The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2390: Blond youth

"Since you are a disciple of Tai Yimen or a disciple of Inner Doors, and you have broken into Zhengtianzong's territory without permission, the old man cannot let you go." Shi Xiang crawled out.

Seemingly a smile on his face, revealing a great deal of murderous power.

Su Yu's eyes were dull and he said, "Since your Excellency knows my cultivation, why should it be difficult? I just use the Taoist site, and it is not malicious."

Hearing the words, the stone statue smiled vicissitudes: "Are you a great repairer?"

While speaking, he released his cultivation.

That was a level significantly higher than Su Yu.

The power of mysterious power is twice as much as that of Su Yu!

"Early stage of Nirvana." Su Yu recognized it immediately, slightly surprised.

In the early stage of Nirvana, in Tai Yimen, he could hold the position of church master.

But this one was actually sent to guard the frontier.

"Hehe, it's unlucky for you to meet the old man," said the statue slowly, and the power of the mysterious body was instilled into the ground.


At the same time, Su Yu suddenly felt that the ground on which her feet stood had departed from the category of "ground" and became part of the stone statue.

But at his feet, a huge crack suddenly opened.

The sturdy teeth condensed from stone to stone crisscrossed each other, gnawing at what fell in.

Su Yu immediately rose into the air.

However, just after moving, I found that my body was more than ten times heavier than usual.

This is the gift of stone statues that control the earth.

Even the gravity of the earth changed.

Su Yu plunged uncontrollably, seeing that she would fall into the mouth of Xun Ju.

His eyes finally became cold: "Old things, I have given you a way to live!"

Su Yu's attack on the other side can completely kill him.

However, he entered Zhengtianzong earlier, and he was unreasonable, so he didn't want to move.

Who would have expected the stone statue?

"Hehe, how many years haven't you seen, have Taiyi's inner disciples been so arrogant?" Shi Xiang said hoarsely.

"Huh!" Eight purple swirls suddenly appeared in Su Yu's left eye.

The vortex spins violently at the same time, firing eight annihilating thunders.


Eight thunder dragons came from the sky and bombarded the statue with no sign.

"Yu Lei octopus suit?" The stone's face suddenly changed, and he even recognized the origin of the eight thunders.

He hurriedly gathered a defense around the earth, and resisted the eight thunder dragons that had fallen.

Rao is so, the stone statue was still invaded by the thunder and lightning, making him numb all over.

However, the stone statue was full of horror and shivered, "You ... you are one of the Seven Star Guardians of the Three Gods?"

Su Yu froze slightly, that person?


However, he clearly misunderstood his identity.

Su Yu was too lazy to explain, and said, "Know if you don't get me!"

The stone statue didn't even resist, and immediately accepted the talent, turned and ran, but there was no snoring.

Seeing his departure so easily, Su Yu couldn't help wondering: "This identity is so shocking?"

A guard is still like this, I don't know what the identity of the Seven Star Guard belongs to.

The stone statue escaped, Su Yu had no time to chase, took the opportunity to immediately bypass Wanming Mountain, and then went straight to Taiyimen.

However, the stone statue just controlled the nearby earth, which indirectly affected Wanming Mountain.

Endless ghost cries, like lightning, spread from the southern end to the rest ...

The stone statue ran all the way and fled to Zhengtianzong.

His face was filled with horror, and his mouth kept whispering, "Why did you encounter the Lightning Protection Law? Since the Lightning Protection Law came here, then, did that person also come?"

While he was thinking, suddenly, Yu Guang glanced at a figure.

The figure stood quietly under a big tree.

The left hand is behind him, and the right hand holds a blade in his hand, playing leisurely.

The man had long blond hair, an extremely handsome face, and a seemingly unassuming smile on his face.

What shocked the statue most was that the hourglass above his head turned out to be stationary.

The life of all martial arts players in the Dream Realm is controlled by the realm of time.

The time crystals in the hourglass are dripping down all the time.

However, the blonde young man did not drip a trace of time.

The stone figure asked to know who the other party was, but the person gave him a sense of extreme danger, pretending to turn a blind eye, and left immediately.

Unexpectedly, he ignored the other party, but the other party shouted at him, "You just made Wanmingshan's movement just now?"

The stone statue trembled in his heart, stopped, and looked at the other side with a little dread: "Hello?"

The blond young man came with a handsome and elegant smile, "Answer me first, shall you?"

His voice was soft, but there was an irresistible charm.

The stone statue answered involuntarily: "Yes, I have fought with one person."

"Oh? What's his name?" The young blonde was approaching, giving him a strange and timid appearance.

The stone statue felt extremely pressured and busyly said, "One of the three star guardians of the Three Gods Sect, Thunder Guardian!"

The young blonde smiled a little more, and her eyes became softer: "Why are you so sure?"

"Because the other person is wearing a thunder octopus suit." The stone statue exhaled deeply and talked to the mysterious young blonde. He felt more and more stressed and was about to breathe.

This feeling, like facing the top men at the top of Zongmen, suffocated him.

"Oh, Yulei Octopus." The blond young man nodded with a smile: "Where is he?"

The stone statue was busy: "Flee in the direction of Taiyimen."

"Well, thank you." The young blonde smiled, put the leaf in her hand into the stone statue, and said gently: "This is my name."

The statue looked down, his face suddenly changed.

Because of shock, the five senses were distorted.

In the twist, you can see the fear from the soul.

He held the blade in both hands and looked at the two words on it, shaking with trembling.

Lips opened and opened, but speechless in any case.

After his face changed for a long time, suddenly, he seemed to have the courage, stretched out two fingers, and suddenly dug into his eyes.

Blood splattered, and two eyes were dug out by himself.

Then, he immediately knelt down on the ground and nodded continuously toward the dreary sky: "I have dug my eyes and begged the Lord to forgive him."

In the meditation, something seemed to leave his body ~ ~, but blood still flowed from his eye sockets and fell on the leaf, clearly seeing the two fuzzy words engraved on it.


Say Su Yu.

Successfully bypassed Wanming Mountain and returned to Taiyimen.

This is too far, and even if space is continuously used, it will take at least one month.

"Return to the Zongmen Gate to see it later." Su Yu whispered softly.

After leaving Zongmen for more than a year, I don't know if the reward he posted was picked up.

call out--

The galaxy under his feet flowed, and the whole person turned into a galaxy, and appeared in a distant place instantly.

But he could not stand up, and Leng Buding found that there was a small lake near his place.

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