The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2122: Gintama Virtual Sea

Xuemeng Feiyu realized that he was still a hostage and he was not allowed to take the initiative. ? One ~ ~ 要 · C? OM

She gave Su Yu a resentful look, and returned silently to Su Yu.

"Not to stop you from meeting with your loved one, but to save your life." Su Yu said lightly.

Xuemengfeiyu was expressionless, but sneered in her heart.

This sentence should be reversed!

Is n’t Su Yu the real threat to her life?

Yu Xia Ruchen looked as usual, looking at Su Yu lightly: "It seems that you already know what I am doing, so you don't have to talk nonsense!"

两位 Two Taoist strongmen on his side suddenly shot.

Xuemeng Feiyu quietly retreated quietly.

She secretly said, Su Yu is dead, but can't hurt herself.

However, what makes Xuemeng Feiyu confused, confused, and even puzzled is that the two Taoists did not attack Su Yu, but ... she!

The two sacrificed their realm at the same time, exuding their true intentions all over!

It's not some kind of acting, but it's really trying to kill her.

"Retreat!" Su Yu rushed over, exhibited the Tianlong Tao body, and forcibly scattered the two areas of killing.

With the strength of his body, the two fields were broken slightly reluctantly.

As a result, there was a slight pain in the arm.

Xun Xuemeng Feiyu stared at Xia Ruchen, disbelief: "Why? Brother Chen, why do you do this to me?"

Yi Xia Ruchen glanced at Su Yu with a little surprise, her eyebrows squinted, and said, "Don't call me dirty!"


Tong Conghui was like Xuemengfeiyu, immediately understood what was happening, busy: "Brother Chen Chen, don't get me wrong, nothing happened between us ..."

"Shut up! Now I have a word for you and I feel sick." Xia Ruchen's words were very ruthless. To read

Even if Xuemeng Feiyu was for him, he did not hesitate to take the luck of the greedy wolf king.

As a result, I didn't want to listen to even a single explanation.

Xun Xuemeng Feiyu's lips wriggled, and no longer explained, but asked, "Why do you kill me? As long as you don't see me anymore, is it OK?"

觉得 She felt that Xia Ruchen hated because of love.

If so, she will feel better.

However, Xia Ruchen didn't answer at all, only said: "Kill!"

He pulled out a strange weapon similar to a hook and joined the pursuit of Xuemeng Rainstorm.

Xun Xuemeng Feiyu laughed at herself, her smile was bitter and helpless.

She never thought about everything between herself and Xia Ruchen because of an accident and it was completely ruined!

"Go!" At the beginning of her hair, Su Yu grabbed her and galloped away.

He fights alone with a Taoist, and has a chance to win, but it is a bit embarrassing to face two.

In addition, Xia Ruchen, who is not lost to the Taoist master, is very dangerous.

So go for the best!

The star girl also has a dignified face, and the pink lotus mark on her brows suddenly shines pink.

A moment later, a basin-sized, substantive lotus flower appeared at the foot of the star girl.

Holding out her hand, she said, "Come up!"

Ji Suyu took her hand and jumped into the lotus.

I saw a large powder mist sprayed out of the nine lotus meters on the lotus.

The lotus then exploded with an incredible speed of rotation.

In the breath, he burst out hundreds of miles.

Its speed is even more amazing than the Taoist master!

I saw Xia Ruchen's three people flirted, Xing Nu Xiu's eyebrows were slightly relieved, she looked deep at Xuemeng Rain, and sighed: "It is really a troublesome person who can neither return nor leave behind, hey."

同样 She also understands why Xia Ruchen insists on killing Xuemeng Rainstorm.

"Why, why did he do this to me? Am I not paying enough for him?" Xuemeng Feiyu was sobbing.

The star woman sighed quietly: "It has nothing to do with how much you pay, he just wants to kill you and achieve a purpose."

Xuemeng Feiyu stunned: "What's the purpose?"

She still thinks that Xia Ruchen hates because of love.

"What will happen if you die?" Xing Nu asked.

Wu Xuemeng Feiyu thought about it. She is still a hostage. If she dies, I'm afraid anyone would think that it was the Pirate Alliance who said she had no faith and got the money tied up, but killed the hostage.

At that time, the sixth Peerless family might be in an endless situation with the Pirate Alliance.

When Tianyi Dongfu appeared soon, the two forces killed and killed them, and the pressure of the seventh peerless family would naturally be much less.

Xun Xuemeng Feiyu's heart was cold, Xia Ruchen didn't have "hate because of love", he was just trying to find the value of Xuemeng Feiyu!

She doesn't want to believe it. She doesn't believe in the man she likes.

However, he himself has shot himself, what else can be doubted?

"Su Deputy Chief, how to deal with her?" Xing Nu feels a little tricky.

Wu Suyu groaned, "You can only take her away from the seven civilizations. After it is safe, let Zhengzheng to lead the person in person."

"Well, that's all ..."

Pu Xing Nu was talking, and suddenly glanced behind her, her pupils shrinking slightly.

But seeing a fairly distant sky, the silhouette of the three great shores, stepping on a strangely fast battleship, came from the wind.

"Heavenly battleship?" The star girl looked surprised.

Most of the few remaining battleships in the heavens and the earth are in the seven civilizations. It is not surprising that Xia Ruchen, who is the heir, carried one with him.

"It's time to try to escape!" The star girl's feet instilled the power of the flood into the lotus, and Lotus suddenly soared at double speed.

He did so, pulling the latter a distance away.

However, the other side also accelerated, so that the distance between the two sides was closer.

I continue to do so, sooner or later will catch up.

Moreover, the star girl's power of flooding is very intense, I believe it will not last long.

此时 At this moment, Tianqi Lion, who also jumped into the lotus, also pulled Su Yu's trouser legs with his paw.

I waited for Su Yu to look down, Tian Jue Shi pointed in one direction.

"Is there anything in that direction?" Su Yuhu doubted.

Wu Tianjue lion pointed at himself and in that direction.

Wu Suyu didn't understand what it means ~ ~ Xing Nu, she seemed to be able to understand animal language, saying, "It means, there is where it was born."

When Su Suyu moved in her heart, the place where Tian Jue Lion was born has always been a mysterious place inaccessible.

Also, there are usually powerful worlds flooding the neighborhood.

"Follow the direction it points!"

Xing Xingnou nodded her head slightly, stance Lotus hurriedly.

A few days later, when Xia Ruchen was about to chase them, they came to a misty and confused place.

Seeing this place, Xing Nu's expression was dignified.

Wu Suyu also frowned deeply.

The mist in front of it was silvery white.

It looks like a haze, but in fact, it is a group of very small bugs.

This worm is called Gintama, and it is said that it is fragmented by the soul. Once it touches the human body, it will penetrate into the human body and penetrate into its soul.

After this, the soul of the person who has been merged will be confused.

Usually encounters one, others have to go around.

More than one or two in front of me? It's boundless!

Su Yu's fierce name here has been heard for a long time, and the name is Gintama Xuanhai!

Is said to be the most dangerous place in the seven must civilizations! ) Download Free Reader !!

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