The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2569: Shending Mighty

"Mother, how can you keep this fox spirit?" Su Caier got out of her head, staring angrily at Feng Ling's protection.

The latter blushed, angry and funny.

Now that Su Caier is the little master, she really can't care about it.

"Don't talk nonsense." Qin Xianer scolded.

Su Caier spit out her tongue and muttered, "It was originally, vixen, smelly vixen, grab my dad's vixen ..."

The Fengling Guardian can only smile bitterly!

I really want to choke her!

Su Yu's forehead and green tendons all jumped: "Caier, no more nonsense, Dad and Feng Ling protect the law is just a normal relationship, children should not think about it."

"Hum!" Su Cai'er Qiong snorts, dissatisfied: "The most introspective is Daddy, who provokes this and that all day."


"Who did I provoke?" Su Yu was funny, this daughter is really disobedient.

How could anyone say that?

"Don't think I haven't seen it, the queen's bitch, sticks to you like a butt, and you please her!"

Probably she saw that Su Yu gave a drop of time to Empress Xingyu.

It was mistaken for Su Yu to provoke her.

"Really, because she looks like a girl, she seduces a married woman, and she smells shameless!" Su Caier resented.

Queen Xingyu's age is no less than Su Yu.

However, because of his physique and self-cultivation, his face has always been fixed at the age of fourteen or five.

And born so beautiful, Su Caier was a little jealous.

"Caier, go back on your knees." Qin Xianer really looked cold.

Increasingly unruly.

"Kneeling and kneeling!" Su Caier stretched her face and ran back angrily.

Smile at first glance.

Su Yu's daughter is really rebellious.

"Ah!" Qin Xianer sighed. "I discipline my daughter Wufang, and make you laugh."

Su Yu looked deeply in the direction of Su Cai'er, regret that she could not tell.

Su Caier grew up in a displaced environment from a young age and has many rebellious characters.

At this point, Su Yu also has a responsibility.

Looking at Chuchu, Dumu and Fengling, Su Yu groaned, "What are your three plans for the future, can you tell us?"

He still needs to consider whether to leave the protection of the three Nine Yougu gods by his side.

Many eyes looked at Qin Xianer, and nodded permission from the latter, then slowly said: "We plan to find the holy demon, and get the relic of the nine gods from him."

"By then, the four relics will gather together to recreate a nine-nine ancient god."

Su Yu listened, her eyebrows bent slightly.

"What do you mean by rebuilding a nine-nine ancient god?" Su Yu asked.

A few eyes husky and laughed: "Naturally, let the master get the power of the nine ancient gods and become a new generation of nine ancient gods."

is it?

Su Yu left a little heart.

When it comes to ancient gods, he has to be careful.

If the ancient **** resurrected by Qin Xianer's body and occupied his body, it would be worthless.

"When are you going to slay the holy demon?" Su Yu asked.

Many eyes pondered: "The holy demon cannot be hidden at this moment, only when he appears."

After listening, Su Yu said profoundly: "That day, it won't be too far."

The holy demon is ambitious and ravages the entire time domain.

Sooner or later will show up in the chaos of the world.

At that time, it should be the most intense time for the dominion.

"During this time, you will stay in the Palace of the Empress Xingyu and try to show up as little as possible." Su Yu said.

Three heads nodded.

Settle them well, Su Yu immediately took out the fragments given by Dumu.

The above records are all dialogues between the ancient gods of Jiuyou and Jiulong.

In particular, the dialogue about the ancient gods in Kowloon is the most detailed.

Su Yu's eyes remained intact, and she looked at them in detail.

After a few days.

In a Dongfu world, Su Yu took out the Jiulong Ding of Jiulong, and said obscure words in his mouth.

Hands are constantly printed.

A moment later, a palm shot on the Kowloon Shending.

Suddenly, the eight crystal dragons above seemed to be liberated.

One after another flew down from the Kowloon Shending and turned into a giant.

Each dragon exudes the same practice as Su Yu.

And each has its own domain.

"Eight dragons fly!"

Suddenly, eight dragons holding Jiulong Shending rose into the sky.

Jiulong Shending was spinning faster and faster as the eight dragons kept pushing.

Finally turned into a shadow.

Puff puff

The revolving Kowloon God Ding flew out, smashing all obstacles.

It was completely "broken" and destroyed.

Make it completely absent from the world.

With a move from Su Yu's palm, Jiulong Shending slowly stopped to rotate, his body was like burning red, and bursts of smoke.

"If the Jiulong Ancient God is on display, you can hit the whole dream broken boundary with a single blow. Su Yu is not very satisfied with her performance.

The strength of Jiulong Shending depends on the mastery of the eight major areas.

Su Yu only masters the intermediate field, and is far from being able to exert the power of this attack.

Of course, this is only relative to the ancient **** of Kowloon.

The power that has been exerted so far is quite good.

With a single blow, the authentic owner should be wiped out in the early days, without resistance.

In addition, there are many wonderful uses of Kowloon Shending that have not been known before.

The most powerful is its refining power.

With the tripod as the furnace and the eight major fields as the fire, everything in the world can be smelted.

In the remnant conversation, the ancient God of Jiulong himself said.

He once cultivated a heaven and earth demon close to his master, refining it with Jiulongding.

The demon died.

But its avenue was made into nine elixir by Jiuling Shending.

One of them was given to Jiuyou Ancient God.

According to the Jiulong ancient god, a single elixir can make a heavenly master.

Fumbled with Jiulong Shending, Su Yu's mood was surging.

Never imagined that the Kowloon Shending still has such terrible power.

Suddenly, his heart moved.

Take out the remnant power of the bottle of Jiu Cai Tianzi Ruler.

Since Jiulong Shending is capable of refining everything, can we remove the destructive power of this might and retain only pure power?

When his heart moved, he was about to pour a whole bottle of liquid into the Jiuling Ding.

Then, according to the smelting method described by the ancient God of Jiulong, he began to urge.

Suddenly ~ ~ The eight fields turned into flames, and they were roasted under the God of Kowloon.

Bursts of colorful mist erupted from within the God of Kowloon.

Continue for three full days.

There was no longer a trace of nine-colored mist, and Su Yu was exhausted and stopped.

If you refine this with the power of the ancient gods in Kowloon, it will probably be enough in a blink of an eye.

Su Yu spent exactly three days and three nights.

Open the Kowloon Shending, look at one of them, a thumb-sized crystal glass ball appears.

He immediately took it out and was pleased to find that it was indeed full of extraordinarily pure power.

No impurities!

The residual power of the Jiu Cai Tianzi Ruler was wiped out.

Nothing left.

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