The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2542: no value

Zi Jun walked through several cities overnight, using multiple space transfers.

I finally arrived at the junction of Ximing City and Dongming City in the early morning of the next day.

"Zijun girl."

When she arrived, the figure at the border of the border turned out.

"Master Zuo!" Zi Jun looked soothing, and finally met the person who met him.

Looking at Zuo Wei, whose strength is as high as that of the authentic master, Zi Jun admired him, and had some inexplicable trust.

Because they are traitors to similar people.

Xun Zijun is a traitor in Dongming City, while Zuo Wei is a traitor in Nanming City.

In the past, it was one of the ten personal guards of the Empress Xingyu.

"Zijun girl, you are fine." Zuo Wei looked around and asked: "Did you not rescue your sister together?"

Xun Zijun shook his head with regret: "Unfortunately, I encountered an intractable guy and robbed my sister back."

Wu Zuowei's face was disappointed with disappointment: "Dongming City is about to be destroyed. If you can't rescue your sister in time, she will be buried in the sea of ​​fire with Dongming City."

Xun Zijun said helplessly: "I blame that person, so my sister couldn't escape with me."

殊 She didn't know that Zuo Wei had a bit of coldness in the depths of his pupils.

How did Xi Mingcheng care about the lives of Zijun and her sister?

What they want is that Zijun takes the queen of Dongming City to Ximing City as a hostage.

The Emperor Wu Mingxin always devoted himself to the queen, and loved him.

If you take the queen as a hostage, are you afraid of the obedient emperor in the future?

Unfortunately, Zijun did not succeed.

"Forget it, I will ask the queen again to send a master to rescue your sister in secret." Zuo Wei comforted, and asked with a slight glance: "So, can you bring back useful information?"

Xun Zijun nodded and said: "Of course!"

She took a little caution, and said, "But I can only tell the Empress alone."

Actually, she has no important information brought out.

The specific alliance between Xi Suyu and Emperor Mingxin is not beside him.

I do not know, Su Yu holds endless magic weapon.

"Oh, you worry more, I just asked casually." Zuo Wei smiled and let go: "Let's go, I have everything ready for you."

Xun Zijun took a deep breath and calmed his excitement.

She has been undercover in Dongming City for many years, secretly providing countless top secret news for Ximing City.

I can be described as hard work and countless achievements.

No matter what, Empress Yue Yue will torture herself heavily.

She turned her head and looked at Dongming City behind her eyes, slowly shaking her head: "Dongming City, goodbye, my choice will not be wrong."

After speaking, I stepped into the territory of Ximing City.

Just after Zuo Wei passed by, he suddenly reached out and put it on Zijun's shoulder.

"Zijun, what do you think this is?"

Xun Zijun turned his head subconsciously, and the result was a ball like a snake eye.

The moment she saw the ball, her eyes were immediately blurred, her body was stiff, she couldn't move.

"Zijun, what other important information do you have, tell it now." Zuo Wei's voice drifted, giving a sense of mystery.

Xun Zijun was deeply trapped, and answered uncontrollably and truthfully: "No! In the most important negotiation process, the Emperor Mingxin did not let me participate."

"Are you carrying anything important?"

Xun Zijun shook his head: "No! I have been identified by the Emperor Mingxin."

I heard Wen Zuo's words, Zuo Wei's face gradually subsided, and his eyes were closed.

Wu Dangzijun wakes up, immediately wakes up and scolds: "What did you do to me just now?"

Wu Zuowei stood in place, calmly and calmly: "Nothing, just follow the instructions of the Queen Moon to see if you still have value."

Xun Zijun's heart lingered: "You, have you searched my soul?"

"Yes!" Zuo Wei was very calm.

Xunzi Junqiang calmed down: "So what? I'm loyal to the Empress, I've done countless hard work, made contributions that no one can replace, and I ..."

Unfortunately, Zuo Wei interrupted impatiently.

"Stop!" Zuo Wei said lightly: "The queen said she doesn't support idle people."

Tong Zuowei raised his eyes, and there was a trace of compassion in his eyes: "Now you want strength but no strength, intelligence and intelligence, and go back to see the empress, isn't it to make the empress difficult?

Xun Zijun's heart suddenly fell cold.

She heard that Queen Yue Yue wanted to get rid of herself.

Because she is worthless.

He is also a traitor. The reason why Zuo Wei is reused is because he is an authentic owner and has great value for use.

But what value does Zijun have?


"I ... I still have the gift of God's eyes. I can see extremely far away. I still have value. I want to see the Queen!" Zi Jun backed away in fear and returned to Dongming City.

She wants to seek to rely on.

Ke is too far away from Dongming City, so far that he can never go back.

"I almost forgot, you still have the gift of **** eyes." Zuo Wei's face showed a cruel smile: "The queen said that your **** eyes can be taken down and used by more capable people."

"No! You can't do this to me!" Zijun despaired: "I betrayed my sister and my brother-in-law, but in the end you treated me like this, aren't you afraid of others chilling?"

If this continues, who dares to turn to the Queen of the Moon?

Wu Zuowei shrugged: "I'm sorry, we are not afraid! After all, killing you, no one will know."

After speaking, Zuo Wei approached step by step.

The strong breath of the Taoist master suppressed the son and shivered.

"I'm sorry, Zijun, to be honest, your simple stupid look, I actually like it." Zuo Wei rushed closer with a smile.

A scream screamed loudly. At the junction of the dead and silent world, people rang.

Finally subsided, completely extinguished.

Xun Zuowei's palm was dripping with blood ~ ~ Holding a dug out bloodied eye: "Oh, can you let the queen give me this thing, this is a good thing!"

At his feet, he was already a dead son.

He gave a flick of a finger, and a flame immediately burned Zijun's body into ashes.

Wu Zuowei was about to leave, and suddenly found that there was a vacuum in the area in the ashes.

"What treasure is there on her?" With a wave of Zuo Wei's sleeve robe, he swept away the dust from the ground, revealing what was covered by the dust.

But that's not a treasure.

Is a slap-sized area of ​​space.

There was a mosquito-sized person inside the tadpole, standing with his negative hand in silence.

Tong Zuowei was surprised. He moved his pupils and looked carefully. When he gradually saw the face of a mosquito-sized person, he screamed out subconsciously: "Su Yu?"

怎 How could he forget that the Star Rain Empress paid special attention to her brother Su Yu?

Su Su Yu said indifferently: "It's been a long time since I left, Zuo Wei, how is it with Empress Yue Yue?"

Suddenly the space sphere burst open, forcing Zuo Wei to retreat.

The mosquito-sized body of Su Suyu quickly enlarged and finally turned into a normal form.

"Su Yu!" Zuo Wei was surprised, and immediately turned into ecstasy: "Don't you dare to come to Ximing City alone? Do you dare to appear alone in front of me?"

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