The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2396: Too aggressive

The obese monk stroked the bead on the neck of the mountain and smiled, "My bead is a treasure. How can I put it at will?"

"What is the test then?" Said Roumei.

Obese and not yet exempt from Taiwan too teasing.

"As long as he's not stupid, he should bring something else out of the misty field." The obese monk smiled.

Yu Xiangwan listened with discomfort.

To test others, we should give the least respect. Teasing others with confidence is too disrespectful.

But who makes them disciples inside is the elite of the future ancestors.

"I hope Brother Su can understand." Yu Xiangwan secretly said.

Say Su Yu.

Immediately after leaving the restaurant, head to the misty field.

The foggy area is said to be full of obstacles, easy to enter and difficult to exit.

Su Yu tried to explore the way with the eyes of the soul. What made him slightly relieved was that the fog obstacles here had no effect on his eyes.

At a glance, you can see through the winding mist and see the most central situation in the mist field.

He went all the way, only a rush of incense arrived.

But there are no beads there.

"No? It was taken away by others?" Su Yu thought.

Then I looked around and noticed that there were many strange stones growing in the central area that were not found elsewhere.

It looks like a human face, colorful and dense.

This stone is not found elsewhere in the field.

Only here grows.

"The matter of the bead explained to him that it should be fine to take some stones back." Su Yu picked up a stone.

However, with a little thought, I took another one and put it in my sleeve.

After doing everything, rush back immediately.

It only took two fragrant incenses before and after, only one cup of tea.

Not even one tenth of an hour, it can be said that the goal was achieved far in advance.

Back to the restaurant.

Red devil, obese monk and feminine woman are joking about wine.

Yu Xiangwan laughed aside and didn't even share wine.

"Why are you back?" The obese monk found Su Yu coming up and frowned a bit: "But you didn't understand anything, turned back halfway?"

The red devil and the feminine woman were strange.

This is just a tea time, and the other party doesn't even have enough time to study the fog course.

Does he realize that the task is difficult to complete and come back to propose a replacement test?

Su Yu calmly said: "There is no rosary in the middle of the fog, I have already seen it."


He has gone back and forth in the misty field?

how can that be?

Even when the three of them were present, it would take at least half an hour.

In any case, Su Yu cannot have a tea time.

Obese monks look unhappy towards the end.

Just now they talked that when the beads were not in the mist, Yu Xiangwan was on the side. Did he secretly inform Su Yu?

Looking back, the obese monk slightly dissatisfied and asked Su Yu, "You said you're here. Is there any evidence? It's not just counting on your mouth."

Its tone is very unfriendly.

Su Yu frowned slightly, and said, "The jewel is really not there. Please ask my brother to investigate."

When the obese monk patted the table, he no longer had **** with Yan Yue: "The rosary is on my neck, of course I know it's not there! I ask you, what credentials!"


Su Yu glanced at the beads on the neck of the other side, he thought the other side had two strings.

It turned out that he didn't put the beads in the misty field at all, but just said it casually.

Su Yu suddenly felt teased.

This fat monk's tone also makes Su Yu hard to accept.

However, he was introduced to Xiang Wan, and for the sake of Xiang Wan's face, he decided to bear it.

He took out a face-shaped stone: "I don't know if this is a voucher."

Seeing this, the Red Devil and the feminine woman were surprised.

This stone is owned only in the middle of the Misty Realm and not elsewhere.

This stone can indeed be counted as a voucher.

"Let me see!" The obese monk narrowed his eyes, took the stone and checked it repeatedly.

Roumei woman said: "What to see is a fresh stone just taken out of the misty field."

When the stone leaves the misty field for an hour, its color will change.

This stone can be used as proof.

Who knows, the obese monk snorted and patted the stones on the table with one palm, smashing them into pieces.

"Who knows if you bought it from someone who's just out of the field?"

He didn't like Su Yu's feeling beyond his control.

As an insider disciple, he did not allow a slave outsider disciple to surpass himself.

"Get another one!" The obese monk waved.

Unexpectedly, Su Yu stood there, not in action.

"Go, what are you doing? Stones can fly over by themselves?" The obese monk face was angry.

However, without saying a word, Su Yu took out hundreds of stones.

There are various colors, and each one is very fresh.

"Which one do you like? Just pick it." Su Yu threw all the stones on the table.

The red devil and the feminine woman laughed without saying a word, and it seems that the obese monk is settled today.

The obese monk froze for a while, and the muscles on his face kept squirming.

"Huh! I want you to get it now!" The obese monk completely shaved, sweeping all the stones to the ground with one hand, staring roundly, glaring.

Su Yu said nothing and went downstairs silently.

But, instead of getting ready to get them, they gave up joining them.

Cooperating with such a characterless person, not to mention how dangerous it is in the middle, will it be treated as a backing.

Just whether the other party will honor Yishui on that day.

What kind of cooperation can there be for such people?

"And you, the dog with a surname of Yu is a mess, and then recommend Lao Tzu to people who are not indifferent and interrupt your dog's legs!" The obese monk also spread his anger to Yu Xiangwan.

As slaves, in the eyes of obese monks, they were really lowly to the point of beasts.

You can abuse it for no reason at all.

Yu Xiangwan secretly shook his fists and chose to be patient.

He knew that in Tai Yi, everything needed to be patient.

However, Su Yu, who was going downstairs, stopped and walked back slowly.

"What are you doing here, Terran!" He deliberately aggravated the word Terran, expressing his contempt.

Su Yu's eyes were faint: "You can say that my human status is not high, and it's okay to make things difficult for me. I can tolerate these, but you insult my friends, I can't pretend I didn't hear it."

The obese monk was dissatisfied with Su Yu.

However, due to the identity of the disciples, he could not let go of his identity and shot at him.

It's good now, he didn't bother Su Yu, Su Yu himself provoked proactively.

"Human race, I have endured you for a long time!" The obese monk lifted up the table and walked coldly: "As a human race, I do n’t know if you are inferior or humble. As an outsider, you dare to treat our insider. Disrespectful, now dare to speak out! "

"It seems that as soon as you come from outside the territory and do not know the rules of the eight-star civilization, let you Lord Buddha I teach you today!"

Then he punched him in the punch.

His cultivation has already reached the early stage of Central Nirvana.

A random punch is full of mysteries and infinite power.

Under normal circumstances, people of slave origin cannot be parried.

However, Su Yu only raised her fist lightly, and went up slightly.

There was a ray of purple thunder in his palm.

噗嗤 ——

The fat monk touched Su Yu at the moment, and his fist was burned by the rapid thunder.

His fat body was shaken by the remaining thunder, and his fat shook like waves.

I was surprised to see the lively red devil and feminine woman.

"So powerful thunder, is this a domain or a magic weapon?"

Of course, it is a Taoist device, and it is an amazing lightning octopus set.

The obese monk took it easy, and thought he could kill in one hit. Who knew that instead of taking advantage, he lost a lot and lost his face in front of two insiders.

"Dirty people, you are annoying Buddha!" ​​The obese monk took off the beads on his neck and threw them forward.

"Buddha ancient temple!"

A mighty field manifested.

In the realm, a quaint Buddhist temple is dedicated to a fierce ancient Buddha.

The Buddha's mouth read the obscure Scriptures, which caused the scent to have a headache and plunge into great pain.

This is a poisonous realm for the soul.

Once hurt, the Scriptures will remain in the souls of others for a long time.

Su Yu's eyes were indifferent, and the purple thunder on her body formed a mask, which blocked all Sanskrit texts and could not invade at all.

"This is the strength of the inner disciples? Very ordinary!" Su Yu snorted coldly.

Suddenly, the thunder light suddenly exploded outward.

And the range is well controlled by himself and the fat monk.

This Lei Guang, but even Su Yu is afraid of the existence, although the obese monk is better than Su Yu in terms of cultivation, but not necessarily much better.

The thunderous explosion of thunder suddenly exploded, causing the obese monk to flew into flesh and blood, and screamed and flew out of the attic.

The thrown-out beads were also blown up, and cracked.

Visible explosion of thunder.

The red devil and the feminine woman were completely shocked.

"He's just a personal tribe slave, how could he be so powerful?" Roumei's pupils shrank fiercely.

With Su Yu's strength, even among the inner disciples, he can make a name for himself.

It can break into the top nine at least, which is higher than the tenth-ranked obese monk.

Su Yuyin was flying, her eyes were cold and thunderous, her toes were a little bit, and she landed on the street. She stepped on a half-dead fat monk: "Look at people, don't look at people with low eyes. many!"

After the words were finished, I lost my hand.

Yu Xiangwan stayed for a while and murmured, "This guy, is he too scary? I shot with all my strength.

His eyes rolled around ~ ~ quietly left the restaurant and caught up with Su Yu.

"If you advise me to go back, you don't need to." Su Yu did not return his head.

Yu Xiangwan smiled, "I, I'm not persuading you to go back, and I don't plan to join them."


If Su Yu stared deeply at Yu Xiangwan with a smile on her face, she smiled rather than smiled: "Maybe we can write down our thoughts, how?"

"Oh, that's what I meant!" Yu Xiangwan smiled and wrote two words on the palm with the power of mystery.

The same is true of Su Yu.

The two looked at each other and spread their palms.

Look at each other and laugh at the same time.

They have the same word in their palms.

"Go it alone!"

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