The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1789: See the poor figure

She didn't say anything, but everyone at the scene understood it. Hunting Network

There is an abnormal danger here, and the danger of invisibleness is at your feet.

Taking the wrong step is likely to be back bitten by the tomb.

However, their attention was more drawn to the table at the end of the stone room.

Above the table, there is a pattern, which is continuously absorbing the power in all directions and converging in the groove.

And in the groove, a dark dust is gathered.

The dust gathers together, condensing into powder, the powder condensing into grit, and the grit gathering into a dragon-sized stone.

Star stone

The faces of those present changed at the same time, showing deep joy.

A total of ten

Of the ten star stones, as long as you get two of them, you can go to other civilizations and return successfully.

Everyone's eyes were glowing, and they were eager to try.

But no one rushed to take a step.

"Everyone, this array is created by the ancestors of the Nine Stars Nine Nine Nine Suns array. It can draw the power of nothingness and condense the stars. It can also turn the drawn power into its own use and become an attacking force. The power is very terrible. The wrong step is It ’s all over. Everyone is following in my footsteps. Do n’t make mistakes. "

The owner of Fengyun said solemnly, leading the way, stepping on a blue stone slab.

The owner of Feng Jian Ge followed closely behind, and also carefully.

Followed by the Qingmingfu mansion, the master Baokun, the maiden, the lonely walk and the owner's wife.

The seats here are absolutely strong outside, but in the small stone room, they are all walking on thin ice, so careful not to be careful.

Time passed little by little, seemingly no more than a few hundred feet away, but they seemed to have walked for a month.

Until arriving at the donation table, the owner of Fengyun wiped a sweat and showed a smile: "Fortunately, there is no mistake."

He moved his hands and feet at will, signalling that there was a safety zone near the table.

"As long as the table is not within three feet of the table, there will be no problem." Feng Yun said, he himself stared at the star stone formed in the groove, showing the fiery color.

The others saw this and surrounded them.

Staring at the groove, no one started.

"Everyone, how should Xingshi allocate" Fengyun Zhuangzhu looked around at everyone.

In the eyes of the owner of Feng Jiange Pavilion, there was a sharp coldness, and he said lightly, "Since everyone is coming in, it is better to **** by strength."

As soon as this word came out, everyone was alert to each other.

Isn't it true that you have to fight in a small area?

The head of Qingmingfufu was killing, and his mind was spinning fast.

Lonely and the owner's wife stepped back slightly, saying that they would not participate in the competition and do not shoot at them.

The owner of Fengyun also carefully pondered: "Is it my own skill?"

In terms of ability, no one present can compare with them.

There was a silence in the stone room. Everyone knew that everyone had to fight first.

At this moment, the taciturn Baokun suddenly said, and said lightly: "Dear people, if you fight here, it seems too rash to take a wrong step outside the range of three feet is death, and you are sure to take risks for Xingshi"

In fact, they all knew how dangerous it was to fight here.

It was only by the owner of Feng Jiange that they each came up with their own abilities, and they naturally became nervous.

"I agree with Master Bao Kun that if you want to compete for something, you have to change to another place." Qing Mingfu immediately said.

The owner of Feng Jiange looked at Master Bao Kun with a look of disappointment and said, "Then you should talk about how to allocate it to everyone's satisfaction. I will declare it first, and I will take three."

As soon as this remark was made, the others immediately glared.

"Why?" The Qingmingfu Lord first objected: "If you want three, then I want three."

They asked for six.

The owner of Fengyun Zhuang twisted his head and said, "Three are needed for both, so I don't have much truth, I also want three."

One was left in the end.

The maiden's eyes flashed: "The last one I want"

Right now, the worshipper of the moon worshiper is falling, she is alone and alone, it is good to get one, and she is really not qualified to compete with them.

Lonely and the owner's wife are incidental entrants, they are not eligible for distribution.

Master Bao Kun said negatively: "This is not necessary. It just happens to be completely allocated."

Um, a few people were amazed at Master Bao Kun, didn't he?

Qing Mingfu's main body looked slightly relaxed: "If the lord sacrifices himself and does not ask for Star Stone, then I have nothing to say."

A glimmer of strangeness flashed in the eyes of the owner of Feng Jian Ge, and he nodded slightly: "If this is the case, I have no opinion."

The owner of Fengyun nodded slightly: "It seems that everyone has reached an agreement, so start taking stars."

He took out the piece of Jade Ruyi and placed it on the grooved seal, and the seal opened immediately, revealing ten stars.

The owner of Fengyun Village took out three of them, immediately put them into the storage space, and then moved away.

Then came the owner of Feng Jiange, who also took out three.

Followed by Qingmingfufu, three were also taken out.

Finally, the maiden took out a complex look.

All ten stars were distributed and they were all happy.

The host of Qingmingfu immediately said: "Since Xingshi has arrived, let's leave as soon as possible, and ask the owner to lead the way."

The moment he was here, he was more disturbed.

This place gave him an unusual sense of danger and it was better to leave as soon as possible.

The owner of Fengyun took the time to carry his hands, and the corner of his mouth evoked a meaningful smile: "It should be said, let the owner give you a ride."

The meaning revealed in the words suddenly changed the face of those present.

The owner of Qingmingfu House frowned: "Zhuangzhuang, I don't understand what you say, what do you mean?"

"Literally." Fengyun Zhuangran calmly said, "If you take the Star Stone, you will have no regrets. You will be on the road like this, and this Zhuangru will be kind to you."


The Lord Feng Jiange, the Lord of Qingming Prefecture, and the maiden retreated to the edge of the range of Sanzhang, showing indifference.

The owner of Feng Jiange said, "Zhuang, it's not good to joke at this time, it's better to take us away as soon as possible, otherwise we really misunderstand, we will hurt you if we join forces."

The host of Qingmingfu Man's face was calm and said nothing.

It should have been expected that the owner of Fengyun opened the Tomb of Fengyun with absolutely no good intentions.

Ten stars, how could he give up

Star stone

Leng Bingding, the owner of Qingming House threw out the entire space container without thinking.

However, it was a step too late. From his storage container, a black mist erupted, covering him instantly.

With a scream, the Qingming government turned into a pool of blood.

The owner of Feng Jiange also changed his face sharply, and said lowly, "Zhuang, how dare you?"

An infinite amount of black mist also appeared in his container, which enveloped him on the spot and turned it into a piece of blood.

The maiden's face was frozen, and before she acted, she was enveloped by a black mist on the spot and turned into a blood mist.

In a blink of an eye, the owner of Fengjiange, the master of Qingmingfu, and the maiden all died, and the former worshipper of the moon worshipped all died.

Five major factions in the south, only Fengyun owner and Baokun left

The owner of Fengyun Zhuang glanced at his loneliness, ticked his mouth, and turned his gaze towards Baokun. He smiled, "Baokun, just be smart, you can see the clue, and not touch the star."

There is no doubt that the murderous trick of the owner of Fengyun Zhuang is not hidden in the middle, but hidden in Xingshi itself.

They are too wary of the owner of Fengyun, and it is too difficult to plot them halfway.

Star Stone is the best choice. When faced with the treasures at hand, precautions are the lowest.

Lord Bao Kun said coldly: "These star stones were fake just now. The real ten star stones were actually put away by you. In the past five days, you must have been to the tomb and taken away. Star Stone, right? "

The owner of Fengyun Village looked at Baokun, and laughed, "Why the things in Fengyun Village should be given to you as an outsider. As you said, I have been here a few times in five days, and I am laying out a kill. The bureau of all of you is now basically successful. "

Baokun humanely said: "So, the huge seal at the entrance is actually prepared to kill someone"

"Yes." Feng Yunzhuang's mouth twitched deeply and walked towards Lord Bao Kun: "If not, how could the moon worshiper die so easily?"

Sure enough, he suddenly withdrew for a reason when the worshipper taught him to cross the passage.

"In order to kill a person, do you hesitate to destroy the seal and cause damage to it?" Lord Bao Kun asked sarcastically. For this reason, it is amazing to destroy the ancient tombs of the ancestors.

However, unexpectedly, the owner of Fengyun said quietly: "I don't have such a great ability to damage the seal. It is the damage that has occurred suddenly in the past two years. It should be the seal that has been in trouble for many years."

He didn't know when or who the seal was damaged by.

"So far, Bao Kun, you are not my opponent at all, it is not difficult to kill you."

Master Baokun is not afraid ~ ~ Danran said: "You can try it."

"Really try it" Fengyun Zhuang's face turned cold, his figure flashed.

However, instead of rushing to Lord Bao Kun, he changed direction temporarily and suddenly appeared in front of Mrs. Zhuang, grasping her throat: "Oh, Madam, it is safer to send you on the road first."

The lady's wife changed her face and said arduously, "Father, I don't understand what you say"

The owner sneered and took out the three stars he got, sneer: "You must be very strange, why is it OK for me to take three fake stars, right?"

There was a trace of pity and murder on his face: "I love you so much, you want to kill me"

"Fu Jun, you are confused. The three star stones you took were originally true and you arranged them yourself. You will be the first to get three real star stones. Naturally nothing will happen."

The owner of Fengyun Zhuang has a deeper killing: "Then you tell me why, after I set it up, you stole my jade Ruyi, sneaked in here, and replaced the three true star stones with fake ones. You want me and the rest People killed together, right? "

It is a pity that the owner of Fengyun noticed everything and re-arranged.

Suddenly, the owner's wife turned pale.

The owner's face showed a dark look: "What I hate most is that someone betrays me and dies."

With his five fingers, he was going to be pinched to death, but then a cloud of blood suddenly appeared in the place of Qingmingfufu, showing a pale face of Qingmingfufu.

A porcelain doll-like villain was pinched in his hands, covered with cracks.

As it appeared, it suddenly shattered.

The owner's face changed slightly: "Move flowers and trees"

The head of Qingmingfu Mansion was resentful and sneer: "It is not so easy to kill the owner of this mansion"

After all, he is the master of a house, how can there be no means to save his life?

End of this chapter

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