The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2189: Meet the enemy

"Is it you?" Xuanhua recognized Su Yu's back, and was slightly angry.

She had quite a feeling that the praying mantis was catching cicadas and the cardinals.

It's just that she is a praying mantis and others are cardinals!

"You're over!" Xuanhua's pen draws a pair of huge black wings in the sky, and the wings fall behind her, and the fan bursts into a strong speed.

After ten breaths, he rushed to catch up with Su Yu.

Perceived that the mysterious painting was behind him, Su Yu was embarrassed by Xiao Yue's inconvenience and shot a shock. The dragon's blood surged in the body, and a layer of dragon gas overflowed the body surface, forming a dragon shape.

As soon as the long tail swept away, the entire dragon suddenly shot away like a sharp arrow, and the mysterious painting was thrown away.

The mysterious painting was angry and angry, but He Suyu was too fast, and finally lost after half an hour.

"Damn!" Chasing her hopelessly, stomping angrily: "Don't run into me again, or I won't spare you!"

the other side.

After getting rid of the mysterious paintings, Su Yu landed in a relatively safe place.

Looking at Xie Xiaoyue who seemed to be asleep with her eyes closed, Su Yu said, "It's safe."

Xie Xiaoyue suddenly opened her eyes, and suddenly attacked Su Yu with her right palm toward Su Yu's chest.

But Su Yu seemed to have expected it, and threw it to the ground.

噗通 ——

Xie Xiaoyue fell to the ground with a butt, making a few muffled noises.

She couldn't make a surprise attack, rolled on the spot, widened the distance, and turned around in a vigilant manner, staring at Su Yu, her eyes were quite unhealthy.

"I'll be your life-saving benefactor, is it really good to treat me like this?" Su Yu teased.

Xie Xiaoyue's eyes stared: "Save me? Your bright messenger dog biting a dog is not a good thing!"

Su Yu touched her nose and smiled gently: "I'm not a messenger of light."

"No?" Xie Xiaoyue was suspicious. Those who participated in the deer chasing have always only had the light messenger.

At this time, Su Yu slowly took off the mask, exposing the handsome face.

Just looking at it, Xie Xiaoyue widened her eyes and exclaimed incredulously: "Su Ruchu !! How could it be you?"

"Well, is it a surprise?" Su Yu laughed.

After returning to God, Xie Xiaoyue's mouth was full of snow and silver teeth, and his eyes became sharp. Regardless, he rushed over and took the initiative to attack: "I destroy you!"

The power of the Lord, the realm, was released.

However, Su Yu only slaps an understatement, and the invincible palm force completely disintegrates his attack.

At the same time, his hand was like lightning, and he grabbed his right wrist, chuckling: "The old man is reunited. It is not good to shout and kill."

"Well! Who is the old man with you? We are the same enemies!" Xie Xiaoyue struggled hard, and Su Yu's hands were like iron tongs, holding them tightly.

Unable to break free, Xie Xiaoyue drew his other hand towards his heart.

Su Yu smiled and pinched her other hand.

No matter how evil Xie Xiaoyue resists, he cannot escape.

"Leader of the month, the world has changed. You are still you, but I am not the same as me. Don't make any more impulsive actions." Su Yu said indifferently.

Although Xie Xiaoyue's face was full of hatred, the shock in her heart was already covered.

Su Yu took the Pirate Alliance, relying on conspiracy and tricks, she never considered Su Yu in terms of strength.

See you ten years later, but he underplayed himself?

This change is really a bit big!

The more he thought about it, the more angry Xie Xiaoyue was.

Ten years later, she became a prisoner, but Su Yu got better and better!

"Thief! You have no eyes and let the wicked do the right thing!" Maybe it was too sad and angry, Xie Xiaoyue raised his head and screamed, crying aggrieved.

She was sad enough to talk about it.

Good leader of the Pirate Alliance, gone in front of them.

Ran to the glazed civilization to seek development, but became a prisoner.

I thought I caught a light ambassador, but I met the top of the light ambassadors and almost lost my life!

In the end, she was rescued by someone who had fallen into such a situation.

"The wicked man uttered from the mouth of a pirate boss, how can you hear that it means good people?" Su Yu let go of his hands and laughed.

Xie Xiaoyue raised her tearful eyes and stared at him in anger: "Do you still have a smile on your face? Thanks to you!"

Su Yu smiled, took out the Taoist fairy embryo-level jade bottle, took out some spiritual fluid from it, and sprinkled a few drops on the top of Xie Xiaoyue.

The pain remaining in her soul disappeared immediately.

Xie Xiaoyue still stared at Su Yu, but not as fierce as before, but complicated.

After a while, she barely persuaded herself, and sighed longly: "Anyway, you have become a prisoner of the order anyway, and ended up where you deserved it. The previous account, no matter what."

She remembered that Su Yu once let her go when he occupied the Pirate League.

Coupled with today's life-saving grace, and she didn't really hate Su Yu forever, so she decided to let go of her past.

"Oh, it's kind, so you're ready to let me go?" Su Yu smiled.

Xie Xiaoyue obliquely slapped him: "Huh! Shao can, as a prey in the foggy forest, you are prepared psychologically, you will be killed at any time here."

Su Yu's smile was deeper, which caused Xie Xiaoyue to feel a hair in her heart: "What are you laughing at?"

"I want to tell you a piece of news, but I don't know if it's good news or bad news for you."

Xie Xiaoyue taunted and pointed at herself: "Is there any worse news than now?"



"I'm not a prisoner, but a hunter who participates in deer."

Xie Xiaoyue was like a stone sculpture, petrified on the spot, as if it had been hit by a sunny thunderbolt. After returning to God, she was about to eat Su Yu's expression, and resentfully yelled to the sky: "The wicked is the way, the wicked is the way!"

She didn't understand how Su Yu got into the misty forest of the Palace of Light.

But I believe unconditionally.

Because Su Yu can really do it!

With this in mind, I almost vomited blood, and my heart was extremely imbalanced.

Su Yu killed him like this, not only did not take retribution, but also became a hunter!

"Hahaha ..." Su Yuxi smiled: "It seems to you that is bad news."

Xie Xiaoyue stared at Su Yu, and his silver teeth were ground, and he did not want to cry.

It's ridiculous enough, Su Yu is just enough, and laughs: "You will act as my prey. When you leave the misty forest, how can you let you go?"

Xie Xiaoyue's eyes suddenly flashed, and she was surprised: "Really?"

Her expression changes faster than turning a book!

"False!" Su Yu said.

"You!" Xie Xiaoyue was full of anger and felt that she was playing with her vest.

"I will not only let you go, but I will also give you a good fortune." Su Yu said again.

Xie Xiaoyue froze, and her anger turned to laugh: "Jack!"

Obviously teasing her!

However, she was completely relieved at the bottom of her heart, leaving the Palace of Light, and she finally had hope for her freedom.

She is still very clear about Su Yu. Since she decided to let her go, she will.

I just don't know what he calls good fortune.

"Tell me, how did you get caught in the Palace of Light?" Su Yu asked.

Xie Xiaoyue resentfully said: "Thank you for giving me nothing. I came to the development of liuli civilization, but soon after I arrived, I was deceived by someone and sold to the Palace of Light."


"Jin Tong Lang Jun!"

Su Yu's pupils changed slightly: "He is also in Liuli civilization!"

"Yes! In order to quickly gain the trust of the imperial kingdom as soon as possible, he sold my intelligence, the leader of the pirate alliance, to the imperial kingdom, which forced me to flee to the Palace of Light, and was captured by the army of the Palace at the border."

Xie Xiaoyue said, but found that Su Yu was lost in thought.

"What are you thinking?"

Su Yu was thinking of Jin Tong Lang Jun's purpose, and from the first time he dealt with Su Yu, he felt quite uneasy.

The encounter at Tianyidongfu also shows that Su Yu's intuition is correct.

Knowing that he was in Liuli civilization, Su Yu had a very bad hunch.

"Hope not to intersect with it anymore." Su Yu thought so, and then he looked at Xie Xiaoyue: "You are in the foggy forest, what is your plan?"

Xie Xiaoyue shook her head: "Before I met you, I hope to catch a light messenger. Now, I don't need anything."

Now just obediently become Su Yu's prey, you can successfully leave.

"Oh? Regardless of the slave king? He has a deep root for you." Su Yu laughed with a smile.

Xie Xiaoyue suddenly looked cold: "Don't mention him! If there was no life-saving grace, I would have killed him early!"

"Hehe ..." Su Yu chuckled, and if she had deep meaning in her eyes, her life-saving grace? I'm afraid it's not that simple.

He never believed in coincidence!

Xie Xiaoyue was just besieged by the beast ~ ~ sooner or later, the slave king appeared.

In addition, the slave beastmaster has the ability to control the brute ...

The truth here is worth pondering!

However, without evidence, Su Yu will not rely on speculation to maliciously speculate on others.

"Since you know the plans of Slave King, do you know where the many traps he has set?"

"Basically, you let me show you the way and hunt those wild animals and criminals?"

"of course!"

Xie Xiaoyue suddenly hesitated, Xu Xu said: "There is no good end to the slave king. He controls all the beasts in the foggy forest. If he is really angry, he will chase you and me alone, unless he gives up the game and leaves Misty forest. "

Su Yu remembered the wild beast full of icebergs and thought it was true.

"Alternatively, you can join the rest of the Lightbringer and shoot together." Xie Xiaoyue said.

Su Yu grinned: "The light envoys will probably not cooperate with me."

"Why?" Xie Xiaoyue blinked. "In this special case, they should temporarily give up the confrontation."

"Because, except for the mysterious painting, they were hit by me again."


Xie Xiaoyue's eyelids kept beating, and he murmured, "You are really a scourge, in every sense!"

"Okay, just do what I say."

Next, Xie Xiaoyue led the way, and Su Yu found her ambush easily.

At the same time, they can see through their traps and kill them easily.

Five days later.

Su Yu has successfully hunted down four master-level wild beasts, twenty ordinary wild beasts, plus a unicorn that had been previously hunted, for a total of six hundred percent.

"The score is enough." Su Yu secretly analyzed, and now the only concern is Xuanhua.

If her total score does not exceed Su Yu, he will not get second place and antler.

(End of this chapter)

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