The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2470: Ye Luo Zhi Qiu

Such as shipping Jiuyou Crystal.

In the past century, the Empress Xingyu has transported no less than ten times, and the total amount of crystals used by Jiuyou has exceeded 500 billion yuan.

The achievable contribution value is only thirty!

You can only get up to three contributions at a time.

Su Yu has some crystals on her body, but the value is far less than 500 billion yuan.

Moreover, even if there are so many, they can only be exchanged for thirty points, plus the Xingyu Empress herself has only sixty points.

Therefore, in a short time, it is almost impossible to obtain contribution points by Jiuyou Crystal.

It is possible to refine some magic embryos in the field of time.

As for governing the territory, Su Yu also has a glimmer of eyebrows.

"There are still many ways, aren't they?" The Queen Xingyu blinked, her heart guilty.

Su Yu laughed angrily: "Yeah, so many ways, you can make thirty contributions in a hundred years!"

"Cough, that's for a reason." Queen Xingyu coughed dryly.

So far, Su Yu cannot blame anyone.

"Tell me first, what is the magic embryo that dominates your descendants in the time domain?"

The Xingyu Empress immediately took out a space container carefully.

After opening it, a rather huge platform came into view.

"Crossing the lotus?" Su Yu recognized it at a glance, staggering slightly.

That huge platform is exactly the embryonic form of the Watanad lotus.

"Do you know?" The Queen of Xingyu was surprised.

This thing is not common.

It's even extremely rare.

"Is there a way to make this thing?" Su Yu asked, his eyes blinking slightly.

Not only did he know, he also had a lotus flower.

It's just because of years of disrepair, that the Rosette has lost its effect.

And he had no way to fix it.

"Of course." Queen Xingyu took out a book.

Su Yu was so excited that if she could master the method of refining, wouldn't she be able to successfully repair a lotus flower?

If there is one day in the future, the era will be unstoppable.

He has at least a backwards path.

"There are only so many?" Su Yu turned the scroll, and with his current understanding, it shouldn't be long before he can enlighten.

Emperor Xingyu gave him a glance at him: "You think too much, the lotus is so easy to forge. Do you still need to exchange it so hard?

"The one in your hand is just one of the catalogs."

Su Yu stunned.

Directory ... One?

"There are a total of 3,000 books in the catalogue! A catalogue records 10 million classics. How many are you?

Su Yu stunned.

There are three thousand copies in the catalog?

The total amount of classics should be no less than 30 billion.

Every book should be thoroughly eaten. If you want to study thoroughly, it will take at least ten days?

30 billion copies, wouldn't it take 300 billion days?

Converted into years, that also takes nearly one billion years!

Su Yu's time domain now can speed up a thousand times after reaching the intermediate level.

Even so, it actually takes a whole million years.

Obviously, he did not have such a long time.

Unless one day, he can break through to the Yuan level.

Make time slow to the limit, then it's also possible to eat all the books.

"Then there is only one way." Su Yu said, "If you grab an elder elder, how much can you get as a contribution?"

The Empress Xingyu smiled bitterly: "Elder Demon Gate? That's harder than digging Jiuyou Crystal Mine!"

"The magic gate force edits the dream cut-off. When have you heard that an elder magic gate has been caught?" The Xingyu Empress had no hope at all.

The magic gate is both secretive and cautious.

The elders of the magic gate are even more spooky, and they can't understand their whereabouts at all.

It is really impossible to catch an elder elder.

"I will answer if you ask." Su Yu glanced at her.

The Empress Xingyu froze. Did Su Yu really catch the Elder Demon Gate?

"An elder magic gate, at least can redeem five hundred contributions."

five hundred?

"How can it be so high?" Su Yu was surprised.

Could the value of a magic gate elder be higher than a full 500 billion yuan?

Queen Xingyu was very sure: "It's five hundred! The master said it himself! As for the reason, I think it should be related to the origin of the magic gate."

Although she was a queen shortly, her status was there, and she had access to many information that ordinary people could not reach.

"As far as I know, the birth of the Demon Gate is probably related to the nine ancient gods."

Su Yu's heart moved slightly.

"Although the ancient **** of nine ghosts died down, he still has four extremely powerful protection methods, called the nine ghosts and four phases! The founder of the magic gate is probably one of the four phases.

The founder of the magic gate is the holy demon.

Its existence date is not even clear to the descendants of the Demon Gate, and its strength is also unknown.

It is really possible to say that it is one of the four phases.

For some reason, Su Yu suddenly thought of the baby cut out of the nine spectacles, first!

He was transformed into a juvenile in the area of ​​Jiuyou Ancient God through sacrifices at the altar.

Call yourself the beginning!

Is he also one of the four phases of Jiuyou?

In addition there are two phases.

Who is the difference?

"The master wants all the ancient gods of Jiuyou, and it is especially important to capture the four phases of Jiuyou." The Emperor Xingyu solemnly said: "The elders who have captured the high status of the magic gate have hope for the ancestor of the magic gate . "

Therefore, the contribution to the capture of the elders of the magic gate is astonishingly high.

"Xingyu, as I told you, you will start setting up immediately." Su Yu became more and more determined to arrest the elder Xiaoxiao.

It's just that the Emperor Xingyu said that Elder Mormon is not easy to catch.

Although the Elder Screaming Demon is greedy, it can be seen from the process of sending letterheads that he is extremely cautious.

With a little carelessness, he might escape.

"Okay, my brother said ..."

Listen, Empress Xingyu's eyes are colorful: "Have you been to the magic gate?"

She has an incredible face.

In the mysterious places like the Momen, Su Yu could walk back from it!

"Let's do it according to my plan. There is only one chance. If it fails, it may not be possible to find a second chance to capture Elder Mormon."

The Empress Xingyu took it seriously, and stood up and said, "Brother, you sit in the town house and take charge of the house on my behalf.

Many layouts are extremely time and energy consuming.

This may take months.

"Go." Su Yu said.

He needs to think hard about the eight areas.

Since the field was promoted to intermediate level ~ ~, he can only blend it into a lotus flower.

But the real intermediate field should not only have this power.

He sat cross-legged in the Queen's Hall, quietly enlightening.

The mysteries and mysteries of the eight major fields continue to flow in their minds.

A few days passed, Su Yu only seized a hint of inspiration.

"The road to the eight fields is too lonely, and there is no one who can give pointers." Su Yu slightly regretted.

Since the acquisition of the Kowloon God Ding, no one has pointed out the eight rules and fields.

So it's hard to do anything.

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly appeared in my mind.

"Ye Luo knows autumn, and all methods are connected."

(End of this chapter)

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