The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 235: All apologize

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"Let's go together! To deal with such geniuses who vilify our Alliance City, don't preach morality!" Zhao Wuming was angry.

嗖 嗖 嗖 ——

Dozens of guests, flew up together, and besieged together!

Su Yu laughed long and long: "Say anger into shame and say, in the name of morality, you still have faces!"

Twenty Alliance geniuses were indignant.

They didn't hesitate, they shot together!

"Star Thunder Finger!"


"Ruri Bingyan!"

One person faced twenty people's attacks, and Su Yu used all the skills he had learned.

Although the number of opponents is large, they are all fighting on their own, the crowd is chaotic, and the number advantage cannot be exerted.

Instead, it was Su Yu, who was amazingly capable and able to deal with it.






But when seeing Su Yu like a wolf entering the flock, the crowd was flying away.

For a moment, the ground was a mess and miserable.

Only those who can stand are Zhao Wuming and Su Yu!

In this scene, everyone trembled in the eyes, and one person was flying to the majority!

"Two volumes of True Spirit Gongfa, a top-level succession Gongfa! Great terrible understanding!"

The eyes of Yunxiang Pavilion are beautiful, Su Yu's strength is beyond imagination!

However, on the side she wanted to see, Su Yu still failed to show her!

Ouyang Yuxin's chest seemed to be blocked by something, very uncomfortable.

Is he so scary?

The top genius in Alliance City is hard to beat him!

Although Su Yu's consumption is not small, he respites slightly.

But how strong is it to stand invincible?

Only three legends can reach such a level!

The most important one, the three legends, are at least 18 years old, but Su Yu is only 15 years old!

Its potential is even above the three legends!

As an ideal object, Su Yu is even more suitable than the son of Fengyue!

However, Lenovo had previously intended to stay rusty with Su Yu, and Ouyang Yuxin had no reason to be tight.

With red lips biting slightly, Ouyang Yuxin glanced sideways and said, "Fengyue son, I don't know how powerful Yinyu son is in your eyes."

The face of Fengyue's son and grandma was a little scornful: "In the eyes of top geniuses, it may be very powerful. In my eyes, it may be a level of one or two tricks."

Is that so?

Ouyang Yuxin's heart didn't come to be slightly comfortable, I don't know why, she was very reluctant to see Su Yu's strength, so strong she regretted it!

Above the ring, Zhao Wuming's heart trembled, and Su Yu's learning was astonishing.

In particular, it ’s terrifying!

"It's your turn!" Su Yu glanced coldly and shot at him, which made Zhao Wuming's heart tremble, and she shuddered inwardly: "I Zhao disdain to take the danger of others, seeing that you consume huge sums, let your life go! Go! "

Indeed, Su Yu fought repeatedly, and the consumption was indeed not small.

If it is entangled and consumed, Zhao Wuming is very likely to win, but the price may not be small.

The other star's finger is very tricky!

"Do you have less time when people are in danger? Do you care about the present? Let's say cowardly and dare not fight!" Su Yu scolded!

"For those who are weaker than you, you have a war with you, and those who are stronger than you are timid and afraid to fight, what is not cowardice?"

Zhao Wuming was furious, this Su Yu, I really do n’t know what to do!

"I wanted to give you a step down. Since you have to fight, I'll fight with you!" Zhao Wuming shot carefully!

"Feiyun feet!"

"Star Thunder Finger!"



The two figures flew into the iron cage, and each collision can burst into a powerful force.

However, in each collision, Zhao Wuming was in a disadvantage and was beaten by Su Yu!

Everyone understands that Zhao Wuming is consuming!

Yes, ten moves in the past!

Twenty moves in the past!

Thirty moves past!

Zhao Wuming was panting and his aura was exhausted, but Su Yu was still strong!

"What's going on?" Zhao Wuming was horrified.

Why is the opponent's Reiki so strong? Obviously after 20 people's war, it should have consumed most of it!

The onlookers slowly realized that they were wrong.

How could they know that Su Yu's profound heritage is far beyond ordinary people?

Finally, after thirty moves again.

Zhao Wuming finally exhausted his spirits and was bombarded by Su Yu with a finger!


The abdomen is penetrated by aura, flesh and blood fly!

I screamed and fell to the ground!

At this point, the twenty guest seats are all on the ground!

Everyone stared at the silver-haired boy in the moon-white robe, and realized that the first strongest of the new generation of three great wizards was born!

At the age of fifteen, with great potential, it is likely to become a new generation of legends in the future!

Zhao Wuming's eyes moved unwillingly, covering his abdomen with pain, and slowly walked out of the iron cage.

The remaining geniuses also retreated ashamed.

"Who let you go?"

However, a humming sound came from behind them.

Zhao Wuming turned back angrily: "What else do you want?"

"How? Of course, apologize!" Su Yuyao pointed at An Yurou behind him.

"I apologize for your disgusted eyes, for your offensive behavior!" Su Yu chilled into the air.

Why did he anger the genius of the Alliance City? Why fight all of them alone?

Because he wanted to escape to justice for An Yurou!

She is not wicked!

"Apologize? To this ugly woman?" Zeng Shenbao smirked. "Are you insulting us? How can we apologize to this ugly woman as a slave?

Su Yu didn't look at him, but looked deep into the sky, her voice gradually indifferent: "Let's repeat one last time, apologize!"

Zeng Shenbao laughed: "Go! What are you ..."

嗖 ——

A figure struck, and it was Su Yu, her cold eyes staring at the cold light!

A finger pierced through Zeng Shenbao Dantian!


In the screaming, Zeng Shenbao Xiu was abolished!

This scene immediately caused an uproar!

The fierce Su Yu, but the Zeng family is not only a well-known family in the Union City, Su Yu dare to abandon him for repair!


However, what's even more embarrassing is that Su Yu not only abolished his Dantian, but smashed his head with his palm!

Spattered with blood, Zeng Shenbao's head was like a watermelon burst, and it shattered on the spot!

"I repeat again, apologize! Otherwise ... kill! None! Pardon!" Su Yu's voice was empty and long, but filled with endless icy cold!

Some indignation filled the genius of the follower Zeng Shenbao's departure.

Revoke it first, then take your life?

He ... where did he get the courage?

"I .. I apologize!" The female genius who is so far away from Su Yu ~ ~ has weak hands and feet, completely put down pride.

"Yeah .. sorry!"

Su Yu glanced at the remaining geniuses.

Whoever dares to be swept away will dare to have the slightest anger, lower their noble heads and apologize to An Yurou!

Even Zhao Wuming bowed his head after a moment of stalemate!

So, a shock scene appeared!

All the geniuses in Union City were all oppressed and bowed their heads to apologize!

Everything, just because of a mysterious boy, Silver Feather!

Among the guest seats, a handful of female geniuses who never shot, and a petite and exquisite girl ran to Ouyang Yuxin.




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