The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2154: Ambitious

"Dream!" If Jin Tonglang was crazy, "How can the queen's grievances be erased in one sentence?"

Xia Yizhen frowned deeply. If Jin Hitang Langjun said that it was true, then the first Peerless Family and the seventh Peerless Family are the same, both descendants of the Heavenly Emperor and Queen.

However, the Seventh Peerless Family claimed to be a descendant of the Emperor of Heaven.

The first peerless family was the queen.

In essence, they are the same blood.

"So what do you want?" Xia Yizhen asked lightly.

Jin Tonglang Jun's face showed a bit of madness: "Of course, this place that ruined the queen!"

The original intention was to destroy the seven extinct civilizations.

And now, not only has this intention, but also the ability!

Looking at the shape of the Heavenly Great Emperor, Xia Yixu's heart sank like water.

It's really hard to say how powerful the five-body body of the Emperor is.

"Jintong Langjun, please be sober, even if the emperor owes the queen, is that the wish of our seventh peerless family and your first peerless family, is it necessary to destroy the entire seven peerless civilization? The rest of the family did not provoke the queen."

Hearing that, Jin Tonglang Jun sneered deeper: "Then you have to ask their ancestors, what is the last word of the queen before leaving? Is it to keep them guarding the civilization of the heavenly heritage, but what did they do? ! "

"A bunch of chaotic thieves are dead!" Jin Tonglang rebuked.

Is there such a secret?

Although the queen was distraught at the time, after all, she did not vent her anger on the innocent heavenly heritage civilization. Instead, her loyal ministers will continue to guard the heavenly heritage civilization.

What the queen didn't expect was that she had been away shortly afterwards, and those ministers had been acting in a private way, cheating each other, and falling in love with each other.

Eventually it developed into a war between each other. As a result, the Emperor Tianyi fell apart and became the most powerful situation of the seven peerless families today.

Xia Yizhang yelled, "What about ordinary people? Are they wronged by the queen?"

Jin Tonglang Jun grinned: "You are all dead, this account will be written off, naturally it will not endanger ordinary people."

Hearing this is the individual's true intention of hearing Jin Jin Lang Jun.

What is revenge for the queen?

Half a century apart, there is even no connection between the two.

Where does Jin Tonglang Jun come to avenge the Queen?

Its real motive is nothing more than the soundly eradicating all the forces of the seven must-have civilizations, and justifying the unification of the seven must-have civilizations.

Xia Yi's eyes sank, and he said lightly, "It depends on whether we are sitting still!"

He took the initiative and a huge field emerged behind him.

Its field is a mighty river, if it is true, it comes rolling in and devours the sun, moon, and stars!

In front of these areas, the powerful man of the homeowner's ranks will be extinguished as soon as the fire moth is extinguished.

However, Jin Tong Lang Jun was not afraid, but instead he shouted, "Also, let you see, Yu Wei of the Heavenly Emperor."

He released the body of the Emperor Tianyi in his hand, and struck a trail of power from the back.

This power is like a key to a dusty door.

The body of the Emperor Tian Yi shuddered slightly, and her closed eyes slowly opened.

His eyes were empty and soulless.

"Go!" Jin Tonglang Jun said.

Because of the shaping of this body, a drop of blood from Jin Tong Lang Jun was cited, so the body of the Emperor Tian Yi was very obedient.

In addition, he also communicates with Jin Tonglang Jun, knows what he means, and knows who he wants to kill.

I saw Emperor Tian Yi taking a step towards Xia Yichen.

This step seemed to tremble all over the sky cave house.

The areas where Xia Yizhen condensed were scattered directly.

He groaned. If he was severely hit, a corner of his mouth overflowed with blood.

With a single blow, will Xia Yizhen, the strongest of the seven civilizations, be injured?

The digital homeowner, who was still holding on to fluke, turned wild and immediately ran towards the Quartet.

However, the Emperor Tianyi just stepped on the ground, and the space inside Wanzhang suddenly became extremely heavy, oppressing everyone.

The galloping homeowners all fell to the ground.

Under the pressure of suffocation, the power of their lords, as if condensed in their bodies, could not exert the slightest hint.

The pupils of the broken army emperor and the annihilation number shrank into a needle.

Is that the prestige of the Heavenly Emperor?

To be precise, only Yu Wei is less than one thousandth of its real power.

Rao is so repressed that these so-called homeowners have no power to fight back.

"Crush them and leave them alone!" Jin Tonglang Jun commanded coldly.

The body of the Heavenly Great Emperor immediately took another step forward.

Suddenly, ten times the pressure just now, suddenly pressed on every homeowner.

When the Emperor of the Army and Emperor Zhengzheng trembled, he no longer hesitated to sacrifice the remaining treasures found in Tianyidongfu.

Unfortunately, they both got defensive magic.

The sacrifice of the Emperor of the Emperor was a round ball suspended above his head, emitting a glorious glory, covering himself.

Destroyed was a puppet, standing in front of himself, sharing infinite pressure from above his head.

The owners of the third and fifth peerless families were not so lucky.

They did not have a powerful magic weapon to defend themselves. Under that tenfold pressure, they were suddenly crushed into powder dust, and even a trace of Taoist blood could not be left, all turned into powder.

The two homeowners are gone!

Fortunately, the broken army emperor and the extermination who had escaped from the calamity were too late to be happy, because the Emperor Tianyi took this step again.

The coercion this time is even stronger!

The ball above the head of the broken army emperor was finally overwhelmed and cracked, and the broken army emperor was severely hit, vomiting blood and flying, and his face was golden.

Destroying is not much better, although some people even share some of the pressure, but this time the pressure is too strong, his body finally can't bear it, and blood constantly overflows from the pores.

In front of Emperor Tian Yi, they are just like ants.

Jin Tonglang Jun sneered: "Everyone, kill together!"

Just now it was aimed at the homeowners, but evil Xiaoyue, Su Yu, Xuemeng Rain, etc. have not been attacked yet.

After the Heavenly Great Emperor paused for a moment, he stepped up.


The atmosphere in Tianyidong Mansion is flowing wildly, countless spirit veins are drying up quickly, and the sky is quickly dim.

Distant space barriers are also looming.

This one foot will destroy most of the Tianyi Cave House.

Everyone present ~ ~ No one can live!

Xia Yichen's face changed slightly, and he said, "Don't keep your hands, otherwise, all of you will die!"

The direction he said was not the broken army emperor and the extermination who had been seriously injured, but the ruins in the distance.


In the ruins, a large area of ​​flames burst out suddenly, and the ruins were burned to ash instantly.

A woman burning purple flames came slowly.

"Okay! You can count on me, but you have the ability!" The Ziyan devil wiped the blood of the Tao flowing from the corner of her mouth, and stared at Biyun Hongxian fiercely.

唰 ——

She shook her left hand, and a spear with a purple flame flashed out.

There is a faint hint of fire from the goddess!

(End of this chapter)

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