The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1845: Purple Hair Su Fei

The rest of the emperors also persuaded: "Yeah, run away."

They couldn't understand where Su Yu's self-confidence to discuss with the owner of Xiaodian came from.

With Xiaodian Lord's wrist, the first thing to see Su Yu was to destroy him.

"Anyway, I believe that the owner of the small hall is a reasoner." Su Yu said lightly.

If she reasoned, she would force them to swallow the holy pill and forcibly turn them into the Temple of Sinisters?

Seeing their desperation, Su Yu continued to persuade, closing her eyes slowly, closing her ears.

Huang Fu's scorching sun was so anxious that after Su Yu became a double crown lord, his self-confidence swelled, and he whimsically discussed with the triple crown lord!

Su Yu in his memory should be a very cautious person, how can he be so reckless and confused now?

"Master, we also count on Su Yu to take us away. Now it seems that this son is really not saved!" A king of Xingsuhai frowned: "I had marveled that he had conspired before. Great disappointment. "

Huangfu Lieyang was speechless, and Su Yu was really too frivolous.

Ziguan's face was sneer indifferent, I really do not know how to live or die!

Half a day later.

A powerful breath enveloped the meteorite, and everyone present was changing in color.

Xiaodian, come back!

唰 ——

The owner of the small hall appeared directly in the house, and saw the crowds motionless, his eyebrows raised: "Why stop?"

The purple crown showed a surprised look, while Huang Fulieyang and others sank into the water.

It's over!

Suddenly, the owner of the small hall glanced at his throne, and suddenly saw a familiar and strange shadow sitting on it.

Suddenly she was surprised: "Su Yu ?!"

She couldn't believe her eyes. Su Yu, who had fled to another country, came back, still sitting in the meteorite?

"Purple crown, why didn't you catch him?" Xiaodian asked in a silent voice.

Zi Guan was about to speak, but Su Yu opened her eyes slowly and smiled lightly: "Don't come without a fool, Lord of the Sinister Hall!"

"What's the matter with you?" The main hall owner realized that the situation was quite different.

Su Yu slowly got up and said, "Of course, I came back to find the owner of the small hall to talk about the old, and talk about the ancient formation by the way."

"I don't know the so-called!" The main lord of the palace shook his finger, and the mighty strength of the Triple Crown Emperor swept away instantly.

In the past, Su Yu did not even have the resistance.

Well now ...

A white emperor summoned out, blocked in front of Su Yu, and blocked the flood power that came.

The main hall owner was startled: "Three crown princes?"

Huangfu Lieyang also took a breath: "Wait! That's our Tai Chi yin and yang, or triple crown, how did you get it?"

Su Yu smiled at the latter: "I'll talk to Brother Huangfu later."

He looked at the small hall master and said lightly, "How, would you like to sit down and have a good talk?"

The master of the small hall was surprised, and his eyes were scorned: "It's just a trio of crown princes, so why can't I!"

"So what?" With a stroke of Su Yu's palm, a triple crown king appeared again, separated on both sides of Su Yu.

Xiaodian main pupil shrinks sharply: "Two?"

She was stared at the same time by two triple crown princes, her expression gradually dignified, but still calm.

Nothing more than the same level, at least some threats.

"What do you want to talk about?" Xu Dangzhu said in surprise.

Huangfu Lieyang and others were stunned, and they could really sit down and negotiate with the owner of the small hall.

His face was full of surprises. He didn't read the wrong person, and Su Yu was by no means reckless.

The disappointed Emperor of Heaven and Earth was also ashamed and surprised.

"Would you like to take the emperors of Xingsuhai to the sky?" The main owner of the small hall stared, "If you can pay the same price, I can consider it."

However, Su Yu shook her head: "You have misunderstood. I was talking to you about the ancient formations. As for the strong man who took away my Xingsuhai, it was only incidental."

"Ancient array?" The main hall stared at the purple crown, and said with cold eyes, "So you all know?"

Su Yu bowed his head.

"What do you want?"

"It's very simple ..." Su Yu looked at her leisurely. "Erase the relevant memories, and then work for me and become my slave."

Heard that everyone was on the spot.

Let the master of the little girl's palace become a slave, but also erase the memory of her ancient formation?

Is this negotiation? It's too bullying!

Xiaodian said with a smile: "With the help of two uncles, you can do whatever you want? After all these years, I think you will live the more you go back."

The words fell, and the whole person disappeared.


With a muffled sound, the two white emperors joined forces to block a figure.

Xiaodian master attacked Su Yu failed, and fought with two puppets.

I have to say that the master of the small hall is amazing in strength, and is no less inferior to the owner of Fengyun Mountain Villa, who can only suppress two puppets by one person.

Finally, the master of the small hall found a flaw, retreated the two tremors, and issued a fatal blow to Su Yu.

"Sorry, your concubine can't save your life!"

The two crickets were too late to rescue, Huang Fu Lieyang and others were not able to help each other. Seeing that Su Yu was about to be beheaded and killed by the triple crown emperor.

However, Su Yu's face was calm and she didn't even dodge in the slightest. It was an understatement, and four chains of law appeared at the same time.

Purple, red, white, and emerald chains are entangled together to form a huge chain.

"Four rules of the chain, do you realize the emperor of the heavens and the earth achieved by the four rules at the same time?" ? "

The answer to him was Su Yu's flick, and the four-color chain struck it.

But listening to a groan, the main hall owner was chained through his abdomen and nailed to the ground.

Her blow was easily wiped out by the chain of laws.

The audience was dead.

From the beginning to the end, Su Yu has not moved his footsteps, and the wind and the clouds lightly suppressed the lord of the small crown of the three crown lords?

What kind of strength is this?

Until this moment, they suddenly realized that Su Yu's biggest dependence was not his two wives, but himself.

Xiao Dian's heart was painful, and Lulu was horrified: "Who the **** are you?"

Bringing the Six Principles to the Emperor of Heaven and Earth and succeeding, these characters are by no means as simple as a caged little creature.

Su Yu's eyes were flat: "Now let's talk about the conditions just now."

The small hall master sank, gritted his teeth, and snapped sharply, "I am the small hall master of the evil girl's house. In this life, I only follow the evil girl. I want you to be my slave.

Su Yu left her life because of the cultivation of her three crown lords, and wanted to take it for her own use.

If the other party insists, he can only kill the killer.

Just as she chased Su Yu to the dusty civilization at the beginning, leaving nowhere to go.

"So, I'm sorry." Su Yu's wrists shook, and the chain of law was about to kill the owner of the temple.

However, at this moment, the ancient array projection that had disappeared in the Jianxuan sea area below reappeared without warning.

A huge inky vortex appeared in the center of the ancient array.

A cross-level will came to Xingsuhai.

"You did have an accident." The indifferent words, empty and indifferent, drifted slowly from the depth of the vortex.

Definitely the most common words, it can fall in the ears of everyone, as if filled with mysterious melody.

Huangfu Lieyang and others immediately lost their minds, and were so absorbed in the mystery that they could not extricate themselves.

Su Yu's eyes also appeared sluggish, but within his soul, the soul shard flashed, and Su Yu returned to calmness.

His heart was horrified to the extreme, staring at the black vortex below, he said, "Sin! Girl!"

The voice, the words were like the momentum of the law of heaven, only the evil girl.

Did she start the ancient formation by herself, and was about to land in Xingsuhai?

On the other hand, I looked at the owner of the small hall, overjoyed: "I'm waiting to welcome the Lord Lady!"

Within the black whirlpool, there was a quiet moment, and it was only a moment when the savage woman heard a soft voice: "This ancient array is not so easy to open, and I cannot come out for the time being."

The main hall of the small hall was stiff, while Su Yu was slightly relieved, which was almost the same.

His eyes were cold and hesitated without any hesitation.

"Ah, the Lord Lord rescued me ..." The voice of the Lord Lord stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yu flicked her finger and killed the Purple Crown on the spot.

After killing the two, Su Yu stared at the remaining single crown emperor. Among them were those of the Sinister, and others who swallowed the Holy Pill and turned into Sinister.

"Everyone let go of his soul, and Su needs to erase all the memories of Guzhen."

As soon as Huangfu Lieyang hesitated, he took the initiative to open up the soul, and with the penetration of Su Yu's soul, he erased all the memories related to Guzhen.

Under the powerful shock of Su Yu, no one dared to disobey, his memory was erased and he was in a coma.

With a move in the sleeve gown, they were all put into the space of the beads, and it was confirmed that no one knew the secret of the ancient array, and Su Yu withdrew from the meteorite and left.

"Ah, I haven't seen you for many years, and you are still as hard to change your heart as ever," a sigh came from the dark woman in the dark whirlpool.

Su Yu turned her head and said coldly, "On killing as a hemp, I don't even count your odds."

How many people have been killed by the wicked girl? The entire Old Divine Land of Jiulong was destroyed by her, and the dead souls were afraid that they could not be counted.

He heard the words killing as Ma from her mouth, and Su Yu only felt deeply ironic.

"I only kill those who should be killed, unlike you."

Su Yu scoffed, and the double standard evaluation only made Su Yu even more disgusted.

"Whatever you say, you will stay in the jail cage ~ ~ Seal eternal life!" Su Yu said lightly.

Immediately, he drove the meteorite quickly out of the sea.

Although the evil girl cannot come out, with his understanding of the evil girl, she can cross-border communication, there must be other means, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

"I'm afraid I'll let you down. I will return to the primal world." Nie Nuan said indifferently, "Before that, I will give you a gift."


A ball of purple meat **** suddenly shot from the vortex and fell in the sea of ​​Jianxuan.

The purple meat ball squirmed slowly and turned into a human figure.

The facial features are handsome and immortal, with long stature, and a flowing purple hair dancing in the wind.

If Su Yu is still there, she will be shocked.

This person, not someone else, is actually Su Yu's body that was taken away by the evil girl!

(End of this chapter)

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