The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2362: 9 Evil Wind

Su Yu tried again, secretly using power close to the great state.

As a result, a series of sparks still came out.

And just digging a dent with a thick finger is not enough to bury a grain of rice seeds.

Su Yu estimates that at his current speed, whether one can dig a hundred pits in a day is really embarrassing.

He looked up at the female supervisor and said, "What if the mission is not completed?"

The female supervisor smiled with a smile: "At night, you will understand."

Judging from his attitude, if it can't be completed, the consequences seem to be quite serious.

Well, Su Yu can only be a little more serious and meticulously cultivate the vegetable land.

It was slow in the beginning and accelerated a little after getting familiar with it.

Therefore, in the evening and dusk, one hundred grains of rice were successfully planted.

He put down his **** and looked up, but he saw several old slaves who had been in the vegetable garden for a long time. They had already cleared the land, and they were now receiving the crystal of time from the female supervisor.

Su Yu walked over, and the female supervisor gave Su Yu a surprised look.

The normal zodiac, even in the late period of great respect, reclaimed a hundred meters in a day, which is extremely difficult.

She gave this task, in fact, to make Su Yu difficult, let him understand the rules, and bribe her some benefits.

Unexpectedly, not only was Su Yu completed within the stipulated time, but she was slightly ahead of her time, and she was almost comparable to those old slaves.

Where does she know that Su Yu's true cultivation is Xuan Taoist.

The zodiac may be exhausted and difficult to complete, while Su Yu is more relaxed.

"The task is completed, and the time is crystallized today." The female supervisor took out a beige time crystal and gave it to Su Yu, but said: "Tomorrow you will open up a vegetable field in the northern region. The task volume is 200 grains of rice."

Su Yu raised her eyebrows.

Two hundred tablets, he should be able to complete it with all his power.

However, this woman is clearly difficult.

His lips moved and he was silent after all.

Because he noticed keenly that the woman's palm in her sleeve moved slightly, and seemed to catch something.

She is waiting for Su Yu to resist and find a reason for her shot.

"Yes!" Su Yu blandly said.

On hearing that, there was a faint disappointment in the eyes of the female supervisor, and she gently said, "Well."

After finishing the day's work, Su Yu did not know where he was going.

Seeing a group of people walking towards a huge cave in the underground mine, he followed.

Just a few steps later, his arm was bumped.

Turning his head, he was a middle-aged man with a lean body and a bleak face. His eyes were deeply sunken and his expression was bitter.

He lowered his voice and rushed to Su Yu: "Fortunately you didn't squeak, or you just got a whip."

A **** is extremely hard here. Su Yu doesn't think that the so-called whip will be an ordinary whip.

Really close, I'm afraid the taste is uncomfortable.

Sure enough, the female supervisor was indeed looking for an opportunity to fix him.

"Thanks for reminding me." Su Yu smiled and kept her distance slightly.

Unfamiliar environment, stranger, it is better to keep the due diligence as well.

"It's all bitter, it should be." Middle-aged patted Su Yu's shoulder: "My name is Lao Jin, from an extraterrestrial world. It's been 9,000 years here. If you don't understand anything, you can come to me."

Upon hearing this, Su Yu grinned.

Nine thousand years?

According to the three palms, if you can get a time crystal in one day, the time crystal obtained in the nine thousand years is enough for Lao Jin to leave Taiyi.

Why are you still a slave here?

"My name is Su Yu, Uncle Jin, dare to ask how much time you have accumulated over the years?" Su Yu glanced and asked.

Lao Jin smiled dryly: "Guess it."

It takes at least a hundred years to cross the dream boundary and leave this area?

But he is still a slave, which shows that he has not crystallized even a hundred years.

"Is it crystallized in ten years?" Su Yu said a very conservative figure.

"Hehe ..." Lao Jin shook his head and put out nine fingers bitterly.

Su Yu was surprised: "Nine hundred, that's really not much."

Compared to nine thousand years of hard labor, nine hundred are indeed too few, far from enough to support him to leave Taiyi.

"It's nine!" Lao Jin pained.

Rao was mentally prepared for Su Yu, and couldn't help but be shocked.

Nine thousand years have passed, and today only nine have been accumulated?

This number is really incredible, right?

"Is it too unfaithful?" Su Yu thought of it.

"No! At this point, Taiyi is still obedient and never owes any time for crystallization." Old Jin slowly said.

How could that be?

"That's why, you'll know when you come with me." Lao Jin took Su Yu along the huge crowd and entered the huge cave.

Seeing the overcrowding inside, one by one, the slaves lined up to buy a paper roll at a certain counter.

"what is that?"

"It's your lounge tonight." Lao Jindao said: "A roll of paper, corresponding to a lounge, sells for a price ... half a crystal of time."

Half of the income from one day's labor is taken away.

"Is it mandatory to buy?" What happens if you don't buy?

Lao Jin shook his head: "If you don't buy it, it's up to you, but if you don't buy it, you're probably not going to live one night."

Why is this?

"This underground mine runs through Jiuyou, and the day is okay. When it comes to night, the evil wind of Jiuyou will blow. Once blown, the vitality will be swept away greatly." Lao Jindao said: "Vitality It ’s okay to be strong and weak, and to die that night! ”


Is there really nothing in this world?

If in the past, Su Yu probably did not believe that there are nine quiet in the world.

But everything about Ba Xingming refreshed Su Yu's previous cognition.

Therefore, he has reservations.

"Don't Xuan Taoist dare to stay in Jiuyou Xiefeng?" Su Yu asked.

Lao Jindao: "Xuan Taoist can, but he can't resist for three days, he will die after three days."

Is that so?

When they talked, they came to the counter.

Su Yu hesitated for a while, and spent half of her time crystallizing to buy a paper roll.

After buying the scrolls, Lao Jindao said, "Let's go and eat."

Su Yu hesitated, "In our realm, we don't need to eat anymore, right?"

Looking at a large number of people, walking towards another cave, Su Yu felt that there should be another problem.

"We may not need to eat outside, but under this mine, we can't stand it for a few days without eating!" Lao Jindao said.

Su Yu was suspicious, and led by him to another wide counter.

Many warriors came forward to buy food.

The food is simple and rough, with no air at all, it is not an exaggeration to call it dog food.

However, all the warriors are snapping up, lest they be one step behind.

Lao Jin also joined the fight and spent half a time crystallization to buy one: "Brother Su, if you don't buy it, you may be upset tomorrow morning."

Looking at the dark food, Su Yu shook her head.

No matter how uncomfortable it is better than eating these things.

The two talked again for a while, and Su Yu got a lot of information that the newcomers didn't know, so he took the paper roll and went to the lounge he bought.

All lounges are side-by-side, with restricted isolation outdoors.

Relying on paper rolls can open the ban and enter inside to rest.

When he opened the lounge, he unexpectedly discovered that the owner of the lounge next to him was actually the young man who asked questions on the platform.

Su Yu remembered that the youth seemed to have won mining.

Compared with the relaxed-looking Su Yu, the youth is almost a different person.

The clothes became extremely crippled, and people were exhausted, as if they had been hunted and killed by countless lives.

His eyes were heavy and weak.

He glanced at Su Yu sideways and grinned barely: "Hello."

Immediately moving his heavy legs, he opened his own lounge extremely difficult.

"Is there such an exaggeration?" Su Yu grinned. He thought that growing rice was already very tiring.

It now seems that mining has to be several times harder.

Shrugging, Su Yu entered the lounge.

The room was empty, there were only four forged walls of purple mysterious ore.

"So, under normal circumstances, it is basically impossible to obtain the time to crystallize from Taiyimen to the outside world." Su Yu sighed.

A paper roll takes half a time to crystallize, and a meal takes the last half.

The time gained from a tiring day is crystallized, all spent.

No wonder Lao Jin is here in the nine thousand years, and the accumulated time has only nine.

Unless there is a special case ~ ~, no time crystal can be accumulated.

Looking at the remaining half of the time crystallized in the palm of his eyes, Su Yumulu condensed: "Perhaps, I will stay in Taiyi for the time being."

According to Lao Jin's description, Su Yu knows that the entire dream break and all transactions are settled by time.

Time crystal is money!

The spar and Tao coin outside the world are the least valuable things in the dream cut-off, and no one wants it when they are thrown on the ground.

Only time to crystallize can buy what you want.

And where there are the most things, it is the 344 cases of the Dream Breaker!

Tai Yimen belongs to the 344 cases.

The door stores a lot of hard-to-find things from the outside, and everyone in the door, including slaves, is eligible to buy.

As long as you have time to crystallize!

Su Yu was obscured by the eyes of the Dream Breaker. She didn't even know the direction. Where can I go now if I leave Taimen?

It is better to buy some materials with time crystallizing in Tai Yimeng.

It may not be possible to find clues to the Temple of Underworld.

Groping on the time crystal of the palm, Su Yu thought for a moment, immediately sinking her heart to study the object.

He found that the composition of time crystals were all very pure time domains.

With a little thought, he pulled the blindfold aside and shot out a field of time.

Then the five fingers and one hand forcibly solidified the time domain.


Soon, a dark yellow crystal appeared on the palm.

It looks exactly the same as the time crystal, but the color is too different.

Moreover, only a few breaths of time existed, and it melted into the realm of time.

"Time crystallization, I should be able to imitate it, but it takes a lot of time." Su Yu secretly said that it would be unrealistic to get a lot of time crystallization at one and a half: "Tomorrow's rice cultivation, I really have to be more serious . "

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