The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2430: 0 sores and 0 holes

Yu Xiangwan laughed with a sorrow: "Our soreness!"

Up and down the ancestral gate, three people were in charge, two of them became enemy traitors.

This is still the case with high-rises, and what is the situation at the bottom?

"Where did you get your slaves?" Yu Xiangwan struggled.

As a corpse, only the destruction of the soul can truly perish.

The pure body cannot destroy them.

"This, you don't need to know!" Erzhang looked cold, and killed him sharply.

Suddenly, Yu Xiangwan's four corpses sunk down to the ground strangely, and then merged into the ground and disappeared.

Er palm things sneer: "Sculpture of carving insects!"

When she stepped on the ground with her feet, the whole ground shuddered.

Not far from the front, a trace of black blood continued to rise from deep underground, soaking large areas of the ground.

The blood was still moving forward.

"Can you run away?" The two palms flew past, the palm of the hand went deep into the ground, and grasped fiercely, Shengsheng would grab it from the ground towards the evening.

Just appeared, Yu Xiangwan didn't even want to think about it, a lot of blue light spewed from his eyes, and the two palms were instantly swallowed up.

However, the two palms were not afraid, and said, "Is it a high-level corpse fire? Unfortunately, it may still be useful to people in the circle of Nirvana, for me, it is no longer useful!"

The second palm was in the corpse's fire and dirty, and there was no injury, but the palm of the palm was directed towards the head of the night, taking the soul of the soul.

In a critical moment, Yu Xiang roared.

In boundless pain, he smashed himself.

So as not to destroy your soul.

Masses of flesh immediately melted into the ground, and continued to sink deeper.

Er Palm has stepped on his feet a few times, but they can't be shaken out of the night.

"Why are you standing there? Are you still looking for it together? If you escape and tell Zongmen, we will all die!"

The gap between the Taoist Master and the Xuan Taoist is like Tianyuan.

The head wants to kill them both without much effort.

The big palm stands in the distance, and he explores it, saying, "Relax, he can't escape from the mine if he is injured like that, let alone our entrance is guarded by our people. If he appears dead, there is a top priority, is Quickly perform that task, or wait until the head finds out what we did in Zongmen and everything is over! "

In this way, Erzhang was unwilling to give up and went to the deepest part of the mine with Dazhang.

Soon after, Yu Xiangwan emerged from the ground and reunited into a human form.

His face was extremely pale and his breath was extremely weak. For a moment, he could not recover at all.

Moreover, what he is most worried about is that there will be changes in the mine. Will the upper layers play?

"Brother Su, hold on." Yu Xiangwan walked hard to the mine exit.

He wants to inform Su Yu before the big change, and quickly leave Zongmen and don't come back!

He stumbled all the way, and after a day, finally arrived at the exit.

However, what made him desperate was that the exit had already had a powerful seal of formation, and there were many strong men hiding in the dark.

There is even no lack of the existence of Yuan Ni.

And there are dozens of people.

As soon as he shows up, he will die!

Anxious in his heart, but helpless.

Because the seal was cut off from the messenger, people outside had no idea what was going on in the mine.

at this time.

Su Yu returned to Taiyimen.

As far as he is concerned, there is no place to be nostalgic.

The reason why he came back was to look for Xiang Xiang.

Before leaving, he wanted to be advised to leave the door as early as possible.

"Brother Yu!" He knocked at Xiang Xiang's lounge.

However, there was no response in the door.

Should not be!

He swept inside with the eyes of perspective, and as a result, was empty!

Moreover, he keenly noticed that a thick layer of dust had accumulated in Yu Xiang's doorway.

"No! Yu Xiangwan didn't come back!"

He and Yu Xiangwan returned from Nanming City before being able to return to their own lounge. They were called by Da Zhang, and then detained in Tian prison.

Now the doorway is still dusty, which shows that after pressing Xiangya to Jinjia, he never returned.

"Is something really impossible?" Su Yu's eyes sank.

There was a sense of anxiety yesterday and when he said goodbye to the evening.

Is it ...

He blinked and went to the place where the mine was.

Sighing inside, he found that his face was sinking, the entrance of the mine was blocked from the inside out!

Su Yu's face changed continuously, and she quickly speculated, "I'm in trouble!"

He took out the messenger Yu Pei and sent a message to the chief of affairs: "The mine has changed, please tell the head!"

He is not qualified to meet the head of the office directly, but can only let the business affairs tell him.

However, after thinking about it, Su Yu successively sent a message to several church leaders, including the wonderful incense church owner who had transactions.


Almost at the same time.

More than a dozen lords were summoned at the same time.

The business affairs host was summoned, and the first reaction was that Huo Ran got up, and then panicked.

Subsequently, he successively summoned to several church leaders.

As a result, the response is the same.

They were also reminded by Su Yu.

The chief of the business affairs hall sank, biting his teeth slightly, and then issued a message to those church leaders: "Things are exposed, you can only act in advance, all rush to the outside of the field, and you must intercept all attempts to communicate to the head Head. "

at the same time.

The owner of Miaoxiang Church is idly counting the crystals of Jiuyou.

Suddenly, a message was received.

After the laziness opened, his face changed: "What has changed in the mine?"

Mine cave is the foundation of Tai Yimeng. How can it be lost?

Moreover, Su Yu's tone was so severe that she needed to notify the head.

"It looks like something's happening!" The owner of Miaoxiang Tang immediately set off and went to the area where the head was.

However, when he was about to arrive, the owner of Miaoxiangtang turned his eyes, slowed down, and put on a particularly invisible cloak on his body.

In this way, outsiders could not even notice where he was going.

When she was close to the area outside her palm, her pupils shrank and she found that the entrance to the palm was already a mess.

The bodies of several church owners lay on the ground.

There were also two lords who were besieged by a group of lords in anger.

Myoxiangtang trembled: "What happened?"

Oneself, actually started to think of himself?

She stood still, calmly waiting for the end of the slaughter ~ ~, the virtuous affairs leader, wary: "Quickly, clean up the scene immediately and hide in the vicinity."

唰 唰 唰 ——

They were cleaned nearby, and they were hidden again.

As soon as the next church master who came to the messenger arrived, they shot together and wiped them out.

The main face of Miaoxiangtang was pale, lurking in the dark, and he did not dare to move, lest he expose his horse's feet and end up dead.

In the mine.

After waiting a long time for Xiang Xiang, he never found an opportunity.

But over time, he knew that the situation above would get worse.

Once in a mess, Su Yu must be in danger.

"Brother Su, brother Su, you treat me very well. For this love, I have to pay for it with my life!" Yu Xiangwan gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

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