The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 230: Yunxiang Pavilion Master

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Yunxiang Pavilion is divided into cabinet and outer cabinet.

The outer cabinet is the place where celebrations are held.

The cabinet, secretly guarded by countless strong, is strictly forbidden to enter.

An Yurou was infrequent and was imprisoned in a cabinet.

"I don't know how she is now?" Su Yu slightly fisted, feeling guilty.

If it wasn't for him, how could An Yurou expose herself and lead Lu Jun to come and arrest her?

Without his protection, Xianer would have become his wife, and Su Yu would have been a pitiful cold bone.

Therefore, no matter what, he must rescue An Yurou.

at all costs!

"Huh! Are you qualified to come in?" A scorn and a cold hum came from behind.

Su Yu looked back, but it is the three legendary geniuses in the sky, Lin Ao.

Beside him, followed by a beautiful woman, was Lin Hong who was destroyed by Su Yu's hot hands. At this moment, he was staring at Su Yu with hatred.

"If you think I'm here, it's defiled, you can leave, nobody will stop you." Su Yu responded.

In the Nine Clouds Tower that day, the existence of Su Yu made Lin Ao, who disdain co-located with Su Yu, give up and left.

Lin Ao absolutely frowned: "I let you speak? Who gave you the right to speak to me?"

He could scold Su Yu scornfully, but he was not allowed to say a word.

Su Yu asked: "Have I ever spoken to you? Just now, I was just responding to a dog bark."

On the mean, Su Yu is not lost to anyone.

"Do you dare to insult the elder brother?"

Su Yu glanced at her lightly, and understated the withdrawal, ignoring her, passing by her!

In the eyes, there is no Lin family.

Lin Hong was furious and frightened, clenching her teeth tightly: "In front of Auntie Brother, carrying something that doesn't deserve it, how strong is he?

Lin Ao faintly hummed: "Let's go, ignore this kind of person, our world, he won't understand."

"That's right, Big Brother, regardless of him, we still quickly enter the field and join the elders after the birthday celebration." Lin Hong smiled flatly.

Elder Green Robe also came, just communicating with a big man in the cabinet of Yunxiang Pavilion.

Soon the celebration began.

All the guests will take their seats in turn.

The seats are divided into three levels.

The first level is the VIP seat, which has only two seats.

That is, the two legendary geniuses other than the owner of Yunxiang Pavilion, only they are worthy of the VIP seat.

The second level is the guest seat, which has only seat 20.

Top geniuses such as Ouyang Yuxin and Li Yan can enjoy guest seats.

The third level is ordinary seats.

They are usually guests' attendants, guests, etc., and are not the object of invitation.

Today's focus naturally belongs to the three legendary geniuses and 20 guests. They are the arrogant generation of Alliance City, condensing the most talented teenagers of our time.

"Look! Lin Aojue!" Su Yuen sat in the ordinary seat, and the girl beside her suddenly screamed.

"He must be the top three in this league match. There is no suspense when entering Shentianfu, and he will definitely be trained."


Suddenly, a scream screamed from her mouth again.

Suddenly, I stood up, and my face was full of excited ruddy color: "Look at it! It's the son of Fengyue!"

The crowd was boiling, especially the young girls, with all their pride and ripples in their eyes.

This person, Su Yu has long been famous.

Looking sideways, a nineteen-year-old boy in a gorgeous white robe with black hair like a waterfall is walking leisurely.

The jade face has a long crown and is personable, with a long and tall figure, with a smile on his face.

The sun was pouring down on him, and Jun Yi was dusty.

What a beautiful man!

However, what is even more amazing is that his strength has actually reached the end of Hualong Six Realms!

On momentum, only under Lin Aojue.

Lin Ao is so imposing that he seems to have the Seven Realms of Hualong, but the real cultivation should be the peak of Six Realms of Hualong.

The strength of the two is not much different.

Another amazing genius!

Ouyang Yuxin's beautiful eyes are bright, and her face is reddish.

Seeing that she was there, the son of Fengyue went straight to Ouyang Yuxin, with a smile on her face, "Yu Xinmei, how about sitting with me in the VIP seat?"

Ouyang Yuxinfang's heartbeat, identity, talent, and strength are all in Ouyang Yuxin's mind, the best candidate for the future husband.

Among the jealous flames of many young girls, Ouyang Yuxin blushed, nodded gently, and obeyed to the VIP area.

To this end, the organizer deliberately added a seat next to the son of Fengyue.

The two sat next to each other, and the appearance of Lang Cai was like a golden boy and a girl, envying others.

And Ouyang Yuxin, contented and enjoyed, endless vanity.

Carrying the family burden for a long time, only this rare opportunity can feel the glory that should belong to her.

"The owner of Yunxiang Pavilion is here!"

With a loud shout, inside the Yunxiang Pavilion, a slim 18-year-old girl came out in lotus style.

He was tall and silky, with long hair, tied in a bunch with purple silk, lying quietly behind Qianli.

Dressed in ink gown, embroidered with butterflies and flowers.

Concave and convex lines, bloom under the ink gown.

And Zhang Tiandanyurong, delicately matched with the five senses, although not beautiful, don't have a natural beauty.

A smile, a unique temperament.

Many teenagers couldn't help showing their admiration.

Although she is not as beautiful as Ouyang Yuxin, she can naturally focus her focus.

Ouyang Yuxin was a little jealous, but even she had to admit that the owner of Yunxiang Pavilion was indeed beautiful.

She is beautiful in appearance, and the beauty of Yunxiang Pavilion is in temperament.

In the eyes of the son of Fengyue, there is a vague admiration flowing, even if the current is like him, it is difficult to resist the beautiful temperament of the owner of Yunxiang Pavilion.

"Tian Dan emerges from the dust ... it seems to have known each other ..." Su Yu murmured softly, staring at the owner of Yunxiang Pavilion, inadvertently remembering that, the immortal in the picture in deep memory.

I don't know where she is now and where she is.

There was a faint glance, silently gliding over the eyes.


The owner of Yunxiang Pavilion seemed to have a feeling, and looked forward to Su Yu, Jing Meixue's eyes, a little stunned, seeming a little surprised.

For a moment, he slightly nodded and smiled.

This scene aroused the attention of many geniuses.

When he noticed that the people who got the laugh from the owner of Yunxiang Pavilion were actually teenagers with ordinary seats.

Looking at the seats, should they be followers or non-invite people?

Feng Yue's son looked at Su Yu lightly, and then retreated indifferently.

Ouyang Yuxin on her side was slightly surprised, whispering softly: "Do they know each other?"

"Yu Xinmei, do you know the silver-haired boy?" Fengyue son murmured, frowning slightly.

Ouyang Yuxin hurriedly converged, feeling a lot of contempt for Su Yu, her face was reddish, she shook her head and said, "No .. I don't know!"

Fengyue lost her interest and nodded: "To put it the same way, it's better for Yu Xinmei to have less relationship with the low-level people who follow the hierarchy."

"I understand, I don't know him." Ouyang Yuxin smiled and looked up at the moonlight of Fengyue, full of expectation and faint admiration.

The owner of Yunxiang Pavilion sat down with the guests, watched a live show, and then chatted with everyone.

After a short while, the host of Yunxiang Pavilion's red lips lightly opened, the sound was beautiful, and it sounded pleasantly. After hearing it, he felt numb. It ’s better to learn from each other, or to warm up for the league in a few days. "

"For this reason, I specially invited two respected seniors to comment for us."


In the cabinet, two figures flew out.

An old man in the green robe is an elder of the Lin family!

A thirty young man with a jade face like a crown, magnificent!

This person, not others, is Lu Jun!

Su Yu's pupils shrank, killing intentions flowing! !!

It was him who forcibly took An Yurou! It was him who ordered the two followers to kill Su Yu and Mo Wu!

The two fluttered down and sat in parallel with the owner of Yunxiang Pavilion.

Su Yu converged to kill, but she was slightly curious. Where is the owner of Yunxiang Pavilion sacred?

Not only can you feast the geniuses in the city, but you can also invite two feathered powerhouses to make a special trip review?

She has such a big face!

"Come to the stage and discuss it voluntarily. Don't let it hurt you when you're done." Yunxiangge said with a soft smile.

唰 唰 ——

As soon as the words fell, the two figures were ready to leap onto the ring.

Looking closely, one of them, Su Yu actually knew that it was the young master of the Zeng family, Zeng Shenbao!

At the age of eighteen, he has the strength of Hualong Wujing Xiaocheng, comparable to Ouyang Yuxin.

The other is a very face-to-face man, around nineteen years old, who has the strength of Dachenghualongwujing! Skinny and emaciated, eyes narrow and long, sometimes flashing fiercely.

"Tan Jifei?" Zeng Shenbao did not expect that someone would rob him of the challenge.

"Come on, the person I want to challenge is not you, it's her!" Tan Jifei blinked coldly and pointed at Ouyang Yuxin.

Ouyang Yuxin shuddered, then refused to give in and hummed: "Who is afraid you won't succeed?"

"Now your mouth is hard, and I will make you scream! I slap my brother Tan Lin, hum, how brave you are?" Tan Jifei, brother Tan Lin!

On the same day, Ouyang Yuxin favored Su Yu and slaps Tan Lin at his expense.

Today, Tan Jifei took the stage to find revenge by studying and comparing.

Ouyang Yuxin's complexion changed slightly, she felt remorse and secretly said, was it too impulsive at that time?

But in public, she naturally refused to lose: "Fight!"

However, above the platform, Zeng Shenbao refused to step down, with a cold look: "Unfortunately! The person I want to challenge ~ ~ is not you, it is him!"

唰 ——

He pointed away, pointing at Su Yu!

In a word, all the Canglong coffin and Ouyang Yuxin, which should have belonged to him Zeng Shenbao, all vanished.

His father was afraid of Su Yu's identity, but Zeng Shenbao was not convinced.

Su Yu looked calm, and said slowly: "Reselect the target, you, not my opponent."

"Joke! Hualong is just in the realm, destroying you with one finger is enough!" Zeng Shenbao smiled angrily.

Su Yu closed her eyes and responded silently.

Everyone was uproar.

Zeng Shenbao and Yang Jifei both wanted to challenge the rest of the people and seize the right to challenge.

The owner of Yunxiang Pavilion looked at Su Yu with a smile, retracted his gaze, and said softly: "Since both of you are fighting for the right to challenge, how about you fight first? Later, you are allowed to play."

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