The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2283: Mysterious Dragon

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A group of people landed on Panlongmu, and a horrible wicked atmosphere came to their faces.

That evil power is ten times stronger than the outside world.

Even Qin Hui, who was born and raised in the Eastern Regions all the year round, can't withstand such strong evil spirits.

A trace of evil spirit, ignoring the power of the Lord on their surface, drilled into them from the pores.

Their eyes were a little scarlet, and their breath was faint.

"Start practicing immediately, otherwise I will be swallowed up by evil spirits." Qin Hui took the key given by Deacon Li, came to the dragon tail of Panlongmu, and inserted it into a groove.

Just listening to the sound of a click, the entire panlongmu came alive and wandered around.

The dragon's mouth suddenly opened wide, taking a sip, and sucking away the foul air.

Then, its dragon scales spread out, and a trace of the power of the Taoist master was released.

Absorbing evil energy and transforming it into the power of the Taoist masters, this is the magical effect of Panlongmu after being transformed.

Qin Hui and his party immediately sat cross-legged, greedily absorbing the power of the Taoist master, and working hard to improve cultivation.

The power of Taoism is not very beneficial to Su Yu.

He walked back and forth on the panlong wood to check if there was anything special about the wood that could cause the king's sword to tremble constantly.

Ke Zai searched carefully and found nothing.

"Did I ignore something?" Su Yu thought to herself, with dozens of possibilities emerging in her mind.

In the end, there was a slight flash of light, and Panlongmu, who was at the foot of his palm, was spitting the ninety-five ice dragon spirit.

But seeing that breath and seeing the appearance, Pan Longmu under Su Yu's palm actually appeared a very fuzzy handwriting.


He intensified the Dragon Ice of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and the handwriting became clear. It was a very ancient Dragon character.

Shaped like a little dragon, full of mystery.

Su Yu recorded it calmly, then moved her palms elsewhere, and as a result, there was another dragon-type text three inches away.

Repeatedly, Su Yu searched inch by inch.

Ten days later, when the evil spirit near Panlongmu was extremely thin and Panlongmu gradually stopped swimming, Su Yu also completed the exploration.

He explored every inch of Panlongmu, and got a total of 18,000 words of Longwen.

"Should it be a hidden dragon trick?" Su Yu speculated, based on experience.

In ten days, he had to figure out all the words, but it was too late to organize them into a complete method.


At this moment, the six masters of different strengths rise from the panlong wood.

Six distinctive field pictures fluttered above.

Of the six fields, three are intermediate fields and three are elementary fields.

The last three are naturally three students.

However, what attracted Su Yu's attention was not the intermediate field of Qin Hui and others, but the primary field of a student.

The picture in that area is very weird, just an unusually monotonous golden ring.

However, the ring gave a hint of danger.

Qin Hui's three masters in the intermediate field are inferior to this field.

Su Yu looked at the master of the field, it was the boy, Xu Ming.

Mowudao also stared at the boy, his eyes flickered slightly, which was very complicated.

"Ha ha ha, finally broke through the realm of heaven and earth." Qin Hui Yang laughed, ecstasy irresistible between words.

Yue Shan and Chen Yun were also full of joy, and they made a breakthrough to the middle of heaven and man.

All three students also had gains, all of which broke through to the middle of Yulongjing.

This time Panlongmu rewarded them with great benefits.

Qin Hui laughed, not forgetting where the award came from, and voted for gratitude to Su Yu. When he found that he was still a half-walker, he couldn't help sighing: "It's a pity that this time I fully entrust your blessing , We can get the Panlongmu reward, but you ca n’t enjoy its benefits. "

Su Yu didn't think so. The hidden secrets of Pan Longmu were afraid that even the evil scattered people had never discovered it.

Su Yu got it, the benefit is greater than a small level improvement.

Yue Shan, Chen Yun, and the two students all wanted Su Yu to be grateful. They went from the last place to the first place, which really entrusted Su Yu.

Only Xu Ming hummed disapprovingly: "When I become stronger, I can still get the first place!"

His self-confidence somehow made people laugh.

Su Yu also disdain to argue with it, calmly said: "Go back."

He wanted to put together the dragon text as soon as possible to see what secrets were hidden on the Panlong wood, and whether they were related to the royal dragon sword.

Qin Hui bowed her head and led everyone back to the civilization where the Qinglong Formation was.

Upon returning, they discovered that there were already several uninvited guests in their civilization.

The three teachers' faces suddenly sank, and Qin Hui sighed in silence: "Hey, you can't escape, Teacher Yue and Teacher Chen, there will inevitably be a fierce battle and be mentally prepared."

Yue Shan shook her fist and smiled coldly: "Exactly, I also want to find someone to try, the practice that has just broken."

After the Qinglong team ranked the palace for a long time, I don't know how much I lost in the weekdays.

Today they dare to come to the Qinglong civilization provocatively. They must return their colors. They need to let them know that the Qinglong formation is not easy to mess with.

Following each other's breath, one group quickly fell in the center of civilization.

However, the expected confrontation did not occur.

Instead, several teachers, headed by Zi Xiaoyun and Dan Haiqing, smiled calmly, politely arching their hands: "Oh, Teacher Qin finally came back, so we can wait."

The three teachers who wanted to have an attack, like punching on cotton, were empty and powerful, but there was nowhere to attack.

Others welcome each other with smiles and are not malicious. They ca n’t reach out and hit people, right?

"Several, what is your Guilong team to do?" Qin Hui looked at the person who came.

In addition to Zi Xiaoyun of the Kirin group and Dan Haiqing of the white tiger group, there are several top-ranking group representatives.

Looking at them with a kind face, Qin Hui was like a mirror in her heart, knowing that they would not be good at coming!

"We came together to congratulate the Qinglong team for winning the victory and winning the first place this year." Zi Xiaoyun felt like a spring breeze, contrary to the attitude of scorning the Qinglong group before.

Qin Hui responded like a fluent stream: "Thank you."

The topic stopped abruptly, she stopped taking the next sentence, just watching how Zi Xiaoyun continued the topic.

After Zi Xiaoyun was a little embarrassed, he said, "Actually, we have another thing."

Sure enough, this is the focus of their visit, right?

"Please say." Qin Hui calmly said.

Zi Xiaoyun said: "As you know, the evil spirit in the evil cemetery, when it erupts, our top ranked team will definitely receive a transfer order to inspect the cemetery seal."

At this point, Qin Hui nodded and said, "I know."

In the past, after the annual training, when the evil cemetery was shaken, the top ten groups were required to take students to inspect the cemetery.

Tsing Lung is at the bottom of the rankings, so it has never been there.

"Every time you check the cemetery, it's a very dangerous thing. Your Qinglong team will go there for the first time. There should be many things you don't understand, so I'll wait to discuss the cooperation with the Qinglong team."

Zi Xiaoyun's words made Qin Hui unable to refuse.

The Evil Zun Cemetery is indeed a very dangerous place. For the inexperienced Qinglong Formation, it should indeed listen to the experience of the Kirin Formation and others.

But is he so kind?

"Well, now that you are all here, it would be better to choose a day, and to discuss it with my Qinglong team nearby." Qin Hui felt helpless, knowing that they were misbehaving, but still had to talk with them patiently.

The group walked through the Qinglong Hall of the Qinglong Formation to communicate with each other in the hall.

Su Yu listened from the side, and accidentally discovered that the so-called Xizun Cemetery is actually a mysterious place similar to the ancient glazed cave in the Western Region.

The main reason why Dongyu has so many evil spirits all year round is the evil cemetery!

At the beginning of the epoch, there were many powerful killings here, and their dead bones were buried here to form a cemetery named Xizun Cemetery.

As time goes by, powerful evil spirits are born in those bones, and every other year, they will erupt in large quantities to the outside world.

Once it broke out, Mo said the Eastern Regions, all four major regions will be covered by shocking evil spirits.

At that time, the entire outer region, the Qinglong civilization near to the present, and the Xingsuhai civilization as far as the west, were all devoured by evil spirits and reduced to the realm of death and silence.

Therefore, the early rulers of the Four Realms joined forces to impose a seal on the evil cemetery to ensure that evil spirits would not be emitted.

The evil gas leaked out every year ~ ~ is only one ten thousandth of the eruption.

Rao is so. The Eastern Region after many months is still covered by evil spirits, making ordinary people unable to survive.

This year, Dongyu Shenfu will also conduct routine inspection seals, and the task will fall on the top ten groups.

However, although they have repeatedly said how checking seals can be dangerous, they rarely mention accidents in the past.

I think that the seal was imposed by the power of the first generation. Even if it was dangerous, it was too weak to be ignored.

"This is probably the case. If we divide our work according to this law, we should be safe." Zi Xiaoyun said.

Qin Hui nodded while thinking, was she thinking too much?

They came, just to discuss the division of labor and cooperation?

"Ms. Zi's idea is good, but well, you must first confirm whether the teachers of the Qinglong group are qualified for this job." Dan Haiqingpi smiled and smiled.

The rest of the teachers cast their gazes over their eyes.

Sure enough, it is still here!

Qin Hui blinked a little, and said, "How do you plan to confirm?"

"Oh, very simple, just try the strength of the teachers and students of the Qinglong group." Dan Haiqing finally said it.

Qin Hui sneered, and said frankly, "Yes! How can I try?"

The rest of the teachers felt relieved when they saw this.

They simply did not believe that the Qinglong team could get the first place in this training, so they deliberately exposed them.

The immediate cemetery inspection is a good opportunity.

"It's very simple. Teacher Zi took the shot in person and discussed with the three teachers. As for the students, the style of our white tiger team is clear.

Wen Yan, Qin Hui's eyes changed slightly.

She wasn't worried about Zi Xiaoyun. Today, she is also in the realm of heaven and earth.

She was worried about the wind!

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