded slightly: "Very good, this information is very good. Who else knows this news besides you"

The black lotus demon is overjoyed, and it seems that the master is very concerned about this information.

Lord Bao Kun certainly cares, because he wants to block the news.

"Only the disciples and ten thousand people know." Hei Lian Yaojun always kept a hand, and never mentioned the existence of this important information to outsiders.

It ’s the second sister and the dustless gentleman. This is full of surprise, what information did the third brother give to the master?

Master Bao Kun said faintly: "Well, this matter is of great importance. I only want you and me to know and understand what I mean."

There was a gleam of cold light in his eyes.

The black lotus demon chuckled coldly: "The master is at ease, the disciples know what to do, and the disciples step back first."

He is of course going to kill the massacre

What is the identity of the mass murderer? The moon worshippers who died tragically in his hands did not know **** him.

The soul-separation in Baokun's body conveyed the message to Su Yu.

He was quite surprised to learn of this.

Surprisingly, Ba Yue is so stupid

Actually attempted to cooperate with Wuzong Yuezong to recover the day **** stone and Bai Diyu.

The cooperation is based on the premise that both sides have equal status. What is Ba Yue?

No weight, what is the difference between looking for the cooperation of Dustless Moon Sect and the sheep?

I thought everyone would be like him Su Yu, willing to cooperate in a fair way

She ended up at her own fault

With a sigh, Su Yu communicated the order through the connection between the soul and stabilized the Dustless Moon Sect.

Soon after, Su Yu appeared in the Bailong Mountains within the patriarch of the worship of the moon.

After a year, the Bailong Mountains are still showing traces of war damage, ruins, ruined towns, and wandering mortals.

With the help of moon worshippers, the parties began to rebuild.

Su Yu's heart felt so much, a thought from the superior can cause much killing and destruction

The weak are like dust, at the mercy of fate.

All wealth and power are wiped out in the face of absolute force.

In his heart, Su Yu's firmer martial arts heart will never stop for controlling the two forces.

In thought, he appeared in the Bailong Mountains, the former Bailong sub-helm.

The Elder Bailong missionary in charge of this area is directing the newly formed sub-helmsmen to rebuild the sub-helms.

Su Yu fell silently behind her until she said nothing: "How is the settlement after the war?"

Elder Bai Long shook his body, and subconsciously shouted: "Who"

She couldn't believe it, someone could be silent behind it without being noticed.

Turning his head, he was a man in a black robe who couldn't see his face clearly, not to mention the mysterious black robe.

She did n’t know her, but the breath of the token that the priest carried with her was fortunate enough that she felt a few times far away, and suddenly looked horrified, and hurriedly bowed down: "Subordinate Bailong see the priest"

Her voice was deliberately loud, and she passed around. People in all directions heard it, and they knelt in horror.

The worship of the **** of the moon

His old man came to Bailong City

Su Yu looked around and slowly raised her hand: "all flat"


As his eyes passed over a group of moon worshippers, Lusi was surprised.

He calmly retracted his gaze, as if nothing had happened.

"Elder Bailong, may those who have been killed have been registered?" Su Yu asked.

Elder Bailong shivered with more than a hundred books with densely carved names.

Su Yu turned it over, surprised, and stared at her: "You're intent on it, it's just a year away."

However, Elder Bailong said busyly: "The subordinates dare not take credit. This was hosted by the maiden last year. Under her care, the list of those missing and killed can be mostly found."

She Su Yu was slightly surprised and said, "Are there any other actions for the maiden?"

"Yes, she ordered her subordinates to open the White Dragon Treasury and try her best to distribute the resources to the families of the victims and missing persons." She was distressed: "The subordinates are ashamed and have not been able to accumulate much resources for many years. Instead, let the maiden free herself and share with her resources. "

Hearing this, Su Yu was silent for a moment.

She despised her. She thought she was a woman who loves power, but she didn't expect that her heart was unexpectedly good, and there was such an unknown side.

Slightly hesitant, Su Yu took seven or eight storage spaces and threw them all to Elder Bailong.

"These are also distributed to the family members on the roster."

Elder Bai Long took it subconsciously, sweeping it at will, and he could not help but change dramatically: "God, this, this is too much."

The resources of the eight storage spaces are no less than ten times that given by the saint, which is enough for the families of the victims to enjoy the carefree resources in their lives.

True division, I don't know how many moon worshippers to envy.

"These things were begged by Wushen Yuezong by this religion, and they were relieved." Su Yu said, and then looked at her with a little deep thought: "It's up to you, don't let me down."

Elder Bai Long trembled and bowed, "Subordinates do their best to ensure the completion of the task."

The meaning of the worshipper is obvious, don't be corrupt, or the consequences will be serious.

The fascination that had just sprouted in my heart was completely eliminated.

"Take care of things well."

The elder Bai Long overjoyed, and even claimed that he usually did not have the right to directly talk with the leader, and now the leader personally explains the task and must be successfully completed to get the trust of the leader.

Maybe she can go to Yangtai just like Yangtai.

"Leader, please move to the cold house and let me wait for the leader to catch the wind and wash the dust."

Su Yu said indifferently: "It is not necessary ~ ~ This teaching mainly deals with unknown people who have mixed in with me."

His eyes glowed like electricity, locking in the distant scattered moon worshippers who were rebuilding Bailong City.

"You all pretend to be worshippers of the moon, what are you doing?" At the foot of Su Yu, thousands of blades of space-sized blades, such as storms blowing over them, cut and shattered the black robes on them, revealing each Interracial man with abnormally fair skin.

The elder Bailong stunned for a moment, then his face changed suddenly, and he was furious: "Come, catch them all"

She couldn't wait to burn all those people. When it was not good to mix in the worship of the moon, it was when the leader came, and she was seen through by the leader.

At this moment, does the leader feel that she is very incompetent, letting tens of thousands of aliens join the worship

The maggots in his heart can be imagined.

After the aliens were exposed, Qi Qi changed his face and fled in all directions.

Su Yu's eyes were dull, and he waved again, and the blades of the space that flew out turned into a chain, and they all came together to restrain all the 10,000 aliens.

Even if they are struggling, few people can break the space chain off.

These are new insights into the magical use of the laws of space during the retreat.

With a glance away, Su Yu settled on one of the unsophisticated women, her expression panicked, and she stared in horror at the moon worshiper in black robe.

"You are their leader" What surprised her even more was that the other party judged her identity.

The reason why he was able to judge was, of course, not that Su Yu was a prophet, but that Su Yu knew her.

She is the domineering of the Days, and the skin with abnormally fair skin in front of her eyes is also a soldier of the Days.

They pretended to be moon worshippers and were active in the White Dragon City, and Su Yu showed them at a glance.

End of this chapter

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