The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1852: Search across the country

Next, the Dark Star civilization caused an earthquake.

The King of Darkness personally appeared in the sacred place of the eight major forces, and they gave the new leader the title of the world leaderless.

His chieftains were all sacred servants from the holy mountain.

Many forces are about to fall apart, so they are reunited, in a sense, more cohesive than ever.

The dark king in the past never participated in the competition between the ten major forces, and their relationship with the dark king was very shallow.

Today, it is equal to the direct power of the Dark King.

Many high-level executives were overjoyed and showed loyalty on the spot.

Qi Huahun and Leng Yun announced their unconditional surrender to the Dark King.

In the past, the owner of Fengyun Mountain Villa was lifted by the Dark King to regain control of Fengyun Mountain Villa.

The most surprising thing is that the only remaining Triple Crown of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, as the temporary president, said in public that he temporarily obeyed the Dark King's dispatch.

The entire Dark Star civilization was instantly pinched in Fu Palm by Fu Bingyu.

On the Ming surface, there are members of the ten major forces. searches for Su Yu and a group of people. There is secretly the power of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce to spy information.

羽 Su Yu at this moment can be described as the world's enemy.

Once he shows up once, he will not be able to hide.

This is the power of the Dark King. As long as he thinks, the entire Dark Star civilization can become his eyes and help him find someone.

In a secret room thousands of feet below ground, Su Yu's receivers from all over the place expressed their expressions with ease: "This is the wonderful use of power."

In fact, Su Yu had an idea of ​​building power early on.

Whether it is Xianyunzong in the real dragon continent, Kyushu continent is the king, or the starry sky realm is the leader ...

Qi Su Yu's path has always been to build his own forces.

For various reasons, Chennai, shortly after establishing power, he hurried to other places, never operating seriously.

I came to the Taichu Realm and felt the sheer size and sheer size of this realm. For the first time, Su Yu had the intention to seriously build power.

I have my own power and can handle many troublesome things more effectively.

For example, Fu Bingyu at the moment, just arbitrarily condensing the forces of Dark Star civilization, has created a terrible power.

Therefore, he has more and more plans to build influence.

He hopes that one day, the established forces will become a huge organization similar to the Zodiac Temple, the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, and Nirvana.

But that may be a long time later.

Time passes by.

寻找 On the ground looking for Su Yu, the wind and the storm surged, but he stayed in the ground casually.

For a whole year, he practiced except cultivation, as if he had forgotten to get rid of Fu Bingyu.

At present, only major sword art is majored.

After one year of enlightenment, he entered the threshold for the seventh style.

This style is called Funeral Heaven, and it is one of the three strongest sword skills of Emperor Sword Emperor.

Once it is displayed, it can cause a vision of the collapse of the world. If it is not used, it will be chained. Su Yu can also kill the late three crown lords with one sword.

This sword is not so powerful.

In addition to practicing sword art, Su Yuxiu also improved a little.

的 The trace of what he said is really only a trace, almost negligible.

In the realm of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth, the improvement of cultivation is very difficult, because there is no longer a gas in the atmosphere that can be turned into a power of floods.

Generally speaking, the emperors of the heavens and earth draw the power of the floods for a long time.

It takes thousands of years to successfully advance to the next level!

Only a few places can meet the rapid cultivation of the emperor.

That is the area above intermediate civilization, where there will be extra special materials, which will enhance the practice of the emperor.

Intermediate civilization refers to five-star civilization and six-star civilization.

So it is very urgent to go to a higher civilization.

After the practice of was completed, Su Yu groaned for a long time, palmed her hands, and a dark red box appeared.

箱 This box comes from 饕餮 prison cage, the head of a fallen master.

所有 At the beginning, all the purple-black liquid in the skull was absorbed by the dark red box, and a "monster" was imprinted on the palm of Su Yu.

According to the information released in the dark red box, if Su Yu can achieve the superior **** before he can open the red box, then Su Yu will realize a wish.

The upper **** is the emperor.

Xi Suyu always remembered this thing, more than once eager to open it.

But, really became the emperor of heaven and earth, one year apart, Su Yu has not opened it for a long time.

Su Yu felt the strong danger implied in this box suddenly after understanding the rules of destiny.

He has an intuition that if turned on, it would be very, very dangerous.

I think his current practice is not the time to start.

Unless Xiu is the one who arrived at the Five Crowns, maybe you can try it.

Put it away, Su Yu slowly got up.

"One year has passed, should I be ready, shouldn't I?" Su Yu smiled slightly: "It's my turn, Fu Bingyu!"

Holy Mountain.

Fu Bingyu sat alone on the icy throne, constantly receiving messages from everywhere, and his face was gloomy.

"A bunch of waste!"

For a whole year, he launched the power of the entire Dark Star civilization to find, but Su Yu seemed to evaporate on earth, without a trace, without any news.

"Keep looking, dig through the Dark Star civilization and find out for me!"

Suddenly, news came from the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as his soul swept away, the Dark King's expression was frozen, and he immediately flashed to the bottom of Ice Valley.

There, a huge ice sun continued to emit cold and cold light.

Jain is also a strange object cultivated by the Dark King throughout the year.

四 In the ice sun at this moment, a seal of four crowns was issued.

Even if she only left for a while, Fu Bingyu sealed it, which shows that she attaches great importance to this object.

He entered the ice sun, and shot it with a powerful array, instilling the power of floods and famines.

The Array method urged and immediately teleported it to Yunwu Shenshan.

The news of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce is that Su Yu, the most northern cloud and mist mountain, has been rumored to appear.

Appeared here, Fu Bingyu contacted the local Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce.

"Where is the person?"

The Pingxing Alliance Chamber of Commerce's intelligence line shook his head: "Just rumors, we have verified. According to witnesses, there was a man with silver hair, who looked like Su Yu had bought something, and then lost his sight.

Silver hair is not unusual, but silver hair people are rare.

What's more, she looks like Su Yu.

Fu Bingyu came to the place where Su Yu appeared, took a deep breath, let go of the powerful soul power, and radiated in all directions.

With her powerful glance, if Su Yu is here, she can definitely be seen.

But lasting three days and three nights, almost half of the cloud and mist in Shenshan was raided by Fu Bingyu, but there was no Su Yu.

"Is it fake news?" Fu Bingyu wondered and ordered: "The rest of the search is for you, I will come back in two days!"

Sure enough, Fu Bingyu did not appear here to continue searching until two days later.

But, nothing!

"Did you run away?" Fu Bingyu was blinded.

He then returned to the Holy Mountain.

Who knows, Kan Yu returned to the holy mountain, the far south of the moon worship area, but also came the news of Su Yu's dedication.

Xi Fu Bingyu was surprised, how far apart is the north and south ends? Except that Su Yu has the ability to teleport in a short time.

But, no matter what, Su Yu appeared, and he had to deal with it himself.

Two days later, Fu Bingyu appeared in the worship area and launched a comprehensive search. For three days and nights, he still found nothing!

"Are you late?" Fu Bingyu was lost in thought, and returned to the holy mountain without expression.

After this news, for several months of silence, there was no news of Su Yu, and Fu Bingyu could not help being upset.

Until half a year later.

Fu Fubing suddenly received a rumor from Fengyun Villa, and Su Yu appeared!

He tried to break into Fengyun Mountain Villa, but was discovered by Lu Wuming and fled on the spot.

Fu Bingyu teleported to Fengyun Mountain Villa without hesitation.

At the same time.

At the foot of the holy mountain, a little unicorn covered with pink, with his neck raised, swayed to the holy mountain.

At this time, the holy mountain was cold, and there were only two or three saints.

Qi Xiaoqilin isolated herself with nothingness, and she could not detect its arrival with just a few saints.

"Smelly master, bad master, let me run to the sacred mountain where the birds do not **** for half a year, **** it!" Xiao Qilin stood on a peak, glanced around, and suddenly found a huge ice sun.

"Oh! This is what the master said." Xiao Qilin Fiddian Fiddian ran down the valley and stood in front of the ice sun.

"The host said that the reason why Fu Bingyu was able to teleport to any place in the Dark Star civilization was with the help of a powerful formation method. As long as the formation method was destroyed, he could not return to the Holy Mountain without the cold power of the Holy Mountain. This ice moth, Fu Bingyu, will soon be weak! "

Xiao Qilin squatted in front of the ice sun and said to himself: "The master said that this array is launched once and it takes two days. The master said ... forget it, whatever he says, swallow the ice sun and it's over. . "

Opening his mouth, he sucked hard, and the vast nothingness shrouded the ice sun.

Then, I easily swallowed it into ~ ~ "Kirin slaps a full belly, and her small belly obviously applauds a lot:" What kind of thing is it, it has propped me up. "

A tiring blow came, and it shook his head, struggling: "Can't sleep ... Can't sleep ..."

Staggered back to the mountain peak, his eyes blurred toward the temple.

But at the deepest part of the temple, a spacious ice chair appeared.

"No, I'm going to sleep for a while, then I'll sleep for a while." Xiao Qilin fell down on the ice chair and slept.

Not long after, a gold robe saint came to the temple on official business. When he saw the Dark King on the throne, he was asleeping with a beast, and exclaimed: "The evil beast is looking for death!"

He patted Xiao Qilin's head with one palm.

But the palm of his hand has not touched his body yet, Xiao Qilin's body surface shoots out a square sphere of nothingness.

The round ball wrapped the saint, and he didn't even scream, and was directly turned into a nothingness.

A part of the throne below the crotch was directly cut away by the force of nothingness, exposing a smooth defect.

Uh ...

Fengyun Mountain Villa.

Fu Bingyu was searching for the trace of Su Yu, and Fengyun Villa and the local Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce cooperated to find it.

The strength of the entire Fengyun Villa is mobilized, and any creature becomes their eyes. As long as Su Yu appears once, it is impossible to escape.

I searched for nothing in a day, and Fu Bingyu frowned slightly. Is it like the previous two times that Su Yu disappeared for no reason?

As a result, the amazing news came the next day.

Su Suyu fled to the eastern mountain range of Fengyun Mountain Villa and was seen by a warrior who was looking for a treasure in the mountains.

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