The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 210: 0 year truth

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If she loves Li Guang, why put in Han Zhi's arms? Why was Li Guang wronged and abolished his life for a hundred years? Why did you kill Li Guang yourself?

"Do you really think that Li Guang will have friends from a hundred years ago, quietly sweeping his grave, giving him incense, and sending elixir to his disciples? Friends who have met Li Guang have already passed away. Under such circumstances, who dares to go to worship? "

"The only person who worships Li Guang is not someone else. In fact, it is Xi Ruolan, who you hate most!"

Mo Wumu admires: "Su Yu, Master is very concerned about your affairs, Li Guang's affairs, she has thoroughly investigated, maybe, you have misunderstood the host."


Su Yu was lost on the spot. In his mind, his predecessor who worshipped Li Guang turned out to be his murderer, killing the enemy, Xi Ruolan! !!

In his arms, Xi Ruolan smiled horribly, and in her eyes, lead tears rolled down.

"Brother Guang ... I'm sorry for you!" Xi Ruolan shivered, and sent a sad cry and cry.

Brother Guang, who has been isolated for hundreds of years, evoked gently from her mouth.

"But why?" Su Yu couldn't understand.

at this time.

"Hahaha .." Han Zhi, who was guarded by the elder, laughed wildly and arrogantly, and smiled viciously: "That's because this woman wanted to take revenge on Li Guang, only to pretend to be committed to me!!"

"She was very clever. When she knew that she couldn't compete with me, she secretly begged her to look at her beautiful second elder. That night, the woman dedicated herself to the second elder. What she got was that the second elder spoke for Li Guang. Save him and exile Godmoon Island. "

"Otherwise, why can the second elder help Li Guang who has nothing to do with it? It's all because of this woman who sacrificed herself and satisfied that old thing!"

"Then, she pretended to love me and was willing to be my woman. The purpose was to approach me and kill me !!"

Xi Ruolan in her arms, her pupils shrunk, and her face changed: "What? You ... you know?"

Han Zhi showed a sneer look: "I also know that in order to kill me, you swallow the chronic poison yourself, so that the body fragrance contains toxins, which makes me gradually poisoned, and all come together!"

Han Zhi likes Xi Ruolan's body fragrance, and there are many people who know the matter.

Xi Ruolan used this to prepare for the poisonous killing of Han Zhi.

"Unfortunately, who can you conceal that little trick? I have already solved the toxins in the body! Funny, I was fooled for hundreds of years, and I also wanted to kill me by poisoning and avenge Li Guang!" Han Zhi no longer conceals the drama and tells the cruel truth.

Xi Ruolan trembled with shock and anger, sacrificed everything, endured the burden, but in the end it was Han Zhimeng in the drum, playing with it for a hundred years! !!

Suddenly, Xi Ruolan trembled suddenly: "Then, did you force me to kill Guange yourself that day?"

Han Zhiha laughed and smiled: "Hahaha .. It's really wonderful. The scene where you pretend to be indifferent and kill Li Guang for the sake of trusting me is really wonderful! Presumably, Li Guang's death isn't astonishing!"

It turned out that Han Zhi was at the scene and secretly followed Xi Ruolan.

In order not to make Han Zhi doubt, Xi Ruolan was eager to reunite with Li Guang clearly, but in order to get revenge, he had to pretend to be ruthless, and Li Guang had only 10 days of life left in his own hands.

However, the truth of the fact was that Han Zhi intentionally did the two to applause! !!

"Brother Guang!" Upon hearing the truth, Xi Ruolan covered his face and sent out, sorrowful and painful.

She was actually used by someone to end the lives of those she loved!

The second elder looked at Han Zhi in disgust, and stared at Su Yu, who was disappointed, and said lightly: "This is the reason why she wants to drive you out of Zongmen several times ... because she wants to keep you away from Han Zhi's persecution! Just, There has been no opportunity to clarify the truth. "

Su Yu's heart was beyond shock!

Insulted the second elder Cheng Huan, protected Li Guang, grieved and committed to Han Zhi, waiting for the opportunity to take revenge.

Such truth deeply shocked Su Yu's heart.

It turned out that Li Guang had never loved the wrong person!

After a brief breath adjustment, Han Zhi recovered a few people, claiming to be sheltered by the elders, and was infatuated with love: "It's ridiculous you two idiots, I've been playing to death!"

"I killed you!" Xi Ruolan's tears of remorse rolled down, like crazy.


A heavy snoring slammed everyone's hearts, like a thunderstorm.

The elder looked indifferent: "Xi Ruolan murdered the elder.

Su Yu turned back and heard a smirk: "Xi Ruolan was clearly persecuted to Sri Lanka, not guilty of the culprit Han Zhi, but convicted her for murdering the elders?"

"If Elder Han is guilty, we will investigate. Xi Ruolan's evidence is conclusive and he should be killed!" Elder Dan said indifferently.

Su Yu laughed and laughed: "Do you open your eyes and talk nonsense? Han Zhi admits it, but needs to investigate? You simply say that he is an elder and has a distinguished status. Xi Ruolan and my teacher have a humble status, and it is not enough to die!"

The elder frowned slightly: "Death is imminent without repentance, and this elder announces that you two will be executed together!"

"Wait!" Liuxian Sect looked cold.

Which is wrong with Han Zhi? Exposing yourself in public? As a suzerain, what's the face if he ignores it?

"Sovereign, the husband has dealt with it impartially, do you have an opinion?" The elder turned his head and stared flatly at Liuxian.

The lord of the immortal was first stunned, then his pupils shrank into a needle, and his face was shocked: "You .."

It seemed that he was extremely frightened. The lord of the Immortal looked pale, his breathing was short, his chest was undulating, and his breath was slightly calmed. His tone was a little flustered: "No .. No opinion!"

With a slight hum, the elder was like the true master of the ancestors, and his eyes fell on the bodies of Su Yu and Xi Ruolan: "The crimes have been condemned, and you two will not fall on your knees!"

Han Zhi shook his head and smiled, pitying and mocking: "Li Guang is really a poor worm! I was asleep by a woman, and my disciples were killed by him. His life is really sad!"


Drink coldly and lightly, spraying out from Su Yu's mouth.

His chest, rolling boundlessly and deeply killing, never had such a strong killing intention!

Han Zhi stepped back, hiding behind the elder, staring at him: "Little bastard! What can you do to me? I'm the woman who killed your Master, what can you do to me? Just like death, dying One or two growls before? "

In this case, even the disciples on the sidelines were full of grief and anger.

Only then was Su Yu bombed and killed like a dead dog. Now there is an elder, but he screams like a crazy dog!

"Hahaha .. Han Zhi! I thought I was hiding behind the owner like a dog. I ca n’t take you?" Su Yu handed Xi Ruolan to the second elder, stood up slowly, silver hair, a pair of cold eyes, 迸Shooting unprecedented cold light.

Han Zhi smirked slightly, and Li Li sneered, "Huh! Hualong Realm, in front of Yuhua, like a cricket ant, how can you help me?"

Feathered Realm, beyond the sacred realm of Hualong!

Cultivation to feathering, heaven and earth, omnipotence, there is a qualitative difference from Hualong Realm!

The peak of the Seven Dragons of Hualong, in front of the Feathered Strong, is vulnerable!

The elder is the eccentric!

Su Yu's murderous encircle the whole body, stirring up the anime sky wind, instigating his clothes, silver hair dancing, a pair of pupils, full of crazy killing intentions, and his words were sharp: "I said! I want to kill you, no one will stop No, I ca n’t say Feathering, even if the sky is here, I will kill you! I will cut you under my palm all my life! "

Endless killing intentions, breaking through the nine-day sky, reversing the sky, and echoing the sky and clouds.

In the words ~ ~ Although the ambition of millions of people, the trembling killing of the day, the determination of life and regret, it seems to destroy this unjust world and destroy this Tearing indifferent sky, tearing this tragic fate!

Countless people are shaking with shock, what kind of kindness, what kind of feeling, what kind of righteousness makes Su Yu so persistent!

Knowing that feathering is ahead, he refuses to turn back.

At this moment, Han Zhi's heart did not come from chills, cold death, unknowingly, entangled his body.

The elder shook his head slightly, his eyes were flat: "I don't know the so-called last words. Now that you have said enough, let you go!"

After the words, the elder's sleeve waved again, and the horrible chain was about to be shot!

However, Su Yu showed madness: "Old thing! Do you really think you can control everything? I kill Han Zhi, I can't protect you!"

"Time is in control!" Su Yu growled inside.

Suddenly, the whole world fell into slow time.

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