The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2346: All enemies are destroyed

In his vision, the word "dead" gradually expanded and spread to his entire face.

Make the Emperor's face dark, like death.

And, a breath of death breathed out of the face, it was weird.

The broken army emperor finally realized that everything was wrong, raised his hand to gather a mirror in front of him, reflecting his face at the moment.

Where is the face in the mirror, some are just dead words!

And his face is decaying into dust at a very fast rate, and his face is flaking like a dry and cracked wall skin.

"Ah!" In shock, the broken Emperor screamed in horror, and hurriedly expelled the dead words on his face with the power of the famine.

However, the arrogance of the dead words was far beyond his ability to resist.

Not long after, the Emperor Baojun screamed a bitterly, and in the eyes of the guest Qing, turned into a pile of black ashes.

The whole process starts from end to end, but it only lasts for ten breaths.

Ke Qing witnessed the whole process, trembling with irresistible horror, touching his cheek with the palm of his hand, lest the strange dead words also appeared on his face.

"Cheng Keqing, this ... how should this be good?" Several other Ke Qing heard the sound, but saw a pile of ashes turned by the owner.

Cheng Keqing was in a daze and said, "What else can we do? Let's go our separate ways!"

As soon as the young master's forefoot died, the owner died strangely.

If you don't leave now and wait for the remaining forces to come over, they will all become captives of others.

As for the order before the death of the emperor, of course, no one cares.

Not long after, the entire Second Peerless House was in a mess, and the strong men of the vassal family turned into birds and beasts.

The other side.

The Antarctic Whale escaped the fate of being turned into a half-lived magpie, and led an iron disciple to wait for a disciple to rush to the central area where the four major regions of the southeast, northwest, and northeast meet.

On the way, the disciples looked different.

"Master, is that Su Yu, mysterious Taoist master, really Su Yu who was our enemy before?" Tie extraordinary frowned, unable to accept this fact.

Among the Western Regions, he considered himself first.

But also from the Western Regions Su Yu, his achievements, so that he can only look up for life.

The lingering horror remained in the face of the Antarctic Whale, nodding deeply: "It should be him. I never thought that he would become the master of the mystery."

Several disciples, including Sister Yuan and others, looked very ugly.

They had offended Su Yuxuan Taoist before.

If he pursues it, who will survive?

"What are you afraid of?" However, there is a disciple, Yiran is not afraid to say: "It's just that we have just broken through the mysterious Taoist master. The person we want to visit on this trip is so powerful. How can a Su Yu compare?

He was exactly to Hai Qingxiao, who was struggling with Qin Xianer, and he couldn't help looking for Su Yu trouble. Su Yu was suppressed by Mao Yu in Mao Hang, and his reputation was unheard of.

So far, he still doesn't feel that he has done anything wrong and has a grudge against Su Yu.

An informed disciple immediately relieved his nervousness a lot.

Indeed, if their trip can be successful, they should not be afraid of Su Yu.

"But, Sister Qin was taken away by Su Yu, how can we rely on that adult?" Tie Fanwang looked to Antarctic Weng and asked for his opinion.

Antarctic Xianweng solemnly sighed: "I was going to wait for the completion of the eight-star civilization enrollment, and dedicate Qin Xianer to that adult in exchange for my collective South China Sea civilization to enter the eight-star civilization. , Can only tell Qin Xianer's information to the big man, I believe he will ask Su Yu for Qin Xianer himself. "

Hai Qingxiao's eyes shot a ray of resentment: "Hum, when that big shot is taken, Su Yu will surely die! At that time, I want to see how he is crazy!"

His vicious conjecture, but Leng Buding found that a group of people, including the Antarctic Xianweng and others, were staring at themselves with a dreadful look.

"Master, brother, what are you looking at?" Hai Qingxiao was a little stunned, wondering what their eyes meant.

"Retreat!" The Antarctic fairy Weng slammed his robes at once, pumping all his disciples away from the sea, and hurried away.

Hai Qingxiao thought that there was something dangerous behind her, and was frightened to rush to Antarctic Whale for safety.

However, the Antarctic Whale scolded, "Don't come!"

At the same time, he said that he was prepared to kill Haiqing Xiao at the exhibition area.

Hai Qingxiao stopped his steps, panic inexplicably, and said, "Master, brother, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, Sister Yuan's eyes were round, she shook her forefinger and pointed at him: "Brother Hai, your face!"

"My face?" Hai Qingxiao stunned, a smog of light condensed on his palm, shining on his face.

A rapidly decaying cheek turned into ashes.

"Ah! What is this, the master save me!" Hai Qingxiao was frightened on the spot and hurried to the Antarctic fairy Weng.

But as he ran, his body decayed into dust.

When he ran to the Antarctic Whale, there was only a pile of ashes.

Witnessing such a weird scene with his own eyes, everyone present was scalp.

In the absence of an attack, Hai Qingxiao said that he would die immediately, or died in an extremely cruel way.

"Master, here, what's going on?" Tiefan asked, his teeth trembling.

The Antarctic Whale shook his old head, saying he had no knowledge.

Sister Yuan guessed uneasily, "Is it because of Su Yu?"

Just now, it was Hai Qingxiao who discussed Su Yu the most intensely.

And immediately after the discussion, the dead words appeared on his face.

"This ... isn't it possible? Even if the Xuan Taoist wants to kill, he can kill so far apart?" Tiewei doubted.

The Antarctic immortal is not very convinced that the evil scattered man is the master of the Xuan Taoism, but he has not seen him killing people so far apart.

"Calm, don't scare yourself." The Antarctic Weng comforted everyone and said, "We continue to act according to our plan ..."

The plan is to continue to sell Qin Xianer in exchange for their benefits.

But almost at the end of the conversation ~ ~ Sister Yuan and Tie Bufan and others were far away from the Antarctic Xianweng in panic, shouting in panic: "Master, your face!"

The exact same situation as Hai Qingxiao appeared on his face.

A clear dead letter appeared on his face.

The Antarctic immortal woke up, like falling into an infinite abyss.

He trembled and stared at his face, his face turning pale instantly: "No ..."

In the daring roar, his body decayed little by little until he was reduced to ashes.

"Master!" A crowd of disciples burst into tears, filled with fear and sadness.

Even the enemy didn't know who it was. He was as good as a master but died like this.

However, they soon realized that they might not even have the opportunity to be sad, because many disciples appeared dead words in succession!

One after another into ashes.

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