The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2592: 0 year calculation

In the formation method, the splendid time and space breath is shot.

A lot of mysterious Tianshu texts flew from the formation and attached to the surface of Shao Hao.

Inside his body, the time domain to the extreme, seems to be resonated.

Crazy boiling and growling.

He also did the same before Shao Hao forcibly launched blood engulfing.

Su Yu, who is still far away, suddenly feels wrong!

开启 He opened a space container and swept inside, his face changed suddenly.

But seeing the blue clouds and red immortals in a coma, suddenly a deep pain appeared.

The soft body keeps twisting.

Closed a pair of golden eyes, opened silently.

金色 Two golden rays flowed out from him.

The light was like a stream of water, leaving Biyun Hongxian's body, and quickly rushed to the underground ruins.

Xu Suyu grabbed it in an attempt to catch it.

But, it belongs to the bloodline and can't hold it at all.

嗖 ——

Two golden rays descended underground and merged into Shao Hao's body.

And, with the rich and extreme time domain began to merge.

This process is extremely painful, and Shao Hao utters an unbearable heartbreaking roar.

"I can't do it anymore! Stop!" Shouted Shao Hao.

His body is about to be completely shattered as a result.

Jin Tonglang lowered his voice and calmed down, "Don't give up! Aren't you going to be a double master who spans time and space?"

"Keep coming, waiting for you will be tomorrow tomorrow!"

It turned out that Shao Hao's ambition turned out to be more than just time!

He also wants to be the master of space!

However, he has no space.

Therefore, we must first integrate the blood of space into ourselves.

The only way I can think of at the moment is to merge the blood of Biyun Hongxian.

Because the blood of Biyun Hongxian has the blood of both time and space.

Qi Biyun's bloodline originates from his ancestor, the Queen of Heaven.

The Queen of Heaven is a special being who masters both time and space.

真实 Her true identity is an illegitimate child dominated by time and space!

Biyun Hongxian was inherited from the queen of the heavens and possessed double bloodlines.

少 If Shao Hao can fit into his dual bloodline at this moment, it is tantamount to having a line of spatial bloodline.

Next, with the invincible posture dominated by time, he swept across the space domain, asking, which space dominates the descendants?

With this plan, he prepared for decades.

I waited till today.

In the infinite pain, Shao Hao issued a roar of pain in the exhausted hiss.

The two golden veins finally began to merge with their pure time domain veins.

Pain also converged at this moment.

Wu Shaohao is like going through the torment of hell, his body is full of sweat, and there is the extreme pain in his mind.

If you do it again, Shaohao may not have the courage to accept fusion.

But, fortunately, it finally succeeded.

He looked up weakly and sneered: "When my blood is completely integrated to reach the Yuan-level realm, what fetal holy body do I think you fight with me?"

However, a strange husky laugh came from his ear.

"Success! I finally succeeded!" Jin Tonglang Jun laughed.

That smile, as if happy than Shaohao, excited.

He seems to be a successful person.

Wu Shaohao's eyes narrowed, and his lips evoked a cruel color: "Jintong Langjun, your father and daughter have worked hard these years, so you should rest here."

They know too many secrets.

利用 Utilization value is now completely squeezed.

What did He keep them doing?

He moved his mind and launched time deprivation.

Is there any difficulty in killing a weak Jintong Langjun with his current time domain accomplishment?

of course not!

Jintong Langjun will be erased from the world in just a few thoughts.

However, what makes Shaohao's expression change dramatically.

发现 He found that he could not move his time domain.

He is the golden vein that fits into his body, and he restrains his time domain.

He suddenly sank in his heart, a sense of panic that stepped on the cliff.

艰难 He looked hard at Jin Tong Lang Jun.

But when he saw an unpredictable and weird smile on his face: "Great emperor, isn't he surprised, isn't he surprised?"

I really was him!

Wu Shaohao's heart became heavier and scarier.

I was counted!

I was calculated by this blind man!

"What did you do to me?" Shaohao tried to stand up.

But his body was seriously injured and he had no strength to move.

"Hehe ..." What Shao Hao couldn't believe was that Jin Tonglang Jun slowly opened his eyes.

Among those eyes, a pair of golden pupils were clearly visible.

"Ah! You are not blind!" Shaohao screamed.

Jin Jintong Langjun laughed and said, "If I am blind, how can I control your body, my daughter's bloodline?"

It is precisely because of the blood communication that Jintong Langjun can control the golden blood in Shao Hao's body through space.

Suppress all the blood in Shaohao's time domain through golden blood.

"What are you going to do? What do you want to do to me?" Shao Hao felt extremely eerie.

The little bug that I looked down upon was actually a very well-pretend poisonous snake.

I gave him a bite when it was most critical.

Ji Jintong Langjun smiled mysteriously: "Of course, become the supreme master of time? No, it is both master of time and space!"

He grinned, and the golden light in his eyes reached the extreme.

Wu Shaohao suddenly cried out in pain.

The blood of time in his body was wrapped by those two golden bloods, rushed out of Shao Hao's body, and all merged into Jin Tonglangjun's body.

"Hahahahaha ... the last wish of the ancestors ~ ~ My Jin Tonglang Jun is finally done!" He laughed.

The queen of Heaven is the illegitimate son of the two masters.

Which party is not recognized.

She was ruthlessly abandoned before she was frustrated and fled to a small place outside the territory.

She is the lord's descendant, and she hopes that one day, she can inherit the lord's position.

I'm just a pity, don't treat her from time to time.

Until she died, she had no chance to return to the eight-star civilization.

I was trapped by the situation and fell out of the realm.

Subsequent Jintong Langjun, with his own deceit and fierceness and opportunity, succeeded in achieving the life-long regret of the Queen of Heaven!

I became the master of time in one fell swoop.

Waiting for the space master to fall, he killed the descendants of the space master, took their blood, and became the space master.

In this way, it has become the first dual dominator of time and space since ancient times!

Wu Shaohao could not accept this reality.

He has worked hard since he was born.

As a result, at the closest moment to success, we do wedding dresses for others.

"Old thing, give it back to me!" Shaohao shouted frantically.

艰难 He stretched out his hands in a difficult way, like the evil spirit about to return to hell, and wanted to pull Jin Tonglang Jun down with him.

Ji Jintong Langjun sneered scornfully: "Emperor, feel relieved, I will inherit everything from you!"

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