Yin Yu looked down at his eyes and exclaimed in a low voice: "It's Yang Hua, he's hiding here!"

The conversation between the two was not hidden and passed into the room.

Brushing it, Yang Hua's shadow flashed out from the room, his soul was still burning, his arm was tightly clamped under his armpit.

"Yin Yu, you're fine!" Yang Hua came forward in surprise, holding Yin Yu's shoulders excitedly.

Yin Yu evaded lightly and said, "Thank you, you're still alive."

Yang Hua showed a little embarrassment: "I was going to go back to the rescue, but there is no way out here, I went to a dead end, hey."

In this regard, Yin Yu just expressionless, did not respond,

Yang Hua turned her eyes and looked at Su Yu, quite surprised: "Boss Su, why are you here?"

There were quite bad questions in his tone.

Yin Yu's eyes were cold, and she said, "I was rescued by boss Su, do you have any opinion?"

he? Yang Hua's 10,000 unbelief, can he be rescued from that ancient man's realm by Su Yu's single crown?

But no matter what, now is not the time to care about the former.

"You have also been driven into despair? Come here, I have something to show you." Yang Hua stared at Su Yu deeply.

Su Yu groaned slightly, nodding, "Leading the way."

Immediately after that, he followed Yang Hua into the wooden house and found that the wooden house that seemed to have only a small corner left another space.

Most of the wooden house collapsed, but a small part remained.

In the surviving corner, there are ten statues of ancient people, with different forms, but all have common characteristics, full of fierce vigor.

Nine of them have been severely damaged, and only one remains intact.

Seeing this statue, Su Yu's pupils shrank slightly.

He actually felt a very faint primrose from the statue!

I am a stone hammer in the hand of the statue, and the smell of that stone hammer is quite terrible, and it is not inferior to the dragon sword of royal power.

Yin Yu flashed her eyes and found the extraordinaryness of the stone hammer.

Looking at Yang Hua again, his eyes flashed a deep greed, but a lingering fear persisted.

"As you can see, this stone hammer is definitely a rare fetish. If used properly, it may be able to compete with ancient people outside." Yang Hua Mulu was excited: "But the statue is quite weird, I tried everything. I haven't been able to take down the stone hammer. Since you are here, you might as well find a way to take it down. "

Yin Yu did not tell Yang Hua that the danger outside is no longer ancient, but Li Feng, which is more dangerous.

"Let's try it." She stepped forward, exerting her strength and taking down the stone hammer forcibly.

But really, as Yang Hua said, the stone hammer seemed to grow in the statue and could not be taken out at all.

He then tried to bombard the statue, which remained motionless.

"This stone hammer is very weird." Yin Yu was helpless.

There was a look of disappointment in Yang Hua's eyes, and he looked at Su Yu, and then withdrew expressionlessly.

He and Yinyu Fairy still can't, let alone Su Yu?

"Boss Su? How about you? Maybe this is our chance." Yin Yu is looking forward to Su Yu.

Su Yu groaned slightly. Since both Yang Hua and Yin Yu tried, it means that brute force is not feasible.

It is unnecessary for him to try again.

So ... A slight movement in his mind, trying to imitate the language of ancient people, murmured a conversation.

Yang Hua and Yin Yu could not understand it.

They didn't understand at all.

Strangely enough, just listen to it, the stone hammer really fell off!

Yin Yu froze, and Yang Hua froze.

But the latter responded faster. He picked up the stone hammer and held it tightly in the palm of his hand. Feeling the amazing power contained in the stone hammer, Yang Hua couldn't help laughing.

Yin Yuqiao sank and said, "This is what Mr. Su tried to get it down, and the brother will return it to him soon."

Yanghua clenched the stone hammer and asked with a straightforward question: "I discovered it first, and naturally it was mine!"

Yin Yu was furious, and said, "Brother, don't let me down anymore. Give it back to Mr. Su right away, and I will promise the master's request."

She still decided to give Yang Hua a chance.

"Sister, where are you standing on the side?" Yang Hua frowned deeply, very displeased.

Seeing that he had no heart and no hope, Yin Yu shook his head in disappointment: "You should know this person from the beginning."

At the time Yanghua was in Yunxiang Tower, Gan Zhiruo drank Chunyang who was ashamed, and she should know what kind of person Yanghua was in.

Now it is just more evidence of Yin Yu's heart.

The idea of ​​a match can go away.

Yang Hua's anger was burning in her heart, and it seemed that Shimei had a special feeling for this boss Su.

"Shimei, come here. This surnamed Su is not a reliable person. Be careful he betrays you." Yang Hua tried to instill the power of the flood into the stone hammer, and she felt a destructive force that had been suppressed for a long time.

There was a hint of murder in his heart.

There seemed to be no more suitable revenge than the hatred of being poisoned to the ground.

Let him die quietly here, who would hold him to nothing?

Yin Yu listened and stood back to Su Yu without any words, with a very firm attitude.

Who is reliable and who is unreliable?

Yang Hua and Su Yu had previously made a comparison when she was in crisis.

It's ridiculous that Yang Hua feels good about herself and slanders others out of nowhere.

Suddenly the beloved woman chose without hesitation to believe another man, and Yang Hua was angry.

He was struggling for Yin Yu to no avail. The other party never gave him any good looks, and now he prefers to believe a man who hasn't met a few times.

Do such women still need to pursue it?

A trace of evil thoughts burst into my heart.

No one here, killed Su Yu, and imprisoned Yin Yu in his Dongfu world for a lifetime, who knows?

The more I thought about the evil in my heart, the deeper it turned into a ray of excitement, and the dark side of my heart was exposed in a place without human eyes: "Oh, since the sister and sister would rather believe in outsiders than death, don't blame the brother Alternative way to get you forever! "

The words fell, and the stone hammer spurred.

The horrifying sounds appeared suddenly with the hammer of the stone hammer, and rolled towards Su Yu.

Su Yu's look remained the same, even as long as expected, first he took Yinyu one step away and left the decaying wooden house directly.

Yang Hua never caught up, and her heart was furious: "Where to escape!"

Holding the stone hammer in his hand, he was about to catch up. Suddenly, from the sound of the roll out, there was a loud grin.

Then came the gurgling voice, but couldn't understand the language.

Then Yang Hua's entire soul stiffened, and the body under her armpit fell silently to the ground.

Inside the stone hammer, a ray of green light was drilled out unhurriedly and entered Yanghua's body.

Then, his body slowly opened his eyes, and a pair of indifferent and contempt eyes shot suddenly.

Yang Hua watched as his body was occupied by a mysterious soul, his heart was shocked to the extreme, but his body was strangely unable to move, as if suppressed by a stone hammer in his hand.

His body's head turned and he glanced at Yang Hua lightly. Suddenly, Yang Hua felt as if his soul was about to explode, and all his memories were turned over.

After pondering for a long time, the body murmured a few vague words, and then the pronunciation gradually approached the common language of the primitive world.

After counting the interest, the words became clear.

"It's really a tree that wants to be quiet and the wind is endless! I wanted to wait for the era of this era to reappear when the new era began. I didn't expect to be stunned by several of your races and awakened me from sleep." His body said indifferently.

Yang Hua swallowed a deep spit, and said in fear: "Ex .... senior, are you?"

What era broke and opened, he couldn't understand.

The only thing that was clear was that the body in front did not exude any hostility, but Yang Hua had the illusion of dying.

"I? In your mouth, it should be similar to the ancestors of ancient people, but I prefer people to call me demon."

Human demon, human demon?

Yang Hua's heart is so cold, just listening to the name just knows that he is not a good person!

"Oh, don't be afraid. Although I used to enjoy killing for fun, I won the title of a demon, and I was besieged by some unknown star overlord, but bye bye, I missed it for a long time. I will miss it in a short time. You, rest assured. "

Not for a short time, but for a long time ...

Yang Hua felt a little relaxed, but her horror couldn't calm down.

Once besieged by the so-called Xingyu Overlord, what is his strength?

"Well, my current strength, um, I ca n’t say. I ’m not afraid of the so-called Taoist now, but now there are only residual souls. The strength is not the same as before. How much, you need to check ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Your two companions can be regarded as the object of trial. Unfortunately, the silver-haired tribe is smarter than you. It had been expected that the stone hammer was not good, so it did not touch the stone hammer. Otherwise, he was capable of carrying the law of space. How can you win him? "

If ordinary people knew that Su Yu was carrying the law of space, she would have been shocked.

But the demon looks very calm, as if he has encountered many similar people.

As he was talking, the demon suddenly blinked: "Oh? Here comes a more suitable test object. In terms of the current practice level of this era, it should be the four crown lords."

"Go, check my strength." The demon had his hands on his hands, but he didn't see any movement.

Li Feng searched in the dense forest all day, and most areas were searched.

As he was about to search forward, Leng Buding appeared in front of a non-weak space fluctuation, and out of the negative Yanghua and a burning flame man.

Looking at Yanghua, Li Feng's eyes loosened and found one.

With a smile on his face: "Haha, it was Yanghua. I heard you were in danger, so I came to you right away and I was relieved to see that you were fine."

He was talking, his figure suddenly flashed forward, and his face appeared sloppy: "It seems that you don't know anything yet, okay, there is no pain in being a confused ghost!"

An accident similar to Su Yu's escape was unavoidable, and the law was chained in one shot.

Imagine that Zhonghua would be killed in an instant, but Yanghua's understated palm stretched out and even held her law chain with her palm.

The other party also commented with a little interest: "Cohesion of the rules into a chain? The few people on the holy mountain have nothing to grow, and they can't play too much tricks."

Li Feng couldn't understand what the other party was saying, but she stared at the other person holding the chain of her law, her heart was horrified!

(End of this chapter)

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