Die Er **** his mouth small and tall: "Shit, what are you talking about? This is the drunk fairy wine brewed by Grandpa, how could it be poisonous"

Suddenly, Butterfly's breathing was difficult, and her eyes widened unbelievably, staring at the grandpa close by. Hunting Network.

But seeing Grandpa look cold, staring at Su Yu coldly, he said lightly, "I know you have a problem."

She grabbed the butterfly and gave her a pill.

Die Er immediately recovered, angrily: "Grandpa, you want to poison me"

"I want to poison you, and still allow you to live to this day." The old man rolled his eyes and stared at Su Yu: "I want to try our fellow, who will let you sip first."

"I" Butterfly glared at him angrily: "I'm not your granddaughter, aren't there any grandfather who even poisons his granddaughter?"

She has a grudge on her face.

Su Yu chuckled lightly: "Butterfly Girl, be calm and calm, this is not a deadly poisonous wine. For our overlord level, it will not be harmful, it will only make us overpowered.

Upon hearing that, Dieer glared at Grandpa: "What do you want to do?"

The old man's light flashed, the power of flooding suddenly came down, shrouded around Su Yu, and said coldly: "Of course, he was arrested and investigated carefully."

"Ah, grandpa, you are crazy," Dieer said in surprise.

However, the old man couldn't help but hold Su Yu's shoulders and asked, "Who are you?"

Su Yu didn't move, let him hold on, exactly, didn't want to move.

Otherwise, a single crown lord can be destroyed with a finger.

"I am a passerby you saved." Su Yu said indifferently.

The old man Lengheng: "Passers and passersby can penetrate the space container and feel the soul breath fluctuations that I can not sense. I guess, you are actually a person from Langyan Tribe. You want to take the opportunity to get my trust and mix here ,right"

Su Yu sighed: "Hey, I just want to know the Holy Mountain from your mouth."

He was really helpless.

Let them alone whoever they would be killed by the wolf smoke tribe, and who would be mistaken for them by the wolf smoke tribe.

It's really hard to be human.

"Do what you want, then what do you want to do with me?" Su Yu asked indifferently.

He had already made it clear that the highest one here was the leader of the Rising Sun Tribe, the existence of a double crown prince.

Whether he wants to leave or stay, no one can do anything.

"Well, before the investigation is clear, the old man will not kill you, but will send you to Shijiao to reflect." The old man took Su Yu, left the world of Dongfu as soon as he walked, and came outside the camp, inside one of the vacant tents .

That Dongfu world is all mountain after mountain.

The mountains were all hollowed out and opened into continuous cages. Numerous annoying people have been detained in them.

This is the cave world where the Rising Sun tribe holds prisoners.

The old man took him to a heavy guard, a cage with a forbidden seal.

"Give you three days to reflect." The old man said indifferently, then folded away and left.

Su Yu sighed, and the cage naturally couldn't hold him, but if she wanted to get the news, she might start with the inmate in front of her.

Of course, they don't need to give Su Yu deliberately, they will also pay special attention to Su Yu.

"Hey, boy, fine-skinned tender meat, come here for the first time." His inmates were a few men with fierce looks.

One of them licked his lips, looked at Su Yu up and down, and his face was meaningful.

Su Yu said lightly: "First time, um, by the way ask you something."

The inmate who was neither a man nor a girl held her orchid finger and twisted her waist: "Yes, I know the most, but there is no news in the world. If you are willing to stay with me for one night, think I can tell you anything I know. "

Su Yu smiled: "Okay, I'll stay with you all for one night."

Soon, the prison in the deep mountains remembered the sorrows that followed.

The day after tomorrow, Su Yu's fingers left the brows of the last inmate.

He rummaged through the memory of more than a dozen people, and sure enough he got a lot of useful news.

This includes the holy mountain.

The sacred mountain is closed all year round and is not open to the outside world, let alone people.

Whenever you enter, no one can survive.

Because the sacred mountain is exceptionally special, it can release the strong pressure that puts people to death at any time. Even if it is the three crown lords, it will be crushed to death instantly.

Only those who serve the sacred mountain of the Dark King can walk freely on the sacred mountain.

Su Yu's plan to sneak into the sacred mountain was not feasible at all.

However, there is only one case where the Holy Mountain will be open to the outside world.


Once every 100 years, small and large tribes send black statues to the holy mountain.

Only then will the pressure on the Holy Mountain be dissipated.

Want to enter the holy mountain, only at that time.

After understanding this, Su Yu smiled slightly, and it was time to leave for the holy mountain.

He flicked his fingers and was about to shake the holy mountain.

Leng Buding, a thief of a thief and a brain came from outside the cage: "Hey, stupid, are you inside?"


"Yes." Su Yu retracted her finger and came to the door. "Why are you here?"

But seeing Butterfly holding a key in her hand, Xiaoyingying opened the prison door and said, "Why, don't you want me to come, then I'll go."

"Wait." Su Yu smiled.

"Yi" Dieer giggled and said: "Look at this lady to come to a beautiful lady to save melancholy"

With a bang, she opened the prison door, glanced at the prisoner lying on the floor, and covered her mouth with a smile: "I'm still worried about you being lonely. It turned out to be quite lively."

Su Yu asked, "Where's your key?"

"Stolen puppet." Dieer said indifferently: "I think the old guy was confused and stunned to save us, but still locked you up, really, I have to make up for him Fault. "

Su Yu didn't speak, and if he were an old man, he would have some doubts.

For the safety of the tribe, the old man did nothing wrong.

"Go, don't say it, I'll send you out of the tribe." Dieer gave Su Yu a brand new robe.

Coupled with the identity of the butterfly, they very easily left the caged cave world from under the guard's eyelids.

Outside, there are two wild beasts prepared by Butterfly.

Riding them, Dieer has been sending Su Yu out of the sphere of influence of the tribe.

Standing at the border, Dieer took out a booklet and threw it to Su Yu.

"no need to thank me."

Su Yu opened it, but it is a more detailed map of the holy mountain area, the introduction of the major tribes, and the detailed description of the holy mountain.

The handwriting was still clear, apparently written last night.

"Butterfly" Su Yu stared at her, suddenly feeling that Qin Xianer coincided with her figure.

If Fairy were there, so would it.

"Call me a woman" Dieer raised her chin, Xingmu stared at him, and then said: "Let's go, this woman's mission is here, take care of yourself."

She raised her whip and was ready to spur the barbarian.

Suddenly, a slight shock came from far and near.

Su Yu immediately released the eyes of the sky, and observed from a long distance, seeing the scene in front of her eyes, she could not help shrinking her pupils.

On the other side of the Rising Sun Tribe, tens of thousands of wild beasts rushed into the Rising Sun Tribe.

Countless powerful aliens flew down from the beasts and slaughtered into large and small tribes.

The attack came unexpectedly, and the Rising Suns did not have the slightest preparation to rush into battle.

The powerful breath of a double crowned champion rose from the sky inside a particularly large tent.

A gold-faced middle-aged man rushed out in anger: "You smoke horde, you dare to violate the covenant and openly war"

The tribes within the holy mountain are under the control of the holy mountain, and the war between the tribes that can't kill each other by themselves is not allowed.

Because war is bound to bring destruction, those who die in large numbers, who will give birth to faith.

"Hahaha, Nitto come, you are too far away from the holy mountain, the news is too backward, even the new command from the holy mountain is unknown." Brush it, a wolf head flew from the beast of the wolf smoke tribe. Life, a human bone mace hanging obliquely around the waist.

Middle-aged golden noodles took a breath: "Three Collars of the Wolf Tribe"

Langyan Tribe is a first-class tribe, and it is also one of the three major tribes of the Holy Mountain.

In comparison, the Rising Sun Tribe can only be regarded as a medium tribe. In the Holy Mountain, there are no less than a hundred such medium tribes.

The wolf smoke tribe has a very wide range of influences, often relying on strong force to expel and plunder the remaining weak tribes, rob their population, and take their statues of faith.

The small tribe can be described as troublesome but helpless.

As long as the Wolf Smoke Tribe does not kill people ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ does not move the war, and only rely on dozens or hundreds of powerful armed plunders, the Holy Mountain will not punish them.

For years, only small tribes have been eroded.

Medium-sized tribes, the wolf smoke tribes can only plunder if they wage war.

Therefore, although the Rising Sun Tribe knew the stigma of the Langyan Tribe, they were caught off guard at the moment to watch out for their war.

Nitto came with a heavy look.

Not to mention their hasty response, there is simply no time to mobilize sufficient effective combat power.

Even if there is, this sudden battlefield will definitely lose

The wolf smoke tribe has the top of three double crown champions. The three collars are the weakest one, but even the weakest, it is stronger than his middle tribal leader.

The real fight is not an adversary at all.

Hearing the grievous cries and roars of the people in the world of the big and small caves, seeing a statue of faith was snatched by the wolf smoke tribe, and Ridong yelled: "The people of the rising sun tribe should fight against the enemy"

However, it was too late to kill the enemy.

The unsuspecting Rising Sun Tribe was killed by the Langyan Tribe without leaving a piece of armor.

Every Dongfu world is fighting extremely hard.

Among them, an ordinary Dongfu world.

Butterfly's grandfather, who was closed by the side of Lingchi, growled and played against a single crown lord at the same time.

There are corpses all over the hut, and they are the half-step emperors who guard the cave world. At this moment, they are all frozen corpses.

"Mingguang, you know who I am" The single crown fighter who met with him is a man in a black robe.

The old man stared at him coldly: "The statue that snatches the rising sun tribe, no matter who it is, will not let you succeed"

"Hehe" the man in black robe smiled coldly: "No matter who it is, if it is me"

He immediately took off the black robe above his head, revealing his true content.

End of this chapter

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