The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2159: Unharmed

The hopes of many pirates have been ruthlessly penetrated!

They also thought that a genius of Gaid was born in the Pirate Alliance.

But who knows, he just arranged for them ... undercover!

The hope is shattered, like a box of resentment sealed out, and burst of anger out of it.

Suddenly, it was full of scolding and cursing, and a strong intention to kill.

Xie Xiaoyue just felt a buzz around her ears, she had lost her ability to think, and her mind was blank.

It took a long time for her eyes to return to focus, and there was an indescribable distress in her heart, and she murmured, "Su Ruchu, what do you want me to do, am I sorry for you?"

Su Yu stared at Xie Xiaoyue, with an extra touch of soft color in her eyes.

Among the top ten pirates, if he says he has a debt, there is only evil Xiaoyue.

When the kidnap of the greedy wolf king was pursued by the second peerless family, and he was about to fall into desperation, Xie Xiaoyue appeared to resolve the crisis.

More importantly, he gave Su Yu a priceless treasure—Tianjing Chen.

Staring at Xie Xiaoyue's eyes, Su Yu's tone eased slightly, and said, "Siao Yue's leader, the pirates will not be on the right track. Let's go back to shore."

Xie Xiaoyue's eyes overflowed with a mist of water, disappointed and hateful, rubbing into a unique wave of light, saying: "I want you to control!"

Of course, Su Yu doesn't need to care, but she doesn't want Xie Xiaoyue to continue wrong.

Although she has always restrained herself and her subordinates, and rarely committed killings, she depends on pillage for a living, and after all, she has too many grievances.

It is a matter of time before the Pirate Alliance is eliminated. At that time, Xie Xiaoyue was the first person in the Pirate Alliance and could not escape.

She may be pretty good in the area under the control of the Seven Extremes civilization.

After going through many issues of Tianyidongfu, Xie Xiaoyue should understand that if someone really wants to eradicate the Pirate Alliance, it is actually very easy.

"Boss Xiaoyue, what nonsense with him?" Kitahara Pirates spit fire: "This son has been undercover in my Pirate Alliance for so long. I don't know how much information we have betrayed to Qi Jue civilization. Now we kill him and we will immediately change the station. ! "

"Kill? How can there be such a cheap thing?" Red Pirate yelled, "Dare to be undercover in our Pirate Alliance, then we must have the realization that life is better than death!"

"Hum, indeed, death is not the most terrible thing. The terrible thing is to live, but it is better to die." A soft-faced pirate leader said lightly: "Submit this son to me, he must make him regret coming to the world. "

The pirate leader is indeed qualified to say this.

Because he is the most famous pirate of all pirate leaders ...

He was the only one who became a Taoist by making good use of torture.

As a mortal, Zeng Jin was an executioner. After entering martial arts, he mainly studied torture, and finally stepped into the avenue against the sky and became a Taoist member.

No one has had a good end for anyone who fell into his hands.

Even the Taoist would rather die than spend more time in the hands of the leader of Mo Luo!

However, since joining the Pirate Alliance, Moro has been working hard most of the time because of the limit, and hopes to improve life by improving cultivation.

Therefore, he has not punished people for a long time.

Hearing that the leader of Mo Luo planned to take his own shot, several pirate leaders were shocked and laughed excitedly.

"This should be the case with the undercover! Cut his stomach open and see how bold he is, how dare to betray us!"

"Leader of Morrow, after the torture, please give him a breath and let him pass a message to the Seven Extreme Civilizations and tell them that the revenge of the Pirate Alliance is coming soon!"

"Yes, shock everyone!"

"Hmm! A group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered are also trying to resist us!"


Watching them, Su Yu had no fluctuations in her heart.

The Pirate Alliance is a place of dirt and dirt, where many sinners gather.

No matter how cruel they are, Su Yu expected.

He increasingly felt the need to eliminate the Pirate Alliance.

The small eye pupil of the leader of the mo Luo, like snake eyes, stared at Su Yu, and finally looked at the evil Xiaoyue who always kept silent.

Anyway, Su Yu is a person of Xie Xiaoyue. How to deal with Su Yu should be decided by Xie Xiaoyue.

"Captain Xiaoyue, how about he hand it over to me?"

Xie Xiaoyue shook his fist and finally looked at Su Yu, and said, "Su Ruchu, I ask you, do you regret being the undercover of Qijue civilization?"

"No regrets!"

She wanted to give Su Yu one last chance, but Su Yu didn't even think about it and responded directly.

Xie Xiaoyue silently for a while, his eyes darkened little by little.

Finally, take a long breath, and said lightly, "I, deal with him personally!"

Upon hearing the news, everyone was disappointed, and the leader of Moruo was even more sorry.

After all, it was decided to demonstrate his extreme punishment again. However, Xie Xiaoyue did not give him a chance at all.

Xie Xiaoyue pressed his hand, motioned everyone to be quiet, looked at Su Yu, and said, "As a pirate alliance, the undercover has always been unforgivable. You, no exception!"

"Understand." Su Yu said lightly.

Xie Xiaoyue slowly raised her finger, point to Su Yu away, and closed her eyes in pain: "So, I'm sorry!"

The power of a homeowner's Taoist was placed on Su Yu's chest in the air.

This blow, Su Yu, the owner of the half-walk, will undoubtedly die.

However, no one had expected that Su Yu not only did not die, but the hit was like a mud ox entering the sea.

Su Yu stood in place without any injuries!

Xie Xiaoyue noticed the strangeness, opened her eyes, and couldn't help but be surprised: "You ... have got a defense magic weapon in Tianyidong Mansion?"

Is it possible to defend against homeowner-level attacks?

Su Yu stunned the power of the Taoist remnants in front of her chest, and said indifferently, "To be precise, I have always been so fit, but you haven't discovered it."

It was said that no one at the pirates would believe it.

A half-walker, can he have a physique beyond the level of homeowner?

Who believes?

"Huh! Xiao Wang Ba Zi, dare to be mad in my pirate alliance! Let me try, how strong you are!" The leader of Kitahara snorted loudly, and a picture of a blue dragon walking behind him strode forward.

That blue dragon picture is naturally its domain.

Once the realm is opened, its deity can gain several times the strength bonus.

Physically strong, instantly close to the homeowner-level strong.

When Xie Xiaoyue wanted to stop ~ ~ The leader of Kitahara had rushed past and took the lead in launching an attack, pointing to Su Yu's forehead.

The strength of that horrified the pirates present.

However, the next moment that made them so silent was that Su Yu transformed into a half-man and half-dragon, raised his right fist, and smashed directly.

In an instant, the leader of Kitahara, known for his physique, first shattered his field, and then, the entire body was pierced by Su Yu's fist like paper.

The body of the leader of Kitahara softened a little, and finally fell in the air, hitting the battleship motionless.

Amazingly dead!

The dignified Kitahara leader was physically forcibly killed?

Su Yu lowered her head and wiped the blood of the Taoist master on her fist.

At eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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