The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1803: Out of control

With one hand of Su Yu, the space around Ridong came to a blockade, forming an impenetrable space cage. Hunting Delta

If he has a body, he may forcibly break through the cage of space, but he only has a soul.

Understatement that shattered Nitto's body, imprisoned his soul, and the world leader of the Dongfu world present, not only did he not block it, he was extremely excited.

Of course, there are also a few confidantes from Japan and East.

Also ugly is Shan Lingfei.

His face was full of blood from Nitto, but there was no previous madness and spirit.

Like a poor worm who has just fallen from the peak of life to an underestimated life, he knelt on the ground with a gimmick: "I know what was wrong with my predecessor, I changed the former, and rejoined the rising sun tribe. I will never do anything for the tiger, no matter what you let me do I will obey your orders "

Su Yu stared at him indifferently, and shook his head gently: "Your eyes tell me that if you have the opportunity, you will intensify and recover ten times the humiliation you have suffered today. It is useless for someone like you."

With a flick of his finger, a ray of silk flew out of his wrist, cutting his head neatly.

The connected soul is also cut and shattered.

Of the ten peace talks messengers, only the last one was alive, but he was stiff, his feet were like lead, and he couldn't move without standing.

Looking at Su Yu's eyes was like looking at a cannibal demon.

What kind of strength is this?

Only big collars can compare with it.

When Su Yu looked over, he screamed, and his legs slumped to the ground.

With a flick of a finger, Su Yu cut all the levels of the other eight messengers from Nidong and threw them all to him: "This is a gift from the Rising Sun Tribe peace talks. The peace talks are over. Tell your two leaders and wait for me Take their lives. "

"go with"

Can not help but say, Su Yu thought, a force of space wrapped him and ten great heads, teleported away from the Rising Sun tribe.

After doing this, with a wave of Su Yu's sleeve gown, all the long blood was completely wiped out.

He left the Dongfu world silently, and came to a collapsed Dongfu world.

Holding both hands, the broken Dongfu world was condensed into a humanoid statue kneeling on the ground.

Face and form are truly beyond doubt.

Then, he took a trick and took a photo of the face of Ridong's soul. He flicked his fingers, and a ray of true dragon enveloped his soul.

At the time when he can adjust, the high-temperature moment of the true dragon and **** of fire burns him, but he is not fatal.

At the same time, Su Yu infused a pure life force into his soul, releasing a trace of release.

When his soul weakens, it is released to keep his soul immortal.

In this way, let him endure the torture of the true dragon and God's fire for eternal life, and he will die completely until the life force is exhausted.

"Since you are speaking for the people of the Rising Sun Tribe, then lead by example and express it with actual actions." Su Yu calmly said: "Punish you for kneeling in the stone statue for a thousand years, kneeling to remorse those who were killed by you. . "

With five fingers and a button, he punched his soul into the kneeling stone statue.

At the same time, Su Yu's law of death was scored in the stone statue.

If anyone wants to smash the stone statue and save Nitto's soul from coming out, he must first bear the attack of the law of death.

Under the double crown, it will die.

The rushed out Dongfu world controllers applauded.

What Su Yu did was just so popular

Out of the crowd, the light emerged. As a young man who inadvertently brought back in his dream, he turned out to be a powerful man.

What a terrible character Nitto came from

I was killed so easily

Such terrible strength, he only heard of the leader of the wolf smoke tribe.

"Predecessor Su, who had offended in the past, please senior Haihan." Mingguang couldn't help remembering that he had put Su Yu in prison.

With this in mind, I couldn't help but be frightened.

"It doesn't matter." Su Yu didn't take it for granted.

Mingguang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and bowed to Su Yu, together with several other world champions of the single crown king of Dongfu, "I'd like to thank the seniors of Su."

Without Su Yu's shot, they do not know how long they will endure the bullying from Nitto.

Su Yu exerted a force of space from the air and lifted them up, showing guilt: "Sumou deserves your gratitude, and ashamed, the horde invasion was caused by me."

Mingguang was puzzled and said: "What did Senior Su mean?"

Su Yu said: "The three leaders of the Wolf Smoke Tribe were killed by me, and it was appropriate that they drew revenge from the Wolf Smoke Tribe."

However, to put it bluntly, the Langyan tribe is indeed under pressure, but only 10,000 people have been killed.

It was the tribe who led the Ridong to actually kill and kill the Rising Sun tribe.

"What, Senior Susu also killed the three collars." Everyone took a breath.

What is his strength

The three leaders of the Wolf Smoke Tribe can be far more powerful than Ridong.

It ’s okay to slay Nitto, it's so strong that it can slay the three collars

Simply incredible

Mingguang returned to God and said busyly: "Seniors must not say so, Nitto came to be cruel and internal, and did not dare to retaliate against the Langyan Tribe. The seniors killed the three leaders, but they did what we wanted to do but were unable to do it. We Thank you for not having enough time to talk about blaming those sacrificed people. If Iizumi knows it, I would not blame the predecessors. "

Su Yu sighed: "I don't kill Boren, Boren died because of me, and I'm ultimately responsible for their death."

He did not shy away from his fault.

If there was an early retreat, there would probably not be so many grievances that strangled innocently.

Ming Guang sighed. Compared with the selfish and self-interested Nidong, Su Yu was almost noble.

"Predecessor Su, we are very grateful for everything you have done for the Rising Sun Tribe. Now, please also leave, presumably the strength of the predecessor, as long as you do not meet the two leaders of the Wolf Smoke Tribe, there should be no problems.

"I will also put away the Dongfu world, break through each other, and strive to lead the people to escape from the siege and find a place to settle again."

Su Yu listened and said, "Wait a moment."

Mingguang hesitated: "Senior, I'm afraid I can't wait any longer. The wolf smoke tribe learned that the peace talks messenger had been killed, and he would definitely come over. It may be difficult to leave at that time."

After hearing this, Su Yu shook her head slightly: "I'm waiting for them to send peace talks messengers to come and come and ask us for peace."

Sum up, send us

Many Dongfu world masters face each other incredibly.

Even if Su Yu is strong, can he surpass the second collar of Langyan Tribe?

That was the top power in the later period of the double crown.

In addition to him, there is a big collar

In addition to the great collar, there are thousands of single crown princes. With Su Yu alone, he can do nothing to the wolf smoke tribe.

At the same time.

A tsunami-like army of wolf smoke tribes appears to be encircling, approaching one after another, and encircling to the rising sun tribe.

A mobile camp of the Chinese army was carried by hundreds of barbaric beasts, and marched towards the Rising Sun Tribe as the army moved forward.

In the barracks, two people sitting opposite each other were playing chess at leisure.

One of them had the black sun in his eyebrow, which was the second leader of Langyan Tribe.

The other is a one-eyed middle-aged man.

Elegant temperament, pale face, if not the only one eye left, destroying temperament, I am afraid that no one can think of it, the person in front of him is a big leader of the wolf smoke tribe.

Rumor has it that a peak near the Triple Crown exists

"The elder brother has a lot of skill in chess, and the second brother is ashamed." The second leader thought hard for a long time, but he sighed helplessly and gave up.

The big collar chuckled lightly: "The skill of chess lies in strategic planning and grasp of chess pieces. A good chess piece can often turn decay into magic and reverse the world."

"Oh, my brother said that I don't understand these, anyway, I'm not interested in chess art, but my brother has always been in love with chess art." Erling laughed.

If Da Ling had a deep meaning: "I'm not interested in chess, but I've been waiting for a game of chess."

"The elder brother's words are a bit esoteric, the second brother can't understand, there is any chess in the world that needs the elder brother to wait for," Erling Hu suspected.

The big collar was a little stunned, and his eyes were clear: "Well, I have waited for tens of millions of years, and I have been waiting for that game to start. If I can be lucky enough to join the game, maybe I will have the hope to break through 桎梏 and become the three-time champion.

The second collar throbbed: "What chess game is so special ~ ~ It can make my brother find the opportunity to break through the triple crown"

The leader of the "Cangsheng chess" spit out the three words, his eyes were unprecedented sharp.

Second collar surprised, why Cang Shengqi never heard

I was about to inquire, the newspapers came outside, and the messengers of the peace talks returned, and something happened to report them.

The two collars couldn't help but grinning: "It seems to be fooling around those stupid things. The elder brother really had a good plan and sent an ambassador to let his collar and his people spin away from Germany. They also let them relax their guard. In this way, we It will be very easy to exterminate the Sunburst tribe. "

Da Ling shook his head in disapproval: "It's not that I'm clever, but that Nitto is so stupid, so stupid that I can't give a little victory."

"In any case, the second brother cannot learn from this trick," the second leader laughed, and then said, "Let the peace talk messenger come in."

The camp opened, but only one person came in.

The second collar frowned and said, "Why is it only you, Shan Lingfei, that you are not responsible for this peace talk?"

Hearing that the messenger threw himself on his knees and said, "The subordinate is incompetent and does not protect Shan Lingfei well."

He took out Shan Lingfei's head.

The second leader saw him, apparently choked, he was dead

There is no sorrow in his eyes. In his opinion, Shan Lingfei is just a dog that can be discarded at any time, but this dog is extremely fierce and very easy to use.

The big collar was slightly puzzled: "How could Ridong come to allow him to be killed by the rising sun tribe?"

Based on his analysis, Nitto came from a gluttonous and fearful death pawn. Under the tension created by him, he should spare no effort to serve Shan Lingfei.

The messenger took out another head from Nitto and trembled, "He is dead."

Suddenly, the big neck pupil shrank, and a sense of loss of control sprang up.

End of this chapter

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