The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 258: Feather Genius

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"My request is too much?" Su Yu said coldly: "As a teacher, I don't teach my disciples to be brave enough to face failure, but to hide? If this is how you train your disciples, I have nothing to say!"

Han Jianglin's look remained unchanged, but his fists clenched slightly.

Su Yu clearly came to hit the ground!

After a long silence, Han Jianglin said lightly, "Awesome!"

So far, Lin Ao could never return to Yantai, even if he had suffered more humiliation.

The face of the people that day, holding a fist and worshiping: "I Lin Ao absolutely, admit defeat!"

After speaking, the face turned red, and I just felt that all the glory and aura of the past were gone.

The strongest genius at the time of the Baiyu Alliance, in the eyes of everyone, lowered its noble head.

Audience, it's dead.

In their eyes, Lin Ao never humiliated Su Yu again, disdain to fight with each other.

But the fact is, Lin Ao is absolutely afraid to fight against one another!

Such a sharp contrast made them shocked and unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

Han Jianglin took a breath and winked at the referee so that the test could continue.

"In the next war, Huang Xiaoyan played against Lin Lin."

Everyone returned to God and refocused on Lin Aojue.

"Is it because Lin Ao was so injured that the Yinyu villain got the will?"

"Just look at this battle."

The two flew across the ring.

Lin Ao is absolutely immersed in many questions, such as Mang on his back.

If he does not establish his authority as soon as possible, his prestige will be ruined.

"You, retreat!" Lin Ao pointed a distant finger and drew back Huang Xiaoyan.

Huang Xiaoyan squinted and squinted: "Who am I? Want to scare away in a word? Is it a loser, busy to get back?"

The merciless face was dismantled, Lin Ao's face flashed fiercely: "Look for death!"

"Awesome punch!"

The sky and the land fell silently, and this fist seemed to be arrogant and arrogant.

As the name implies, everything is empty.

The first layer of the True Gong method! !!

In addition to Su Yu, for the first time, someone has performed such a first layer of Xiao Ling!

Huang Xiaoyan's face changed drastically.


Despite his full resistance, Huang Xiaoyan was still unable to resist the blow, and her huge body was blown off the stage by the blast.

Defeat the enemy!

Lin Aojue is still the one with all eyes and arrogant talents.

However, everyone became more and more puzzled, why Lin Aoju never gave up to Su Yu.

"Next, Wu Yaoyue played against Lin Ao." The referee quickly announced.

嗖 ——

As soon as the words fell, a strong wind struck, which was Wu Wuyue holding a sword in her arms.

A pair of cold eyes were like electricity, with a few cold stars: "Dare to hurt her? Roll yourself down, or do you want me to ask?"

As the peak of the dragon and the six realms, how Wu Yaoyue compares with Lin Ao's absolute strength is difficult to determine.

In the eyes of many people, Wu Yaoyue is the most mysterious and powerful dark horse in this league competition.

To him, Lin Ao absolutely did not dare to carelessly: "Huh! Want me to roll down, not afraid of falling big teeth!"

Wu Yaoyue chuckled with a smile: "Don't even fight a battle against Yin Yu, and his face is mad in front of me?"

"I'll let you go, it's to give you face. Since you don't want it, Wu won't be kind to you!"

"watch out!"


Wu Yaoyue did not pull out his sword, but exerted his strength.


An extremely powerful world momentum, turbulent arrival.

Han Jianglin's eyes narrowed for a moment: "Zhengcheng, the first layer of the True Spirit Exercise? Where did he come from?"

The origin of Wu Yaoyue and Huang Xiaoyan is really unpredictable.

Lin Ao takes it seriously!

"Awesome punch!"

The same as the first layer of the True Spirit Gongfa, the two of them collided with each other and broke out with great power.

蹭蹭 ——

The two played against each other, comparable!

The cultivation is the same, and the levels of exercises are similar, so that the strengths are almost the same.

Wu Yaoyue retracted his palm and nodded: "It's okay, but that's it, the first of the three ancient domains, but that's it."

Upon hearing this, Lin Ao sneered: "You are not so good, not necessarily better than me! We have already proven this!"

Wu Yaoyue had challenged Lin Aojue long ago, and no one knew the results.

Now it seems that it was a draw.

"Hehe ..." Wu Yaoyue smiled ironically: "I just tried it out. How powerful is the head of the so-called three legendary geniuses, who told you that it was a test?"

"Mastering the law is not what I am best at, it is just a technique I assist in practicing. Sword is what I am good at!"

The audience was slightly surprised.

Just by mastering the law, it reaches a level that is difficult for ordinary people to reach, but this is only an auxiliary practice and does not take much effort.

What level of sword is he best at?

Lin Ao absolutely shrank his pupils, but refused to admit defeat: "Don't you know if you try to draw a sword?"

However, Wu Yaoyue didn't pull the sword, but just held the hilt with one hand, and the sword pointed to Lin Aojue: "You don't deserve me to draw a sword! You didn't deserve it before, now, you don't deserve it!"

"If you don't pull your sword, you will lose you too!"

The words of arrogance made the geniuses who longed for Lin Aojie resentful.

"Presumptuous! This man is crazy!"

"Don't you really think of my genius in the Alliance City?"

Lin Aoju himself exaggerated: "You, too presumptuous!"

"In the eyes of the weak, it is natural for the strong to act wildly." Wu Yaoyue said lightly.

"Well, let you go down, I have important things to do!"

Lin Ao absolutely snorted: "See who goes down first!"

"Awesome punch!"

Wu Yaoyue shook her head slightly: "Three types of blood sword!"

嗤 啦 ——

The sword in his hand suddenly turned into a bloodlight.

With Wu Yaoyue's figure, Wu Ruo thundered straight.

In the blood, there is a strong **** breath, like the condensed blood of countless creatures.

Everything is trembling under a sword.

This sword contains extreme ferocity!

Han Jianglin's eyes lightened for a moment: "It's so ferocious, isn't he from Darkmoon Forest?"


If the sword is red, it runs through the void.

But after listening to a muffled sound, Lin Aoju ’s fists were smashed, his flesh was blurred, his face was horrified, and he fell into the ring!

one strike!

Without a blow, he completely defeated Lin Ao.

Anyone knows that if there is no taboo against killing, this sword just now has destroyed Lin Aojue!

Lin Ao, the leader of the three legends, was defeated twice in a row, giving the audience an illusion.

Lin Aoju, isn't it too weak?

But after going back to God, they realized that it was not that Lin Ao was too weak, but that this genius was too strong!

"It's your turn!" Wu Yaoyuejian pointed to no name!

The cold eyes burned with aggression, and the corners of his mouth cracked and laughed: "I thought it would be a boring game. I never expected to run into such aliens as Yin Yu and you!"

"Hehe, such a test is interesting!" Wu Yaoyue licked her lips.

Standing anonymously with arms, ordinary appearance, ordinary temperament, can not see the depth.

Hearing this, a faint smile erupted from the corner of your mouth: "You are confident, but unfortunately, you don't even know who your opponent is!"

Wu Yaoyue smiled long and long: "I don't care who you are. I just need to know. It's me who beat you!"

Anonymous stepped onto the platform and said with a smile: "Since this, you can take a look at it at will."

The two of them ignored the referee directly.

But under the direction of Han Jianglin, the referee did not stop.

"Zhenhaiyin!" Wu Yaoyue snapped it.

The power of the first layer of true power is not to be underestimated, no one dares to underestimate!

Even the junior with a heavy feather, dare not take it lightly!

However, Anonymous was relaxed and shook his head and chuckled: "Small tricks of worms, just add laughter."

I saw, the anonymous sleeves flicked lightly.

噗嗤 ——

The surrounding world was shattered out of thin air!

The cold star in Su Yu's head spins: "No matter who you are, this blood account must be accounted for with you!"

Unknown strong, shocking eyes again!

Understatement, is there such a terrifying power?

Who is this person? How horrible is Xiuwei's strength?

However, above the ring, Wu Yaoyue was not surprised, and the sword in his hand immediately attacked.

"Three types of blood sword!"

A blood stream that was as fast as Ben Lei, went straight to namelessness.

The corner of the unnamed mouth is a touch of chanting: "It is still a trick of a worm!"

This time, the nameless flicked.

铿锵 ——

Wu Yaoyue was shocked, with a sword in her palm, shaking violently, and her body was forced to fly three feet away!

The so-called three types of blood swords were cracked on the spot.

You know, this sword, but a move to repel Lin Ao absolutely!

However, such a horrible sword can be easily resolved!

Wu Yaoyue didn't get angry and rejoiced: "Okay! You really deserve my sword!"

铿 ——

A long singing sword groaned, trembling in the void.

Wu Yaoyue, drawing his sword for the first time.

The cold white light brings the coldness of death with chills.

Even those who are too low, if you look at the sword body more, you will have severe pain.

A stab of sword gas, almost condensed into materialization, flying around the sword body.

The strong spirituality, accompanied by the sheath of the sword, showed in front of everyone.

Many people feel that what they face is not an ordinary iron sword, but a living being!

"Artifact !!" Han Jianglin's pupils suddenly shrank!

Spirituality can only be possessed by an artifact.

This sword turned out to be an artifact sword that can fully exert its power.

The nameless smile converged a little, finally revealing a dignity.

"Coming to Alliance City, it's been a long time since I saw blood, so take your sword sacrifice!" Wu Yaoyue's eyes showed a bloodthirsty awn.

"Three types of blood sword, first type, killing people!"


A weird scene appeared, Wu Yaoyue's eyes were instantly red, and an inhuman breath burst out from his body!

The breath is like a monster, not a human race!

Inside it is a thunderous, rolling flame-like liquid.

Han Jianglin's eyes narrowed slightly: "Demon bloodline?"

It is rumored that there is a very rare race in the dark forest. They are born with the blood of monsters and can exert unimaginable power!

"Using the blood of monsters to motivate artifacts?"

Artifacts are almost impossible to play without confessing the Lord.

And Wu Yaoyue apparently found the trick, using the blood of the monster beast to resonate with the artifact to achieve the purpose of using this sword!


Kill with one sword!

Suddenly, ten feet of **** red sword qi split from the sky.

"Jianqi comes out of the body !! It is indeed an artifact, a feathering realm, and the aura that can only be achieved with the help of the artifact can reach a part!

The power of this sword is enough to kill Xiaocheng Hualong Seven Realms!

This is where Wu Yaoyue is confident.

However, after the unknown shock, his look remained calm: "Sculpture of the worm!"

嗤 啦 ——

The ten-finger series of bullets shattered the blood red sword gas!

Wu Yaoyue glanced slightly: "Do you have Dacheng Hualong Seven Realms? Then eat another sword!"

"Blood Sword Three, Second, Kill!"


This time, the sword was out of the body, reaching a full length of twenty feet!

Audiences far away felt the killing.

Some Dachenghualong seven-strength powerhouses all leaped wildly and drew cool air: "What kind of sword is this, and what is it?"

However, Anonymous still hadn't moved a step, raised his palm, and grabbed it in the air: "It's still a trick of a worm!"

噗嗤 ——

Twenty Zhang Jianqi, broken again!

Wu Yaoyue dignified for the first time: "Did you have reached the peak of the seven dragons of Hualong? Just one step away, you can become a strong feather?"

The opponent looks only about twenty, but has such a terrifying qualification!

"However, that's it!" Wu Yaoyue took a deep breath and cast his final expression.

"Blood Sword Three, Third, God of Death!"

People kill ~ ~ Gear kill, **** kill, three swords and one sword are stronger than one sword!

A thirty-foot blood sword. Dangkong to the unknown!

This sword, the peak of the Seven Dragons Realm, will also die!

However, it is frightening that Anonymous still maintains his standing posture and shook his head coldly: "I have already said that they are all subtotals!"

嗖 ——

Anonymous palm shot, and an aura was shot in the palm!

Reiki comes out!

What the Feathered Realm can do! !!

He is actually a feathered genius! !!

A feathered genius who is only twenty years old! !!

Three more make up tomorrow.



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