The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2528: Nymphaeae in full bloom

It was a female corpse.

Wearing a luxurious and luxurious brocade, three thousand blue silk draped over the shoulders like a waterfall.

The fair-skinned face reveals the peerless beauty.

In the blood-colored sky, but like a pearl, it reflects the glorious glory.

All corpses are greedily biting the living beings.

She alone stands in the distance.

If the emperor is average, look down at the Quartet and watch her soldiers fight.

"Zhuyu female corpse!" Su Yu breathed a word, breathing cold air, saying the long-lost name.

How could he forget Zhu Zhu?

When entering the Taichu Realm for the first time, the corpse king Zhu Zhu who has a deep affection for himself?

Later, he mistakenly thought that he was killed by the Temple of Underworld.

He led his own corpse, and went to seek the revenge of the Temple of Underworld.

A hundred years have passed.

Time is in a hurry.

Years pass away memories, downplay dreams, and obliterate original intentions.

The only thing that can't pass away, can't be faded away, what can't be wiped out is the heart of vengeance of the king of corpses.

He thought that the king of the beasts stayed in a certain civilization and stopped his pace.

But she never stopped.

From that little half-star civilization, across millions of stars, crossed the barriers of heaven and earth, and reached the front of the Temple of Sinisters.

At this moment, Su Yu was shaking inside.

A deep warm current surged in his heart, giving him a long-lost movement.

"A hundred years have passed, the world has changed, but you are as before." Su Yu gazed at the shadow of Qian Qian, a trace of wetness overflowing slowly in her eyes.

Beads, Beads!

Sumou Hede, how can you endure your hundred years of immortality?

For his revenge, can he be so persistent that he would rather die?

at this time.

The picture is abrupt.

The old child finally shot.

The light behind him shone, and a Buddha statue appeared faintly behind him.

"Da Zun Shiming!"

The Buddha stretched out his palm and pressed it down slightly.

Many corpses immediately flinched back into the shadow corner.

To many demons, that light is like a nemesis.

Only the holy demon had a dull look.

No matter how much light comes up, he stays still.

"Small trick." The holy demon flicked.

The old child snorted.

The giant Buddha behind him shed two tears, and then quickly dim.

"Holy man!" Several Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce strong men immediately supported the old children, panicking.

The Holy One is the ultimate existence of an authentic master in the late period.

You can't find many battleable enemies in the time domain.

But who would have thought that in front of the holy demon, he could not beat the opponent with a flick.

"All retreat, the holy magic calendar agent Yuan practiced, and absorbed the nine ancient gods and remains, has reached the realm of heaven." The old child looked like a paper.

He tiptoed, and a ripple of space came out, covering them all.

The holy devil faintly said, "I am disturbing the old man, and still want to leave?"

The chains on his body swept suddenly.

Several members of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce screamed into blood mist immediately.

Only the old child forcibly held the chain with both hands, and his face was full of shock: "The holy demon, the relic of Jiuyou God, is left to his descendants. You guard the thief, and you are worthy of Jiuyou God Do you trust it? "

It turned out that when the nine ancient ancient gods fell down, the four most trusted protection methods were sealed or protected by the **** of heaven.

On them, there are relics left by Jiuyou God.

And give them a task.

That is, leave Yizao to her future descendants.

When the four relics gather on the heirs, a new Jiuyou ancient **** will be born.

The other three defenders are still missing.

Only the holy spirit is still there.

However, he did not obey the order of Jiuyou God, and swallowed the legacy of Jiuyou God.

The only way to break through the realm is to become the master of heaven.

"Oh, the heavens changed, the earth changed, and now it is not the age of the ancient gods. I obediently obey the orders of the ancient gods, and sooner or later will dissipate the ruins between heaven and earth.

The holy spirit has a word.

He glanced at the old child: "Looking at your strength is okay, come to your Majesty and wait for me to unify the time domain, you are the dragon."

The child smiled and shook his head: "Holy demon, you look too high on yourself and underestimate the master! He is actually everywhere, everywhere!"

After that, the old child closed his eyes slowly.

Light burst out in the body at the same time, making its entire body transparent.

Then he stood there motionless.

The holy spirit withdrew the chain and said lightly, "I would rather die than sire for me? In the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, it's not all black people."

Without the resistance of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, many corpses are no longer hindered.

The strongmen who entered the Tomb of the Demon Gate were all transformed into corpses.

None of them ran away.

Only those who have not yet entered the cave are lucky enough to escape.

The tomb of Mormon is calm again.

The holy devil faintly said, "Go, now that it has been exposed, we cannot stay here."

The corpse king Zhu Zhu looked back, looking to the Temple of Nin, with a few holes in her eyes.

"It's just an empty shell, why bother?" Said the holy demon.

He made a big move, and the entire magic gate underground tomb, an amazing magic mist poured out, wrapping all the corpses, and the Holy Spirit himself.

Then it disappeared.

Yan Ran and others were shocked.

"Missing! How come!"

Shaking the light: "If I am a holy demon, I will also leave a way of escape, otherwise in case one day is found, I will be captured."

"You see the order of the coffins!"

Yan Ran found something.

When you look down, you can see that

That turned out to be a formation.

It turned out that the holy devil had long been prepared to hide the formation under the coffin.

You can teleport away at any time.

As they spoke, Su Yu had broken into the ground again.

He came to the place where the king of the beasts had stood, and he was in a terrified mood.

Why would the Lord of the Beasts become His Majesty?

Is it forced or voluntary?

Where is she now?

Staring at the empty world, Su Yu kept asking herself.

The only certainty is that they will meet again soon.

The holy demon is ambitious and will never rest in one place.

He will surely see the right time, be born again, and occupy the time domain.

At that time, maybe it was that he and Zhuzhu Corpse King really met each other.

"Look, there seems to be a hall there." Yan Ran and others successively searched for resources left in the coffin while searching for the Quartet.

The Underworld Hall was found naturally.

Su Yu withdrew the **** and said, "Just a moment."

He was like a rainbow, across the cliff, and reached the Temple of Underworld.

A crooked temple with "Danfang Hall" written in front of it.

"Is this hall just a part of the Underworld Hall?" Su Yu's eyes sank.

He stepped inside.

The rockery was ruined, Koizumi was dry, and the fairy plant was decaying.

There was nothing inside.


In a lotus pond, it has dried up.

The withered lotus flowers, with only dust outlines.

Su Yu was stuffy in her chest, holding her fists tightly.

Hell Palace, he found it.

After many hardships, through numerous twists and turns.

But, what I found was just an empty shell.

As previously feared, the wicked woman has disappeared for many years. Is her former subordinate loyal to her?

Can Yinlian be saved?

Now it seems that everything is thinking about the worst outcome.

In fact, even if the members of the Temple of the Underworld did not betray.

Nie Lian couldn't possibly be here.

The hall is deep inside the Tomb of the Demons and under the eyes of the Holy Demon.

If there is really a wicked girl who conceives an era of heaven and earth, will the holy devil ignore it?

The answer is no!

Su Yu stood in front of the lotus pond, her heart was extremely depressed.

"Master, what should I do?" Su Yu shouted.

He really did his best.

Suddenly, Su Yu felt a hot chest.

The touch of his hand actually wiped out the nucleus of the Soul Girl's soul, which glowed with radiant heat.

"This ..." Su Yu was puzzled.

The nucleus of the soul has never changed in its body for decades.

Why did Suddenly react at this moment?

Looking into the lotus pond.

Su Yu's heart moved slightly. With a wave of his sleeves, the entire lotus pond was cleaned up.

I saw a thumb-sized depression at the bottom of the lotus pond.

That size is the crystal core of the soul.

"Isn't it?" Su Yuhuai was a little excited and put the crystal core of the soul into the depression.


What followed was the sound of water.

Looking at the bottom, from the bottom of the lotus pond, an unknown and clear spiritual water poured out, and soon covered the bottom of the pond.

Su Yu jumped out immediately.

Under its incredible eyes, in the spiritual water, blossoming lotus flowers of different colors are re-bloomed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Available in pink, white, and pale yellow.

But one of them is the most exotic.

It's black all over.

Like an elegant swan, standing and dancing in the lotus group.

A hint of evil, slowly released from the lotus flower.

"Yi Lian !!" Su Yu was inexpressible in her heart.



Nie Lian has always existed in Nie Nu Dian, but it only needs the soul crystal core to make it appear.

Su Yu's lost heart was filled with joy again.

With a stroke in his palm, he took out the crystal core of the soul, and looked at the Ning Lian slowly unfolding.

Yin Lian unfolded, revealing the dark flower-like stamens.

The pistil breathes a special breath.

That breath is extremely corrosive.

Su Yu's eyelids jumped, feeling more dangerous.

"Nie Nu once said that there is a cloud of Yunyazi's soul in the core of her soul! However, her core of the soul is too hard. There is nothing to break in the heavens and the earth.

"Once it melts away, I can take out a trace of Yun Yazi's soul."

With Su Yu's current soul accomplishment, with this trace of soul, Yun Yazi can't be resurrected easily.

Su Yu couldn't restrain the excitement.

He flicked his finger and projected the soul crystal core into Nie Lian.

The crystal core of the hard soul really began to melt in nourishment, turning into crystal clear droplets.

And the soul enclosed in it finally broke out of the trap and drifted to nothingness.

Su Yu's eye tip ~ ~ Before it dissipated, grab it.

Then stuff it into your own soul and conserve it with your own soul power.

Feeling the long-awaited familiar soul, Su Yu's boulders hanging in his heart for countless years, finally let go.

"Master, we meet again." Su Yu smiled heartily.

After looking at the crystal core of the soul, Su Yu's eyes revealed a touch of complexity.

"The death of a man is good, and his heart is a master before he dies. It can be regarded as a crime." Su Yu said, "I, forgive you."

After speaking, turned around without turning back.

What he didn't know was.

Soon after he left, those nuclei of souls that turned into liquids began to condense again ...

(It will burst again tomorrow.)

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