The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 246: League of Legends

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A well-deserved first place? Su Yu secretly fists!

\ "After four days, it will be the league big match. You and Xianger may wish to exchange ideas and learn about it. It is very meaningful for you to participate in the big match." Zidong came.

Ziyun Xiang readily agreed.

After they left, Zidong came to express complex feelings.

嗖 ——

Lin Yunhe did not know where he came from.

\ "Zhu Fuzhu, finally still can't help it! Han Jianglin forces you to make way, marry a little girl, you still can't help it, why did you take it for Su Yu? \" Lin Yunhe sighed softly.

\ "Just now, the two of you fought briefly. I'm afraid Han Jianglin has realized that you are seriously injured. \"

As a generation leader, Han Jianglin is extremely deep. How can he be so rough that he tears his face and is aggressive?

He was actually angering Zidong to come out and test his injury.

Zi Donglai didn't take a smile, and his face was relieved: \ "So what's the matter? My injury, sooner or later, it is difficult to hide, and it is worthwhile to keep a genius from Han Jianglin. \"

\ "Unfortunately, you paid for Su Yu, he totally did not know that your life is running out! \" Lin Yunhe sighed softly.

Zidong came and shook his head: \ "It doesn't matter! Difficulties have come, I have already set aside life and death, protecting a Terran genius, and continuing the tinder for the Terran. Perhaps it is the last thing I can do in the remaining life!"

The word "distress" shook Lin Yunhe's heart, and a smile appeared: \ "Yeah, the distress is coming. I will wait for the old bones to live a long time. Not much! Before the demise, I can protect some promising young people. , Try to protect it! \ "

In the fourth day, the wind of the Alliance City surged.

The genius of Baiyu entered the city silently.

As time progressed, the atmosphere became more tense.

The biannual league competition, the strongest match in the 100 domains, is finally here!

Martial arts room.

Ziyunxiang was dripping with sweat and drenched in clothes to outline a proud figure.

Red fluttering his small face, full of appreciation: \ "It is indeed the true spirit method, the small Chenghua dragon five realms, can play the small Chenghua dragon six realm strength, only under the big Chenghua dragon six realm. \"

After studying for a few days, Ziyunxiang was surprised.

His strength is between Xiaochenghualong Six Realms and Dachenghua Long Six Realms, which is only a line weaker than her.

Su Yu smiled: \ "Thank you for your guidance. \"

In fact, no matter whether it is against Han Xu or Ziyun Xiang, Su Yu has retained his star finger.

On real strength, he is above Ziyunxiang.

Moreover, Su Yu's killer 锏 `` Eight Words of Brahma '' has never been used.

\ "Don't have to be arrogant, use your talents to cultivate, and sooner or later you will catch up with me." Ziyunxiang smiled slightly.

Su Yu touched her nose and smiled briefly.

\ "Okay, the league competition starts, let's go. \" Ziyun Xiangmu looks forward to it.

Su Yu bowed his head, left the training room with him, and came to the gate of Shentianfu.

The iron gate has not yet opened, and several people are waiting for it.

They are all students of Shentianfu.

The arrival of Ziyunxiang and Su Yu has more or less focused eyes.

Ziyun Xiang, the daughter of the houseowner, is noble and detached.

Su Yu was in the limelight at Yulingchi, and she knew a lot.

\ "Are you Ziyunxiang? \"

At this moment, Leng Buding heard a cold question from the waiting crowd.

Su Yu looked, a young boy in purple clothes, seventeen or eighteen years old.

Holding an ancient bronze sword in his arms, leaning against the iron gate, his cold eyes resembled sharp arrows, piercing the heart.

Cultivate in one body and reach the peak of Hualong Six Realms! !!

This made Su Yu brow slightly, comparable to Lin Ao's genius?

Do not! Regarding age, he is only seventeen years old, but Lin Aojue is over nineteen!

Ziyunxiang was slightly stunned, his eyes fell on him, and he nodded slightly: \ "It's me, you are \"

The purple boy interrupted Zi Yunxiang's words coldly: \ "So, are you the three legendary geniuses? \"

\ "It's just an outsider's ridicule, what's your advice? \" I feel a little hostility, and the purple cloud fragrance looks cold.

The purple boy looked at it for a moment, and hummed his nostril: "It's kind of self-aware, your strength is also known as a legendary genius? I don't even have the qualification to draw a sword!"

Ziyunxiang frowned slightly and said indifferently: \ "Whatever you think. \"

\ "It seems you are not convinced yet? \" Purple boy in purple clothes pouting and smirking: \ "If you want to participate in the league contest, it is best to pray not to meet me, remember my name, Wu Yaoyue!"

This is a cold purple cloud fragrance. When I heard the name of Wu Yaoyue, she changed her face: \ "You are Wu Yaoyue? \"

In this regard, the young man in purple clothes scorned his eyes and dismissed the explanation.

Ziyunxiang's eyes flickered in awe, and for the first time she looked dignified, as if facing a terrible enemy.

Su Yu blinked: \ "Who is he?"

\ "Have you remembered how you entered Shentianfu? \" Zi Yunxiang asked back.

Su Yu was slightly at a loss: \ "Of course it was decided in advance, and there are only two reserved places. Do you mean, Wu Yaoyue, is the other one? \"

In this regard, Ziyunxiang nodded with a gaze on his face: \ "It's him! Wu Yaoyue! \"

\ "Shentianfu never recruits students in advance, but there are two exceptions this time, one you and one Wu Yaoyue! \"

Su Yu can be determined, but space. [,! ] Talent is extremely rare, and was picked up by the Zi family.

But Wu Yaoyue, if there is no special situation, there is only one possibility-too ​​good!

\ "Supposedly, he once found Lin Aoze challenge. \" Ziyun Xiangmu was in awe.

Su Yu's eyes flickered: \ "What's the result? \"

Ziyunxiang shook her head slightly: \ "I don't know! The two of them were fighting among the Lins, and outsiders couldn't know the details. \"

The two are equal, how hard they are, it's hard to say!

\ "Its origin is very mysterious. My father searched for a long time and never found the source! \" Zi Yunxiang lowered his voice, and at the same time looked at Su Yu strangely.

Speaking of which, Su Yu's identity is also very mysterious.

The origin is mysterious? Su Yuruo stared at Wu Yaoyue deeply.

For some reason, from Wu Yaoyue, Su Yu felt an inhuman atmosphere!

However, if you perceive it carefully, it is breathless and difficult to detect.

What is this person's identity? Outside of the three ancient realms of the Alliance City, which other forces can cultivate such amazing talents?


At this moment, the giant door opened, and everyone rushed out.

Su Yu and Ziyun Xiang left Shentianfu and came to the Alliance City Colosseum.

This place is the place where Alliance City martial arts rivals.

However, the contestants are sometimes not people, but rather.

Hundred Realms is located in a barren land.There are many monsters and beasts.

Only today, the venue is vacant.

Su Yu enters it, a huge colosseum that can accommodate 100,000 people, shockingly presents.

In the center of the venue, there are ten daisies, which can be tested at the same time.

The scene was spectacular and dazzling.

Just looking at it, you feel small.

In the attention of 100,000 viewers, Su Yu has not yet started fighting, and his fighting spirit has risen.

Ziyunxiang was beside him, and his small hand was slightly grasped.In the eyes of snow, it was difficult to hide a trace of warfare.

Su Yu patted her shoulders, smiling and comforting, while the crystal pupils glanced around without notice.

In the crowd, he saw many forces in Alliance City.

Lin, Zeng, Feng, Han, and Ouyang.

Familiar people, Lin Aojue, two legendary geniuses of Fengyue son, are in the list!

The two of them have attracted much attention, as if they are peerless swords, they are about to unsheath!

At the same time, Su Yu also saw other familiar figures.

Liuxianzong, the first genius, Ji Hongxue!

As well as the accompanying lord, his right arm has been broken, and his expression is bleak and bleak, no longer the style of the lord.

\ "Hongxue, Liuxianzong, it's all up to you! \" Liuxianzong's empty sleeves flutter in the wind, and his face is full of bitterness.

Ji Hongxue's eyes were sad, and he clenched his fists tightly: \ "Master, rest assured! I will surely enter the top one hundred and enter the Shentianfu for hidden cultivation! He will be restored to Liuxianzong!

The lord of the immortal bowed his head in shame, his voice hoarse and low, full of sorrow: \ "It is my incompetence that harms the gate! \"

Elder Zongmen was half washed by Su Yu's blood!

Four geniuses, two died and one fled, leaving only Ji Hongxue.

The Zongmen's powers withered and gradually declined, and many surrounding forces were rampant, causing the Liuxian sect to shrink continuously.

Today, we can only survive for a long time and protect the Zongmen for thousands of miles.

The distance is not far away.

And all of this is only due to the wrong decision at the beginning-sacking Su Yu!

If everything can be repeated, the Sovereign Lord will never provoke Su Yu for half a minute!

Unfortunately, the most lacking thing in the world is regret medicine.

Lin's house.

The old man in the green robe looked bleak: \ "Awesome, if you encounter that silver feather, you don't have to keep your hands and kill it! You are a disciple of the ancient domain, killing one person will break the rules, the lord will not take you!

The sword has no eyes, and using this as an excuse, I believe that the lord will not go too far.

Lin Ao frowned slightly: \ "Want me to kill him? I don't even have the qualifications for a fight, killing him dirty my hand! \"

\ "It's worth fighting with me, and someone else!" Lin Ao shot his war will in the eyes, with a pair of sharp eyes, looking for the figure in the crowd!

The old man in the green robe secretly hated, but unfortunately, Lin Ao was absolutely special, and he did not dare to blame too much.

Zeng family.

Zeng Nantian looked pale, bloodshot eyes remained, and he gently stroked a jade box in his palm.

Inside lies a phoenix feather.

\ "Silver! Feather! My child's revenge, you must pay for your blood debt! \" Zeng Nantian's voice is hoarse, like a beast in the bass.

He stayed up all night, all investigating the origins of Su Yu and Feng Feng Yu.

Kung Fu is worthy of care, and Su Yu has no clue about his origins.

But the phoenix feather has got the first line of news, that is, the feathers of Fengmingge's palm are stolen!

In other words, Su Yu and Feng Ming Ge not only have nothing to do with each other, but they are somewhat bitter!

Wind home.

Fengyue's son and grandma's faces are slightly stiff, and their faces are gradually gloomy.

Among his pupils, Su Yu and Ziyun Xiang are standing side by side!

The two laughed and talked, making Fengyue son jealous.

\ "My default woman, you dare touch it!" "Fengyue's son's eyes shot a ray of murder.

Ouyang's house.

I also watched Su Yu and Ziyunxiang side by side, and Ouyang Yuxin.

. [,! ] I don't know why, seeing this scene, my heart is a little sour.

The position of Ziyunxiang should belong to her Ouyang Yuxin.

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