The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1864: Shame of tai chi

Lord Li Fengfeng, Mo Xiaoyu? Huangfu's horrible sun is changing!

He had really heard of this man's name, but it was a scum in the head of the Taiji Sect.

Kengmeng abducts everything!

Many Taiji students went up to the elders and down to the new students.

Once there was a heaven elder who appeared as a celestial genius, and successfully practiced to the realm of heaven and earth in less than 100 years.

The elder was eager to accept the apprentice, and then passed the acceptance letter into the hands of the Wizards.

The Wizards rejoiced, came to report with enthusiasm, and met Mo Xiaoyu.

As a result, Mo Xiaoyu actually lied to him and said that he was the elder of the sky and took him to the commandment peak.

Mo Xiaoyu asked the wizard to steal the elder's soul fruit tree today, and let him lie to the younger sister's tube top tomorrow to sell it.

The Wizard was condemned and ready to stop.

Mo Xiaozheng told him very confidently that this was a test of his courage and boldness.

Without this courage, she would not deserve to be her disciple.

In desperation, the Wizard was scratching his head and stealing a dog.

Until three years later, the elder saw his disciple for a long time and did not report, so he ordered an investigation.

As a result, when he found the wizard, he had already become a little **** who had done everything, just like Mo Xiaozhen's virtue.

And also enjoyed it, blatantly refused to re-enter the door of the elder Tian, ​​insisting to follow Mo Xiaoyu.

The elder Tian's nose was crooked, and he fought with Mo Xiaoyu on the spot for three days and nights.

Finally, the suzerain was alarmed, and he was unwilling to go to war.

However, this incident is just one of the most common things that Mo Xiaoyu has done.

The most sensational should be the five-star civilization exchange meeting that year.

The neighboring five-star civilization dispatched ten messengers, tossing and turning around, not far away from the star journey came to the Taiji civilization, to discuss the exchanges between the two civilizations.

Sovereign attaches great importance to high standards.

Everything was going very smoothly. Both sides were very satisfied with each other's cultures. They planned to set up a distance civilization between the two civilizations to facilitate the exchange between the two.

Who knows, the messenger's stuff was stolen the night of the negotiation!

Nothing left but panties.

Even the nourishing effect of the crystals inlaid on the underwear was not spared and was pried away.

Not to mention that the Supreme Master can steal all their things without knowing it, but they live in the Taiji Sect, and can still lose things under the eyes of the Sovereign?

In their anger, they found the commandment peak by sensing their lost things.

Suddenly, Mo Xiaozheng is holding their pants openly to sell to his disciples. The original pants from a certain civilization, a certain elder, etc., can be worn on the body to improve cultivation and prolong life ...

Suddenly, several messengers vomited blood.

It was learned that he was also the master of the Taiji Sect's commandment peak, and even left.

Said that good cultural exchanges came to an abrupt halt and there was no follow-up.

It can be said that Mo Xiaoyu is the shame of Tai Chi Sect!

The suzerain couldn't wait to slap her to death, so as to save Taijizong from shame and shame.

Strangely, Mo Xiaozhen is still intact so far, and he is still very strong as the leader of the commandment peak.

Thinking of these legends in my mind, and then perceiving the complete picture of Jiuyin Dan in my arms, Huangfu Lieyang smiled bitterly.

"Let's go! Catch the shame of the Taiji Sect. Don't stop me this time, you must kill him! Pity my Jiuyin Dan fragment was earned by my apprentice for hundreds of years of hard work and stored in me Custody here is to prevent Mo Xiaozhang's scum. As a result, he is still remembered! "

A crowd of yin and yang elders went away in anger, and the anger all hunted Mo Xiaozhang.

Huangfu Lieyang froze his tongue, and returned to the back hall.

Upon hearing this, Su Yu was also stunned: "Do you have such wonderful works in Taiji Sect?"

Even the tree **** can't compare to this Mo Xiaoyu?

"Brother Su, what do you say? I, I don't dare to deliver too much wine." It was learned that the real identity of the buyer was Mo Xiaoyan, who was frightening, and Huangfu was weak and weak.

Su Yu's serious advice: "Well, except that the underwear and a pot are too empty, I suggest you don't bring anything ... Oh, don't wear underwear too well."

Huangfu Lieyang: "..."

After some inner struggle, Huangfu Lieyang gritted his teeth and went to the designated place with the courage to look dead.

Watching him leave, Su Yu smiled slightly and returned to the backyard for a leisurely wine tasting.

While drinking, Leng Buding appeared without a sign of a jade hand, holding a large blackboard brick, and slap it on the back of Su Yu severely.

Su Yu was immediately taken unconscious.

"Hey, my Jiuyin Dantu is so easy to get?" The master of Yushou appeared, not someone else, but Mo Xiaoying who was supposed to leave.

She made hands and feet on that nine-yin-dan map, and was able to sense the specific location of Su Yu with this object.

Now a brick shot fainted Su Yu, and then appeared with a smile.

"In the past two years, the owner who asked the wine has made no less than 200 billion **** stones? I have been thinking about this fat sheep for a long time, and I can finally kill it today." Mo Xiaoyi put his eyes out, rubbed his hands and walked over. Feather groped.

After groping for a long time, he immediately grasped: "Why is there only an ordinary storage ring?"

Su Yu had nothing on her body except the storage ring.

And there are no hidden space-type storage rooms nearby.

With confusion, look into one of them, there are hundreds of square feet of storage ring space, there is only one **** stone lying on the ground.

Suddenly, Mo Xiaozhang reacted, grinding and looking at Su Yu lying on the table, unconscious.

This is obviously playing her!

However, where is Su Yu on the table at the moment? There was only a cloud of vague shadows.

"The brick is good!" At this moment, a dust suddenly appeared behind him, and the dust quickly folded into a whole person, weighing Mo Xiaoyu's black brick in his hand.

Before Mo Xiaozhen reacted, the back of his head was sturdy and hit a brick.

"You ..." Mo Xiaoyu's head fell to the ground with a faint faintness.

Su Yu smiled slightly, and when he got the picture of Jiuyin Dan, he noticed that it was slightly wrong, so he took precautions.

Unexpectedly, the exchange of Mo Xiaozhen was too false and false, and it was true to stare at him.

Unfortunately, his **** stone is not so easy to get.

Soon after, the yin and yang elders who hunted Mo Xiaozhen everywhere rushed back to hear the news.

Mo Xiaoxun, who was fainted at the moment, is grateful to Su Yu.

"Su Dong's family rest assured, this scum will be left to us!"

"Never let her come out again!"

"This time, I will ask the suzerain to suppress him at Prison Dragon Pass, and at least let her face it for a year."

Prison Dragon Pass is a prison where Taiji Sect holds wrong disciples and elders.

At that time, Mo Xiaoyi stole the messenger of the five-star civilization next door, and threw her into the prison for ten years under the anger of the suzerain.

Every time I made a mistake, I threw it in.

For Mo Xiaoyu, Prison Longguan is already a common occurrence.

It can be assured that the prison dragon is impenetrable, and with the ability of Mo Xiaoyu, he has never escaped for so many years.

However, Su Yu didn't worry for long.

As soon as these elders of Yin and Yang left, a Taiji disciple hurriedly rushed: "Su Dong's family, remind you of Elder Li's order, please take care of yourself during this time, it is best to leave the five-star civilization.

"Why?" Su Yu had an ominous hunch.

"Because Mo Xiaochen ran away!" Said the disciple: "She woke up halfway, hurting a few elders and ran away. Now I don't know where to go."

Su Yu froze, and a dozen yin and yang elders looked at him and could run away?

Suddenly, Su Yu secretly said badly.

Huangfu Lieyang!


He hurried to the designated delivery place, and quickly contacted Huangfu Lieyang.

But all the messengers were dead.

When he arrived at the delivery place, only the torn coat of Huangfu Lieyang was left.



Su Yu's rumor sounded, and a line of eye-catching words came into view.

"Hmm! Dare to shoot my mother's black bricks. Your treasurer was kidnapped by me. Now I would exchange a thousand pots for exchange, otherwise the ticket would be torn, um, like a coat on the ground, and severely torn off!"

This woman!

Su Yu responded without hesitation: "Sorry, just a shopkeeper, you tear it up if you love it, so I don't have to pay him."


"Pretend to be less pretentious! I have investigated and you have a good relationship, not an ordinary owner-treasurer relationship."

It seems that she did not pay attention to Su Yu's fat sheep. Many hidden things were explored very clearly.

Su Yu faintly responded: "That's better. It was originally a property to be divided evenly, and now I can take it for granted."


"I don't believe you really dare."

However, this news failed to spread at all. It was Su Yu who unilaterally interrupted the communication with Yu Pei, and did not listen to his kidnapper's request at all.

In a ruined temple, Mo Xiaoyu grinds his teeth with hate: "Wow! Damn!"

She hated throwing the messenger Yu Pei to the ground, and said shamefully, "How can he be a shameful owner, so shameless, shoot my black bricks from the back? Does he still have a bottom line and is he moral?"

Huang Fu Lie Yang, who was bound to become a sister-in-law with his hands and feet, rolled his eyes. A guy who can do kidnapping is qualified to talk about the bottom line and morals?

Mo Xiaoying bit his thumb, walked back and forth, and quickly thought about countermeasures.

Since witnessing the boom of asking for wine ~ ~ Mo Xiaoyan has been following Su Yu, planning for two years, and finally implementing the plan.

It's okay now, I lost a picture of Jiuyin Dan, but I didn't even catch a hair.

Leng Buding, Mo Xiaoyu noticed the tangling Huangfu Lieyang, his eyes suddenly lighted up, squatted down and looked at him, and said, "Your house will really share half of your property?"

"This ... is true." When asked about the establishment of the wine, Su Yu said casually that the money and Jiuyin Dan would get half of him.

Although it is said casually, with Su Yu Yinuo Qianjin's nature, it will definitely be half.

"Are you sure?" Mo Xiaoyu approached and asked.

Huangfu Lieyang nodded and said, "OK ... what do you ask?"

Mo Xiaoying stared at Huangfu Lieyang quietly, pondered for a long time, and made a very serious and serious decision: "I want to marry you."

(End of this chapter)

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