The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2545: Future incarnation

"Come again!" The psychic scholar was a little crazy, and the sword in his hand turned into a spear.

He hurled a long throw, and the spear turned into a black sharp arrow, piercing through.

Xun Su Yu's thoughts became a real shield, and she was penetrated by a spear!

I squinted at the spear, and was about to hurt myself.

Qi Suyu's eyes were calm, and the space was silent.

After a short pause, the spear was completely distorted, rubbing against Su Yu's shoulder and flying over.

The laughter of the soul-hunting scholar couldn't help but stop abruptly.

等等 "Wait, are you still proficient in the field of space?"

Apparently this was unexpected.

Xu Suyu said lightly, "Isn't it right?"

Countless areas of fine space, all permeated into the body of the soul hunter.

The next moment, his body was broken down into particles by the space domain and scattered all over the place.

The entire back garden was immediately calm.

Only the sound of the fighting just lasted for a long time.

Qi Su Yufei fell down, his eyes were flat: "Come out, if you die so easily, then I'm so sorry that the thought is true."

He said, patting a flower in the distance.

The flower fell in response, but it shattered in the air, like a mirror.

After walking out of the mirror, walk out alone.

"Both the space and soul fields have reached the intermediate level? It is really amazing." The soul-hunting scholar slowly said.

In his eyes, he was no longer crazy.

What I have, just deep and solemn.

"Unfortunately, you have come to the wrong place. From now on, you will stay here in the back garden and sleep forever!" The psychic scholar said lightly.

With a wave of the sleeve robe, the wind raged.

Shake the whole or the garden.

The four courtyard walls continued to extend to the sky, turning into a cage with only a gap above.

"The movement here is so big, the Queen of the Moon will soon find out that the masters in the Queen's hall will come over as soon as possible," said the soul faintly.

Qi Su Yu's eyes were flat and without fluctuations.

"Really?" He grabbed the palm of his hand deep into the sky.

I finally grasped the sky and kept pressing down, and the four courtyard walls were continuously pressed down, and finally recovered as before.

At this moment, when I look at it with my naked eyes, I find that they have a little black flag on top of them.

"The silence of Emperor Shao Hao?"

No wonder so much movement just now, no one has rushed to this day.

That's it!

"Hmm! It doesn't matter if I'm not here. I'm more than enough." Lengheng, a psychic scholar, trembled in the air, and eighteen kinds of magic soldiers appeared.

Every one is a top magic weapon to imitate the time domain.

Although it is impossible to have the power of a real magic weapon, it can exert its first-line power.

Among them, the power that dominates the magic weapon is the most terrible.

That is the attacking magic weapon that Emperor Shao Hao handed over to the queen of the moon, with a stroke of the Lord of Heaven.

Now, if one thought is true, it will be transformed into fantasy. The power is naturally insufficient, but it is more than enough to kill the authentic Taoist.

"Extinction!" The soul-hunting scholar stood in place, thinking of going to one finger.

Many magic weapons erupted immediately, killing them.

Qi Suyu's face was calm, and she did not use the soul realm anymore.

These magical tricks of the other side are all ideas from the realm of advanced souls.

It is difficult for him to compete purely from the realm of soul.

"Future incarnation!" Su Yu printed her palms on both palms and launched the time domain.

A Su Yu, exactly like himself, appeared in front of him.

The soul-hunting scholar said lightly: "Is it true to cast a thought in front of me ... wait, this is not a thought!"

He suddenly woke up.

Su Yu in front of her eyes is not simply a thought, but she is integrated into the realm of time.

"Who are you?" It is incredible that he is proficient in three fields at the same time!

Su Su Yu said calmly: "Trusted, come to take your life!"

Two Su Yu shot at the same time, they are all proficient, they will be exactly the same.

The most terrible thing is that they are the same person and have the same heart.

"Time freezes!"

"Space division!"

Suddenly, the psychic scholar is fixed in the realm of time, making it impossible to move.

Another Su Yu used space division to cut immovable psychic scholars into particles.

I wiped out the soul-hunting scholar so easily, and both Su Yu frowned.

Qi Su Yu's deity closed his eyes and said, "Kill from the air!"

He grasped a dust of the soul-hunting scholar, and launched a curse in the air.

With this curse, along the line of destiny, it instantly spread to the deity of the spiritual soul.


In the corner of the rear garden, among a group of ants, an ant who was quietly mounting on the wall suddenly screamed violently.

Soon after, he transformed from an ant into a psychic scholar.

There is a huge dead letter on his forehead.

The word of dying spreads continuously around the body, making its vitality adjust quickly.

"Life is restored!" On the face of the soul-hunting scholar, there was finally a little more panic, and he immediately summoned vitality with a single thought and recovered his body.

Qi Qi himself stared at Su Yu fiercely and yelled, "You can't escape!"

The soul inside his body erupted like a mist, turned into intricacies, and shot in all directions.

There are so many puppets that it is difficult to catch them.

As long as there is a ray of escape, with its advanced soul realm, restoring the soul is just a matter of thought.



Two Su Yus are playing the field at the same time.

One destiny, forcibly connected all the divided souls with destiny lines.

Another one launches six reincarnation doors.

一部分 Some of the souls were forcibly sucked into the door of reincarnation, and the souls connected with the fate of these souls could not escape and were sucked in one after another.

"No! Stop!"

The souls parted together, sending out screams of fear.

Once you have been baptized in six reincarnations, it will be washed away, remembered, and so on, leaving only a blank soul!

"Explosion!" Helpless, the soul-hunting scholar forcedly exploded the sucked soul.

This cut off the fate between the souls.

Taking this opportunity, the participating souls reunited to become a spiritual scholar.

His face was ugly at the moment.

"Heavenly God is passed down from the old people!"

Two Su Yu said nothing, and once again showed the field.

"Gaze of Death!"

"Time freezes!"

The two major fields were exhibited at the same time ~ ~ Soul hunting scholar was once again freezed, and his soul was forcibly extracted.

Squinting is about to stun, swallowed up by the eye of death.

Suddenly, a round ball appeared in the soul of the psychic scholar.

Yuanzhu released the coercion unique to the Lord of Heaven, crushing all the fields in the sky.

This is the life-saving magic weapon that the scholar of spiritualism gains as the soul to dominate the descendants.

脸 His face is extremely ugly.

He originally wanted to tease Su Yu.

Who knows, Su Yu is unfathomable, but makes him follow.

As a last resort, I can only use my most precious defense magic weapon.

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