The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1840: Named Nirvana ??

I only feel that the space-time has changed abruptly, and the area where the bones of the Taoist master are all transferred to Cangsheng Realm.

Two jade bones hung quietly in front of Su Yu.

Yun Qianshuang's solar term: "Good boy, I'll kill you, I'll be cheaper in the end! Give me half, we can still talk well!"

Su Yu disagreed: "Sorry, the bones of the Taoist also reused for me."

"Hey, don't think that my niece will look at you and you can do whatever you want. It really upsets me, be careful I strip your pants and spank!" Yun Qianshuang stared at Su Yu.

"You have the ability to come in!" Su Yu smiled slightly.

唰 ——

Suddenly, when she saw the ill-mannered virgin, she did not know when she broke into the Cangsheng Realm.

Many beings in the realm of the living world immediately gave up the will to resist.

"She is my friend." Su Yu said, so the maiden came in securely.

After being saved, the maid patted her breasts, grieving, "You eat meat, I follow the road, hey, I don't have anyone as a maid!"

Su Yu smiled unsmiling, flicked his sleeves, took out a rootless purple imperial wood: "Send you."

The maiden's eyes suddenly brightened, and she was pleasantly surprised, "The rootless purple imperial wood! You have such a good thing, why not take it out earlier?"

"Haha ..." Su Yu laughed and said nothing.

The two looked at each other with ease, and did not put Yun Qianshuang and Fu Bingyu with purple teeth in their eyes.

I asked Hua, Huahun, Lengyun and others for a while. Are these two guys wondering that after the end of Cangsheng chess, everyone will be teleported back to their original positions?

Back to the Dark Star civilization, they have no way to go to heaven, no way to escape!

Fu Bingyu narrowed his eyes and hummed, "Put things on you for a while, and get your life back together!"

As soon as Yun Qianshuang heard it, he was leisurely and contented, giggling: "Little guy, I heard? Now, please protect your life too soon, of course, you have to surrender the bones of the Taoist, and by the way give the Emperor's sword I."

Su Yu turned a deaf ear and looked at the maiden, who smiled sweetly: "Let's go, start teleporting immediately, and leave as soon as possible."

When they walked over to the ancestral hall of the royal family, after opening the spiritual seat and table, the cross-civilization teleportation array, as well as the star map and star stone were exposed.

Su Yu lightly moved it, a powerful teleportation force across civilization, engulfed both of them.

Yun Qianshuang, with a laid-back look, suddenly paused: "Wait ... where's the cross-civilian teleportation team? Well, don't go! Don't go!"

Fu Bingyu was so angry that his chest was about to explode, and an old blood stuck in his throat could not be spit out.

There is actually a cross-civilization teleportation array!

Where did they go after they left the Dark Star civilization?

There are countless calculations, but the cross-civilization teleportation team left by the Cangsheng Taoist priest is not used to protect the winner of Cangsheng Chess.

The white light flashed, and Su Yu and the maiden teleported away.

Cangsheng Qi also began to teleport everyone back to the Dark Star civilization.

Feeling the dark environment of the Dark Star civilization, Yun Qianshuang gritted his teeth with anger: "Abominable human race boy, the old woman is hard, seeing that the bones of the Taoist hand are going to be taken away by you! The old woman cannot spare you!"

She flashed her eyes and shot in the direction of Xingsu Hai: "Don't let me run into you!"

At the same time, an angry roar came from the raw mountain, shaking the entire holy mountain range.

The holy mountain that lay across all eternity, trembled gently, and returned to stability.

"Su Yu, the king swears you will be ashamed!"

In the nothingness, a light penetrates the dark nothingness and descends on a two-star civilization.

The huge movements trembled the entire civilization.

A mountain peak was penetrated by the light and smashed on the spot. The two figures fell slightly embarrassedly.

"Whew! The taste transmitted across civilizations is really uncomfortable." The maiden was able to stand still and said helplessly.

On the other side, Su Yu also stabilized, looked around, and said, "I don't know what civilization this is? The teleportation array has no fixed destination, it should be a random teleportation."

The maiden looked at Su Yu with a lot of time, with a smile, and said with a smile: "Well, we are all out of the Dark Star civilization, you should fulfill your promise."

"What promise?" Su Yu froze, and then she remembered that the maiden used the four-level king-level props to help him kill President Zhang, provided that he showed his true content first.

"Okay." After a moment's thinking, Su Yu lifted off the extremely dark dust robe, revealing a face, which was not Su Yu's face, but another person's.

To be on the safe side, Su Yu's true face is still not revealed.

The maiden's tightly staring eyes crossed a trace of disappointment.

A few times, she once wondered if the person in front of her would be Su Yu.

It just seems that I think too much.

How could Su Yu come to Taichu?

"It's your turn." Su Yu is also curious about the true face of the maiden, a strange existence that can die continuously, what he looks like, he is quite curious.

The maiden took off her white robe, exposing an ordinary human face.

Su Yu said: "It's more ordinary than I expected."

"Aren't you the same?"

The maiden gathered her disappointment and said, "Where are you going?"

"Xingsu Haihai." Su Yu did not lie.

He has achieved success in training, and it is time to go back to Xingsuhai to see if the Temple of Underworld is still there.

If it is, then save Huangfu Lieyang and others.

"Oh, then we have to say goodbye." The maiden Mulu felt a bit lonely: "All the feasts in the world, Su Gongzi, we will have a period.

She took out a scroll and lay it on the ground, with the stars flowing on it, looking even more obscure than the star map.

"What is this?" Su Yu was curious.

Virgin Mary: "This is a compressed version of the cross-civilization teleportation array. Once urged, you can communicate with people on the other side of the formation. He can use great magic to bring me back to me."

Su Yu listened to her heart.

It is simple to say, but it is difficult to imagine.

The role of this teleportation array should be just a simple positioning. The great thing is that the strong person who took her away from the air.

What is it to take people across civilizations? The five crown lords cannot do it either!

"Sir, what did you mean earlier that I should not stay in the Dark Star civilization?" He remembered that the sir had warned solemnly that he should not spend a long time in worship.

The maiden gave her a hand and stared, "Since you mentioned it, I will tell you everything before I leave."

"Do you know what is the way of faith?" The maiden asked.

If in the past, Su Yu really didn't know what the faith means.

But after talking to the Dark King, I have some understanding of the way of faith.

"A way of deception similar to the food chain. The preacher of the next level devours the power of the next preacher, and so on, until the ordinary believer."

The maiden was slightly surprised: "Did you know? Then what I say is easier to understand."

"Yes, as you said, moon worship is the lower preaching base, the moon worshiper is the preacher, and I ... is the supervisor, responsible for monitoring, urging, and evaluating the preacher. . "

Hearing that, Su Yu was shocked.

No wonder there is such a weird existence in the Church of the Moon.

It turned out that her status was much higher than that of the worship leader.

Su Yu suddenly remembered the incident: "Then, the purpose of conquering the Dayu dynasty is to ..."

"Of course, he opened up a lower preaching base. Unfortunately, he died."

That's it!

The infiltration of the worship of the moon into the centuries of Dayu civilization really has a reason.

"In theory, our organization very much welcomes someone like you who is capable to be a new preacher, but I personally recommend you to stay away from the faith." The Virgin sincerely said: "The organization that opens the faith is extremely mysterious, According to my speculation, it is likely that more than one Taoist will participate, and most of the participating Taoists are still very identified persons, such as the Taoist Lord of the Yellow Road, among them are members of our organization. "

Su Yu's pupils shrank slightly, and the zodiac temple was penetrated by their organization?

"So what's the purpose of your organization spreading faith everywhere?"

Virgin Mary: "This is the mystery of it. I can't see what the organization wants to do. I can only guess from the meaning of our organization's name that it may be planning a big plan to cover the sky."

"What's your organization's name?"

"Yes! It's called Nirvana!"

Nirvana ...

Su Yu murmured, it really is a meaningful name.

Knowing this is enough, Su Yu does not intend to tangle with Nirvana, saying: "Thank you for telling me that I will stay away from Nirvana."

"Well, then, goodbye." The maiden urged the animated scroll, and the astonishing fluctuations swept in all directions, and a forceful will came across from the other side of the scroll.

So efficient!

Virgin said: "I'm going back."

After a moment, the maiden gazed deeply at Su Yu, and said in her heart that she had been hiding for a long time: "Do you know why I trust you so much?"

Su Yu also wondered about this problem. In the secret world, he wanted to kill the maiden.

"Because you look like a friend I used to be."

"Really?" Su Yu smiled slightly, and there are people like him in the world?

The maiden gently stunned, revealing a hint of sorrow: "His name is Su Yu, from a closed secret! When I first came to Taichu Realm, I once posted a tracing notice in the Dayu Dynasty and looked for him, hoping that he would come to Taichu World, but years have passed without news. "

"I think that's my wishful thinking. He should still be trapped in that secret place.

The smile on Su Yu's face suddenly stiffened.

It doesn't matter if you have the same name or the same name, they are so similar in origin!

In addition, there are two copies of the tracing notices of the Dayu Dynasty, if you remember correctly.

One was the princess of the later Dayu dynasty, who wanted Su Yu.

The previous one was a tracing notice canceled many years ago ~ ~ a long time ago before he came to the Taichu Realm.

He has been puzzled by this matter, and has a deep grudge.

Now listening to the maiden's mention, her pupils shrank.

"You ... who ... who?" Su Yu looked strangely excited.

The maiden blushed, showing a few apologies: "Sorry, in fact, I don't really look right now, I lied to you!"

Her whole body flashed and her face changed slightly.

A new look of jade looks unfolded.

"Sheng Yuanxin!" Su Yu blurted out in excitement and couldn't believe his eyes.

The maiden face froze, her eyes widened: "You ... what are you calling me?"

Since coming to the Taichu Realm, the maiden has never confessed her true last name, acting entirely under a pseudonym.

(End of this chapter)

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