The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1837: Final moment

"Cangsheng chess is over!"

But at this moment, Su Yu, who was subdued, suddenly got out of trouble and took out the props of the Five Crown Kings.

The sword leader is terrified: "How do you ..."

Without the control of the Crown of Heaven and Earth, how could the remains suddenly let go?

That's because the remains didn't catch Su Yu at all, they just did it.

The five-level crown-level props urged, a magnificent force, burst out.

Su Yu, holding the props, suddenly felt shocked, and his hair was upright.

In the face of this power, he seemed faint, and any resistance was unnecessary.

Even if he opened his eyes in a hurry, most of them could not stop the blow.

And this is just the feeling as an onlooker.

What kind of despair should the sword leader swept by this force?

In the picture, a wild will swept away, and the body of the sword confederate fell apart and collapsed, together with the soul, all collapsed.

When Cangsheng's will was completely dispersed, except for the mottled fragments, there was no trace of the sword leader.

This is the prestige of the five crown lords. In front of them, the four crown lords are nothing but dust, and they are instantly destroyed.

However, before the dust has fallen, the crushed fragments have a tendency to regroup!

An angry will roared back and forth: "Ask the flower! How dare you collude with an outsider to harm me!"

Asked about the fragrance of Huaxiang's body, her eyes trembled, her long eyelashes couldn't stop shaking, she stared at the reorganized fragments, and fell into infinite despair.

The sword leader is not dead yet!

Su Yu flashed coldly: "The end of the crossbow!"

He flew over in one step, seized the crown of Dahua's palm in a daze, and immediately urged him.


With a thought, the remains of the five crown lords suddenly rushed away, and the fragments that were about to be reorganized were scattered again.

"Human race! The Confederate master cultivates the law of immortality, you can't kill me!"

The voice of resentment resounded again, and the fragments after the bombardment had re-condensed posture.

"Hum!" Su Yu hummed gently, mobilizing the continuous sky bombardment of the collapsed sky and the divine house.

Once, ten times, hundred times, thousand times ...

The scattered pieces were reorganized again and again, they were broken up again and again.

Su Yu's eyes sank little by little. Is the law of immortality too tricky?

He chose to expel Fu Bingyu to forty, and suddenly cut Su Yu into pieces.

Fu Bingyu said with a slight sigh of relief: "Finally dead ..."

Unexpectedly, the dead words have not yet been spoken out, and there was a flash of light in the place, and Su Yu lived out of thin air, and jumped alive, without any major problems.

For a moment, the other party escaped without a trace using the Taiji Yin Yang wing.

"The law of life is complete?" With Fu Bingyu's experience, she couldn't help but stunned, she couldn't believe her eyes.

Eight major uprights, understand three of them?

The intention of killing in his heart was stronger than ever.

Such a world-famous genius either doesn't mess with it, and if it provokes it, he must die!

An unexplained fear haunted my heart.

"Yun Qianshuang, Painting Soul, Leng Yun, Master Bao Kun, and the host of Qingming Mansion are obliged to guard Su Yu near the Cangsheng Realm and intercept Su Yu, even if only for a moment!" Fu Bingyu rumored.

When Su Yu rushed to the front of Cang Shengyu ~ ~ the three men were arranged in order.

As for Lord Baokun and the host of Qingming Mansion, what made Su Yu's pupils shrink slightly is that the flesh and blood on their body was smashed, revealing the cricket body hidden inside.

And, being strangled by Yun Qianshuang with some kind of powerful silk thread, he could not struggle.

Yun Qianshuang's mouth evoked a smile of laughter: "It's really surprising, Master Bao Kun and Qingming Manchu are as fake as you!"

This woman really saw through the disguise of Su Yu from the beginning!

What makes Su Yu feel dignified is that he was connected to two puppet souls, but they were caught, but he didn't get the slightest news.

Even if Fu Bingyu took the shot himself, it was impossible for Su Yu to get nothing.

This woman's strength ... too weird!

(End of this chapter)

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