The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2644: Lord's Body

In the eyes of Xiangxiang Wan, he was disgusted: "I may understand why the ancient ancestor God left the heaven."

Some means of heaven are too murky.

It is not difficult to draw the blood of the master.

There is no need to treat them in such a cruel way.

But Tianting chose to do so in order to squeeze more traces of the dominant blood.

The poisonous nature of the heart can be seen.

Probably, the ancient ancestor God did not want to be associated with such a person, so he left angrily?

"Save people first," Su Yu said lightly.

He stepped forward and rescued a descendant dominated by death.

It was an extraordinarily petite girl with dark eyes and a true sign of death dominating the offspring.

She hugged her arms, squatted on the ground and shivered with horror in her eyes: "Don't touch me, don't touch me ..."

It is not even clear enough, and similar words are repeated intermittently.

Su Yu whispered comfortably and turned to rescue more people.

Finally, bring them together with disability.

"If you can still trust me, enter this Dongfu world and let you out when you are safe. If you don't believe me, please do it now."

Hearing that people who are still conscious have nodded.

This place is already a purgatory on earth. Even if Su Yu is malicious, where can he be evil?

In the end, all of the hundreds of dominating descendants were rescued.

Yu Xiangwan felt deeply, saying: "Brother Su, once you regarded yourself as an ancient god, but now you save the posterity of the enemy of life and death, is it ironic?

Su Yu silently.

How not to be ironic?

The scene today is something he never thought of.

I thought that one day, I would fight as a descendant of the ancient gods and dominate the descendants.

But so far, only had a fierce battle with Shao Hao.

The rest, there is no intersection.

There was even an encounter with friends and enemies in Tiangong in the time domain.

With a sigh in her heart, Su Yu said, "Search for the scene. The two said just now that they have developed four kinds of blood."

They searched in the hall for a while.

However, only a few sporadic bloodlines were found, very rare.

"What's wrong!" Su Yu meditated, using the Yuan-level soul realm to explore the surroundings.

Suddenly, it was discovered by accident that there was an underground secret room below the palace.

At this time, Yu Xiangwan also found something.

"Look here." Yu Xiangwan stood in front of a raised stone box on the ground.

The stone box was stamped with dozens of forceful seals, each of which was a master of heaven.

Yu Xiangwan tried to unravel the seal, but his strength could not shake the seal for half a minute.

Su Yu came over, and after studying for a while, she condensed, "This is the seal of the air source."

It is recorded in the Book of Darkness.

The air source seal is a powerful seal with the script of the heavens as the carrier, which is very depleting the soul of the sealer.

If it is not necessary, no one will try to seal the price of hurting themselves.

It can be seen that the person under the seal must not be mortal.

"Who will be the seal inside?" Yu Xiangwan said in surprise.

Su Yu put her palm on the seal of Qiyuan and said, "Don't you know if you look?"

The enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Since the people inside can be specially sealed by the court of heaven, we can see that it must be the enemy of life and death of the court of heaven.


Su Yu used the words of Tianshu to lightly unseal the seal.

In this way, the stone box opens by itself, exposing a rotating space entrance.

The two looked at each other and jumped in.

Suddenly, I found myself in a colorful void.

The four corpses drifted in the nothingness, revolving repeatedly.

All of them breathe a terrifying breath.

Especially the field strength is extremely strong.

"The four masters of death, destiny, reincarnation and good fortune?" Su Yu was surprised.

When Su Yu rushed past, the domain of the four masters had already been destroyed.

They had no idea where they were going.

Unexpectedly, all the bodies were captured by the court.

"Brother Su, they all died of torture." Yu Xiangwan's eyes glowed with a faint blue light, and the cause of the death was clearly seen at a glance.


Su Yu walked over to check and found that there were marks on them.

It seems that he still wants something wrong.

The four masters did not die in the end.

Instead, they were caught alive in heaven and then killed.

"Is the Lord of Heaven so powerful?" Muyu Su murmured.

After killing the master, Su Yu claimed to play the fetal holy body, which should be no problem.

But to catch alive, there are still four, and the difficulty is too great.

"Let's see if their blood is still there." Su Yu glanced over, surprised to find that the blood in their bodies was actually not bad, and all remained in the body.

"Strange! Heaven did not take the blood?" Su Yu was surprised.

Everyone is dead, and the blood that dominates stays in them, only to weaken.

Why didn't the heavens take it back as soon as possible?

"Brother Su, there are still a few corpses over there." Suddenly, Yu Xiangwan immediately noticed the abnormality with his keen sense of being a corpse.

Su Yu looked up.

is not that right.

There was a pile of corpses lying in the distance.

The two walked over to check and found that they were all from heaven.

There are more than thirty people.

The deaths were extremely tragic.

As if by some horrible existence, he broke his body and killed him cruelly.


A soft noise came from the dead body.

Su Yuhe immediately warned: "Who?"

Swinging Huang Quan's scepter in his hand to separate the corpses.

A young girl hiding in the body was revealed.

About 19 years old, in a bright red dress.

She was holding a flower in her hands, lying on the ground trembling, and there were obvious scars on her body.

On her chest was a sign of heaven.

"Don't kill me, Lord of death, don't kill me!" The girl kept screaming, as if she was extra fearful.

Death dominates?

Su Yu shrinks her pupils.

The remaining four dominate.

Whoever is most mysterious is the master of death.

He is the only master that Su Yu can't determine and can kill.

After all, he has control over death.

It is definitely not easy to kill him.

This remark made Su Yu and Yu Xiangwan creepy.

Immediately they looked back at the body dominated by death.

That body is just a corpse ~ ~ Su Yu asked: "Down, have you seen it?"

The girl in red panicked and said, "He ... he is not dead, he can live at any time, please take me away, please, please come to me!"

Seems to be responding to his words.

There was a cold wind blowing in the closed void.

Blows people cold.

As if there was a cold object behind their necks, blowing air against their necks.

But looking back, where is anyone?

"Brother Su, it seems weird." Yu Xiangwan swallowed hard.

Su Yu also felt uneasy: "Patience, I will search the soul of this woman first." ()

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