The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 255: Come back to life

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\ "Father, we \" For a while, Ouyang Yuxin gradually recovered, and asked them softly what to do.

Deep regrets for Su Yu and Ouyang Yuxin.

Such a peerless genius was even abandoned by her.

Throughout her life, she's been searching for strong men to attach, looking for men who deserve her.

Unexpectedly, there was once a man who needed her to climb high, and was here.

But for Fengyue, he regarded it as a stranger and gave up in vain.

What irony to want to come now?

Ouyang Long walked quickly and sighed a long time: \ "Yin Yu has kindness to us. My Ouyang family can't be ungrateful, but on the bright side, let's send someone out to look for it \"

When they were convened by Han Jianglin to discuss in the temple, they were deliberated, and they joined forces to besiege Zidong.

The Lin family and the Feng family took the lead in agreeing that the two ancient domain families came first. How dare these small families violate them?

At that time, if he disobeyed Han Jianglin's will, Ouyang Long would not be able to leave alive.

As a matter of expediency, we agree.

Ouyang Yuxin God does not keep his house: \ "Regardless of whether they can be found, from now on, the Alliance City has changed! \"

The Zi family was removed, leaving only the Han Jianglin family.

\ "It's not just the Alliance City that changes the entire northern continent, it will change." "Ouyang Long said anxiously.

The reason why the Lin family and the Feng family agreed so quickly was because Han Jianglin gave them and the rest of the family a temptation that was difficult to resist, even the Ouyang Dragon, which was difficult to resist!

The duo hurriedly returned to the family.

The juniors of Ouyang's family are discussing leisurely and uneasily. I don't know at all. Just now, the Union City had a **** rain, let alone, the Union City had undergone drastic changes.

But, just then.

The steward of Ouyang's house, but looked nervously, whispered: \ "Homeowner, something happened in the backyard! \"

En? Ouyang Long frowned, calmly: \ "Lead the way! \"

When I came to the backyard, I found out that there was blood on the edge of a dry well in the backyard.

\ "This is?" "Ouyang Long stared at his eyes, glanced around, and found that these bloodstains actually led into the dry well, and he could not help but look: \" You back. \ "

Ouyang Yuxin also noticed an anomaly and could not help but change her face slightly: \ "Is it my Ouyang family who was killed and thrown into the well? \"

Ouyang Long was vigilant near the dry well, and turned his eyes to look at the bottom, his face suddenly changed!

At the bottom of the dry well, a woman, hugging a man covered in blood, curled up at the bottom of the well!

The woman's face was sad when she was spotted.

\ "It's you !!!" Ouyang Long was surprised!

They are not others, but Su Yu and Ziyun Xiang who fled from the space!

It seemed that there was no fixed destination for that space teleportation, and then it was teleported to Ouyang's house!

In the rush of Zi Yunxiang, Su Yu, who was seriously injured, hid in a dry well.

Looking at the euphemistic expression, the fragrant purple cloud fragrant, Ouyang dragon's eyes showed pity.

A day ago, she was still the master of Yunxiang Pavilion, but now she is in such a situation.

Eyes flashed a struggle, Ouyang Long turned back: \ "Butler, who else knows what happened here? \"

Ouyang butler's old eyes flashed a little: \ "There is no second person except me. \"

Ouyang Long nodded: \ "If this is the case, then you will be wronged by the housekeeper for a while."

嗖 ——

The steward has not been stunned yet, and was stunned by Ouyang Long!

\ "Father, are you this?" Ouyang Yuxin was startled.

\ "Quick! Prepare the closet! \" Ouyang Long jumped into the dry well. To prevent accidents, he also stunned Ziyunxiang, then took the two men out of the dry well and entered the closet.

The actions of the father and daughter were not noticed by anyone.

In the back room.

Ouyang Yuxin's pretty eyes widened, it was hard to believe that the place where they transmitted was the Ouyang family!

With this in mind, Ouyang Yuxin is well aware of the stakes. Once an outsider learns that Ouyang's family has retained silver feathers and purple cloud incense, the end is bound to be extermination!

At this time, Ouyang Long was examining the injuries of the two.

\ "Ziyunxiang is just over-frightened, and her body is not affected, but the son of Yin Yu is no different from the dead." Ouyang Long looked dignified.

Ouyang Yuxin looked at Su Yu, her body was covered with blood, and her body was broken in many places.

\ "Injury in the body can only be considered a serious injury, but it is a fatal injury in the body!" Ouyang Long sighed: \ "He was smashed by the internal organs, his veins were broken, thinking that it was caused by the powerful sonic method, which hurt the enemy Thousands of self-damaged one hundred, and now only the heart is intact. \ "

\ "Just, losing the rest of the viscera, only having a heart, and difficult to live for half an hour. \"

While speaking, Su Yu's breath was weak.

He was only half an hour away from the corpse.

Only from the beginning of cultivation to the present, Su Yu has suffered such a serious injury.

Ouyang Yuxinfang shivered: \ "He, is he going to die? \"

Somehow, Ouyang Yuxin was slightly relieved in her heart.

Although I feel sorry, if Su Yu is not in the world, her regret can be weakened.

Otherwise, she will always be in remorse.

\ "But fortunately, he appeared in my Ouyang house in time, maybe, this is the destiny! Canglong coffin, destined to belong to him. \" Ouyang Long stood up and sighed.

\ "On that day, it was him who helped us to drive away Zeng's family and resolve the fate of the Canglong coffin, such as. [,!] Now that he was about to perish, he appeared in the Zeng family and appeared in front of the Canglong coffin. There is a will in heaven, everything is arranged. \ "Ouyang Long sighed.

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Yuxin's face changed and she exclaimed: "What? Father, are you crazy? You want to use the clan dragon coffin inherited from the family for him? This is for your own use!"

\ "Once my father is seriously injured and dying, Canglong Coffin can be brought back to life and save your life, how can you give it to Yin Yu!"

In this regard, Ouyang Yuxin tried to stop.

The Canglong coffin is a heavy treasure handed down from the Ouyang family, but an artifact obtained from a ruin.

It can continuously absorb the heaven and earth aura, brewing a very special energy, as long as you lie in it, you can restore vitality, and all injuries can be recovered.

It can be said that whenever there is a breath, it can be brought back to life.

The only drawback is that one coffin can be gathered every 100 years and used once.

Today, to give Su Yu this invincible opportunity, Ouyang Yuxin is really intolerable.

However, Ouyang Long looked cold and mused softly: \ "Yu Xin! How many times do I have to say? People stand in the world, one is worthy to the parents of heaven and earth, and the other is worthy of conscience. With you, it has long been occupied by Zeng Shenbao! \ "

\ "This kind of mercy is not returned, you can ask yourself to be at ease? \"

Repeated reprimands made Ouyang Yuxin shrink her neck and dare not argue.

Just in the heart, Ouyang Yuxin believes that this time, Ouyang's family has suffered too much!

From the perspective of his interests, his father did another stupid thing.

\ "Go, get the Canglong coffin! It's not too late!" Ouyang Long's face changed slightly, and Su Yu's breath was once again weak.

Right now, there is only exhaust and no intake.

Before he died, he had only one breath!

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