The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1854: Desperate escape

Chasing the first day, Su Yu did not catch up with Fu Bingyu.

His repair at this moment is still in the middle of the four crown lords. Su Yu fully exerted the advanced version of Tai Chi Yin Yang Wing, only to keep the distance from being pulled too far.

But on the second day, things changed.

Xi Fu Bingyu has not taken the cold air from Bingyuan for four days, and his body is in serious condition and begins to weaken.

The speed has slowed down significantly, and the repair at this time is only about the beginning of the four crown champions.

Xu Suyu went all out and barely managed to distance himself.

后 After the third day.

Fu Bingyu finally rushed to the Qingmingfu area, but the dead soul worm had been reminded by Su Yu in advance and led everyone to dormant.

So when Fu Bingyu rushed over, only a few remnants of Qingmingfu defeated them and guarded the empty Qingmingfu.

As the leader of the priesthood and the core high-level of Qingmingfu, he either died in the sudden war or surrendered to the dead soul worm.

Fu Bingyu was angry and had nowhere to vent, and wanted to kill but no one could kill, and hurried to the dustless Yuezong.

Wuchen Yuezong was completely occupied by Su Yu's people.

They got the order from Su Yu, and also hid in advance. When Fu Bingyu rushed to the Dustless Moon Sect, he was not alone, so angry that he scattered his resentment in the Dustless Moon Sect, put it to a torch and destroyed it.

But the dust-free Yuezong things, have experienced the looting of Su Yu and dead soul insects, nothing left except the building, it is a pity to destroy it.

Fu Bingyu rushed to the altar of worship.

The worship of the worship of the moon was in the hands of Su Yu from the beginning. The commanded senior officials of the worship of the moon worshipped all valuables, including the altar, a few months ago, leaving empty worship. Holy religion.

Fu Bingyu knew that he had been counted, and that the altar of the moon worship religion was destroyed.

Now there are three major forces in Su Yu's hands.

I should now go to another area immediately, seek shelter from the forces there, and work together to eradicate Su Yu.

But, after four or five consecutive days of chasing, his cultivation was further weakened, and he was almost below the four-time champion at this moment.

The speed slowed down unknowingly, not to mention that he had been caught up by Su Yu.

"Where do you want to go?" Su Yu's voice was remembered behind her.

Fu Bingyu's face was dull and gloomy: "Little miscellaneous!"

Qi Suyu's eyes were cold: "This sentence, you have told me several times."

Six colorful chains appeared behind her, entangled as one and swept away.

Fu Bingyu was not afraid, and he contended with his own chain.


The two methods are all shaken back.

Unlike the last match, Su Yu was unharmed this time, and the two sides tied.

Fu Bingyu shrank her pupils, bit her teeth, and fled.

But its speed can no longer throw away Su Yu, both of them rushed away at close range.

Ke Ke Fu Bingyu was at an absolute disadvantage, his breath was getting weaker and weaker, and Su Yu was drawn closer one by one, and often he needed to pull back the distance by hitting back.

The following day, both chased into the territory of Feng Jiange.

"Everyone listens to the order, kill Su Yu with all their strength!" Fu Bingyu snarled as soon as he entered the territory of Feng Jiange.

However, he was surprised to find that the chaos in Fengjiange had begun.

A trio of crown princes suddenly entered Fengjiange, and cooperated with Fengjiange who surrendered secretly, causing Fengjiange to quickly fall into chaos.

In the chaos, Feng Jiange completely lost command and dispatch ability, and was unable to rescue Fu Bingyu at all.

"Ah!" Fu Bingyu roared, turned and fled to Fengyun Villa.

Jiufengyun Villa has his disciple Lu Wuming, the late strongman of the triple crown guard, who should not be easily captured. It will be at least safe in a short time.

Sure enough, Lu Wuming led many strong men in Fengyun Mountain Villa, and took part in Fu Bingyu.

"Master, don't be afraid, let's save you!" Lu Wuming's soldiers stepped forward.

But at the moment when Fu Bingyu passed by, she turned back to Fu Bingyu with a sword.

Uncle Fu Bingyu was caught off guard and was penetrated by a sword through his chest.

"Lu Wuming! You ... you betray me!" Fu Bingyu shouted in disbelief.

Suddenly, a man in a black robe emerged from behind Lu Wuming. He was a real dark king. He looked calm and said, "He just turned back to the shore."

After Lu Wuming made a sword, he immediately fled behind Su Yu and yelled, "Fu Bingyu! You fake the Dark King, your sin is unforgivable, everyone wins. I am ashamed of being your disciple, and I will make a clear distinction today limit."

Fu Bingyu was short of breath, and Lu Wuming was the only one who knew he was not the real Dark King.

At the moment, he just can't see him, so he will go along with the opponent and turn against him.

I hate it!

The entire southern powers are completely caught in the layout of Su Yu.

Xun's only hope is in the north. The north is where Su Yu has never been involved. He wants little to penetrate the north.

As for the holy mountain, Fu Bingyu dare not go again.

His current practice is that once stepping into the grassland within the sacred mountain range, it will also be suppressed.

速度 The speed slowed down at that time, and it took at least two months to return to the holy mountain.

In two months, Su Yu was enough to completely catch up with him and kill him.

Therefore, the sacred mountain cannot go back, only to flee further north.

The two started hunting again.

One day later, the territory of Xingyemen.

What shocked Fu Bingyu was that the Xingmen Gate had already fallen unknowingly!

的 All the people in Xingmenmen chose to surrender and obey Su Yu's side.

Suddenly surprised, he fled to Tiangong.

Ye Ke, Tian Gong also chose to cast all of them, and even killed the saints, and surrendered to the representatives sent by Su Yu.

"How is it possible?" Fu Bingyu couldn't believe it. Su Yu never set foot in the north. How could they let them all invest in it.

Su Yu said indifferently: "It's very simple. Xingmen Gate is a high-level man who once became a captive of the Day tribe in the secret realm. I saved him, so I can contact him and overturn the entire Xingmen Gate! As for the Tiangong Palace, Probably you forgot who the emperor Yuhuang of Tiangong was brutally killed by, it's you! "

"It was you who designed to frame me to kill him!" Fu Bingyu exclaimed.

Qi Suyu shrugged: "Ke Tiangong people don't think so."

Fu Bingyu was frightened and furious, and immediately went to the cloud and mist of Shenshan, but Shenshan was being attacked by another three-crowned emperor and was losing ground.

With narrow eyes, Fu Bingyu was forced to flee to Miaoxiangfang.

Fortunately, Miaoxiangfang was not attacked, and she tried her best to protect Fu Bingyu.

"Gather all the forces to siege Su Yu!" Fu Bingyu said, as soon as Su Yu died, everything would be solved.

Xun Huahun noticed the seriousness of the matter, and bowed his head, "Dark King, please rest assured, I swear to protect you ..."

However, just after that, an ethereal voice came.

"You're going to die then."

咻 ——

A black streamer penetrated the sky and shot at her from the sky.

The strength of the streamer will soon be destroyed in the later period.

"Dark King save me!" The soul of the painting changed.

As Fu Bingyu gritted his teeth, he cast a chain of laws to resist this blow.

The painting soul at this moment must not die.

With a single blow, countless strong men rushed over to form a wall surrounded by 30%, protecting Fu Bingyu and the painting soul.

Fu Bingyu Changsong breathed a sigh of relief, finally saved, now he needs a good rest.

The lack of flood power in his body is even more serious, and the lack of ice supply.

"Draw the soul, immediately find all the ice properties in the territory." There is no ice source, use the ice properties.

Although the effect is worse, it can restore the strength of the four-time champion.

At that time, as long as he can maintain the mid-term cultivation for more than two days, he can be sure to kill Su Yu.

Xu Huan soul said: "It just happens that there is an iceberg in Miaoxiangfang. The mountain is the mysterious ice for thousands of years, which may satisfy the Dark King."

Xun Fu Bingyu was overjoyed: "A thousand years of Xuanbing? Okay, get it!"

10,000 years of mysterious ice, that is close to the ice properties of the ice source.

If there is a whole one, it will be nothing to restore the peak state.

"Okay, it only takes one day!" Huahun said, and she frowned and looked at the defensive forces around her. "The only worry is that maybe the iceberg hasn't been sent back yet, Su Yu will call his men and kill him. "

Xi Fu Bingyu also has a bit of worry, Su Yu's ability to calculate and layout is really terrible.

Suddenly, Fu Bingyu moved in his heart, took out a jade tactic, and gave an order to the nearby ruthless Taoist Temple: "All the seniors in the Taoist Temple immediately went to Miaoxiangfang to escort!"

Xi Lengyun received the news, and immediately led his fifteen double-winners to rush over.

At the same time, Su Yu could not attack for a long time, and it was said that the men and women of Xingmen Gate and Tiangong rushed over to overcome the cloud and mist.

Time is only one day, whoever comes first determines everything.

As time passed, Rao and Fu Bingyu were nervous.

He never thought that one day ~ ~ the small forces that used to disdain himself could decide his fate.

Finally, at dusk, Leng Yun led the fifteen double champions first.

Fu Fuyu's heart was loose, lucky to be on his side.

At the same time, the painting soul also moved the iceberg.

I did, as she said, indeed a huge black iceberg.

Fu Bingyu couldn't help but laughed: "You can resist for three days. After three days, kill me and kill him."

Wu Huahun said lightly: "With the helplessness of the Lord, they will be able to resist no matter how many soldiers and horses there are."

The big picture is set!

Fu Bingyu said, "Okay! After the completion of the event, the king will reward you!"

He said, Fu Bingyu held the iceberg into the back room and began to recover.

Leave painting soul and Leng Yun responsible for defense.

"Thank you for coming, otherwise I really don't want to do anything." Hua Hun sighed.

Lengyun said lightly: "What's wrong? The real Dark King is back. Why should we be oppressed by a fake Dark King again?"

After painting his soul for a moment, he looked back and was surprised: "Leng Yun, you ..."

噗嗤 ——

Xun's spear penetrated the body of the painting soul, and even his soul was annihilated.

At the same time, the fifteen double crown champions he brought with him showed no sign of killing the double crown champions at Miaoxiangfang.

A series of screams, almost all the double crown lords were killed by them, leaving only one or two, which is not enough to affect the overall situation.

The staff of Miaoxiangfang, who was outside the gate, was caught off guard and immediately fell into a state without heads. After being pursued by Leng Yun and others, they quickly fell into a panic.

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