The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 240: God of Heaven

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Repeatedly asked, the short man was furious: "Extortionate! How can I talk to the punishment?"

Originally wanted to investigate Su Yu, to expose the matter.

Unexpectedly, it was a hard stubble that met him, but he could not get off the table!

"Punishment? You also deserve to claim to be a punishment? Bullying and intimidation, planting stolen innocent people, is this what you call a punishment?" Su Yu asked coldly.

The short man was furious: "Do you dare to defile this punisher?"

"Stigmatization? Why do you stigmatize? You know that Han Xu is picking things up, knowing that I have never acted at all, but you open your eyes and talk nonsense, say you are weak, say you are timid, and say you are false public welfare, wrong?"

"How can a person like you be punished by punishment? Before you punish someone, look in the mirror and see what your character is!"

Words of persecution made the short man flushed.

"You're looking for death !!" The short man gritted his teeth and said, "This punishment makes you take the disobedience first!"


The short man took his shot and shot it. His right hand became a claw and he grabbed Su Yu's shoulders.

"Stop it!" Ziyunxiang on one side was cold.

However, the short man didn't mean to stop his hand, and the righteousness in his mouth suddenly yelled: "Ms. Zi, these stubborn students must be endangered by God's Heavenly Palace. If you don't teach any lessons, you may embark on an evil path in the future!"

"I told you to stop!" Ziyunxiang scolded angrily.

However, the short man's attitude was extremely firm: "Sorry! It is my duty to enforce the law impartially. Even if you are the owner of the government, I can't do anything private!"

He was almost blind, and turned black and white!

Han Xu, he didn't dare to touch it.

But Zi Yunxiang's words turned a deaf ear!

It's heartbreaking!


At this point, his hand has been snapped towards Su Yu's chest.

Su Yu's eyes were cold: "Xinglei Finger!"


恍 If a meteor pointed, bombard the short claw.

He didn't do his best to get the shot. Under the imagination, it is conceivable that he would suffer a big loss!


With a scream like a killing pig, his claws were blasted on the spot!

The five bone fingers were cracked, the flesh was scorched, and half of the palm was blasted into flesh. This right palm was basically useless!

This scene surprised everyone!

So hot boy!

The short man covered his palms with a sorrowful sorrow and a resentful face.

The tall man who has never spoken to the penalty makes his eyes cold, and the murderous flashes: "Dare to hurt the penalty? By law, die!"

Han Xu's face on the side contained 讥 诮: "Ignorance! Punishment also dares to move!"

In Shentianfu, the punishment is punished by the representative. It is taboo to punish the punishment.

"Huh!" Zi Yunxiang's pretty face froze, and a golden yellow token appeared again.

"See this order, see the owner of the house! Give me back!"

The tall man was punished, and his face changed, and he reluctantly regained his stance.

"Ms. Zi, this person violates the ban, and cuts by law!" Despite this, the tall man remained deadlocked.

Ziyun face looked cold: "I said it one last time, stand back!"

Hearing the threat in the words, don't look at the golden token, the tall man gritted his teeth, and helped the short man to leave.

Before leaving, he gave Su Yu a deep look.

Han Xu and Chen Xiaoyao also left immediately.

The remaining Su Yu and Ziyunxiang remained at the scene.

Although Ziyunxiang's complexion gradually converged, she returned to a pale color.

However, Su Yu was keenly aware that her Jiao's body was trembling slightly, an trembling of anger!

"Silver Silver Feather, did your temptation get the desired result?" Zi Yunxiang could not see the expression on her face, and suddenly said a word without mind.

Su Yu stared for a moment, and sighed, "It seems that the situation is very bad for your Zi family."

Why Su Yu was aggressive and conflicted with punishment was not how angry he really was. He wanted to get a glimpse of the situation between the Lord of the Purple House and the leader of the Korean Alliance.

There is no room for two tigers in the mountains. The two of them are the same strong players in the Bai Yu League, seemingly harmonious, but from the perspective of Su Yu's experience, I am afraid it is difficult to tolerate each other.

Now that he has entered Shentianfu, it is natural to understand the situation here.

Shi Cai deliberately provoked the punishment to test the influence of the Zi family in Shentianfu.

The result was extremely unexpected!

Punishment is the power of God to maintain order.

However, the punishment of the daughter of the houseowner made him dare to violate it!

It can be seen that the punishment is not under the control of the Zi Family at all.

In other words, the influence of the Zi family in Shentianfu is very limited!

The situation of the two parties can be seen at a glance!

The Purple House was completely suppressed by the Korean League's owner!

Even the site belonging to the Zi family, Shentianfu, was controlled by the leader of the Korean League.

The situation at the Purple House is not good!

Seeing Su Yu's frank response, Ziyunxiang laughed at herself: "As you can see, in the eyes of outsiders, the Zijia scenery is extremely beautiful. Only we know it, and the Zijia is gradually diminishing."

Sure enough!

"Father and the Korean Alliance leader are from the same super power and have the same strength. Together, they created the Baiyu Alliance. At that time, to reduce the struggle, the father and the Korean Alliance agreed that one person will control the God's Palace, and one will gather the Baiyu genius. Take control of the Hundred Domains, and the two will be in peace, even complement each other. "

"Shentianfu cultivates the strong and makes the alliance stronger, while the alliance continues to import new geniuses for Shentianfu and complement each other."

Su Yu was relieved that the establishment of Shentianfu still had such an unknown history.

"For many years, the two sides have been peaceful, but in recent years, the alliance has become stronger and stronger, and they want to control Shentianfu in their own hands. Our Zi family is inevitably suppressed."

"The punishment made the strength that was cultivated by his father, but now he has taken refuge in the Han family, so that leads to such a thing."

The conflict between the Zi Family and the Han Family seems to be getting older and deeper.

"Well, take you to see my father first, and make your decision in advance, it must be agreed by the father." Zi Yunxiang's face was a little dull, and she sighed lightly.

Su Yu nodded: "Of course."

Through the forest, a large area of ​​simple buildings dotted the mountain forest.

It stretches for dozens of miles, which is the legendary Shentianfu.

It's just ~ ~ Ziyunxiang didn't take him over, but took him to a quiet corner of the forest.

The environment is quiet and quiet, a humble thatched house, looming in the mist.

"This is my father's room." Zi Yunxiang whispered softly, then knocked on the door.


The lintel opened silently, a middle-aged man in a gray robe, crossed his knees.

His face was calm and slightly vicissitudes.

The appearance is ordinary and there is nothing extraordinary. If it is not reminded by Ziyunxiang, it is hard to believe that the person in front of him is actually Zidong, one of the two top powers of Baiyu Alliance!

"Father, this is Su Yu I've summoned to you!" Before Zi Yunxiang came, he had already summoned Su Yu's situation in detail.

Middle-aged in a gray robe, Zidong slowly opened his eyes.

嗤 啦 ——

An amazing scene appeared, and his eyes opened, and the surrounding space shook fiercely!

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