The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2712: Come to sue

The number of one hundred and twenty shocked many souls.

They thought they heard it wrong.

"How many, one hundred and twenty?" Someone questioned subconsciously.

Not that they want to question.

But what Su Yu said was too exaggerated and unacceptable.

If it is a holy mountain, they barely believe it-just barely.

But one hundred and twenty.

How could anyone believe?

How powerful are Daoyuan when they gather and fight for dozens of days?

Less than fifty.

Su Yu led a few disabled soldiers who couldn't get on the table, and destroyed one hundred and twenty?

It's a real night.

"Believe it or not," Su Yu said lightly.

Of course no one wants to believe it.

"However, from now on, I am the interim chief, who has full control of the ninth theater, the overall situation of the third tribe, everyone, etc., must obey my arrangements, offenders, and military orders!

Many strong men were silent for a while, not resistance.

Even though Su Yu's record is false, his deputy chief's identity is real.

Now that the chief has fallen, he does have the ability to take charge of the overall situation.

"The heavenly beings listened to the orders and resumed patrols. Never allow unrelated people to wait for half a step near the turtle pattern."

The creatures of the heavenly battleship naturally obeyed the order and immediately re-arranged the patrol.

"In addition, Deputy Chief Chen's former Majesty, relatives and friends, arrested in situ!" Su Yu said coldly.

Even the chief was countered by Deputy Chief Chen.

Not to mention his friends, family and even His Majesty?

In all likelihood, they also joined the Holy Mountain.

Hearing that the crowd immediately rioted.

"It's a mess! It's disturbing to deal with the moment of the holy mountain!"

The crowd didn't know when to question.

"This move has caused us a lot of chaos, and we are in the midst of the enemy. Is this Deputy Chief Sheik working for the enemy?"

"Wait! How do I think it's a conspiracy? Did the chief really end up with Deputy Chief Chen? No one has seen it, thanks to Deputy Chief Su's words."

"There must be something wrong with it!"


People are obedient.

Everyone who had no suspicion was coaxed, and immediately they heatedly debated.


They not only questioned Su Yu's ability, but at the moment even began to question his identity.

Su Yu sneered, glancing at the source of the original sounds.

However, they obviously hide themselves deliberately.

It is impossible to trace the source of the sound.

"The person who questioned didn't even dare to reveal his face, and some people believed him?" Su Yu said lightly, his voice overwhelming the audience.

The crowd frowned, looking around.

Want to see who started just now.

An unknown source erupted in the crowd.

"Just kidding, who would dare to reveal the real body, what if you lose your mouth?"

"That is, we can trust you unless you prove yourself innocent."

"Yes, in order to prove your innocence, you must now obey everyone's orders, hand over the tokens, and wait for the commander to send in the new chief, and find out everything before we trust you!"

Now they have blatantly stripped Su Yu of command.

Su Yu's eyes were like electricity, and she said lightly: "I thought I was hiding, I can't find where you are?"

He grabbed his palm and counted the sound fluctuations, all pinched in his palm.

Later, he launched the realm of soul and breathed a sigh of breath into the palm of his hand: "Trace the origin."

Those sounds immediately carried the soul attack and rolled back into the master's mind.



Several consecutive screams resounded.

Five humble people stood around the crowd, yelling.

Su Yu's eyes flickered, and no one was photographed on the high platform.

He looked at the five with a smile, and said lightly, "Can anyone tell me what these five are?"

The crowd looked over and was quickly recognized.

"Two are Deputy Chief Chen's staff, one is Deputy Chief Chen's general, and two are his cousin and elder sister."

Everyone murmured in their hearts.

All of them are Vice Chief Chen.

Could it be that they really have a problem?

Su Yu's eyes swept across the five, and the powerful realm of soul swept through the secrets of their souls.

as expected.

It was found that Vice Chief Chen had countered them and remembered successfully.

In the realm of soul, Su Yu transformed many memories into pictures, put them in the sky, and made them public.

Seeing that scene, the audience was uproar.

"Vice Chief Chen is really a traitor!"

"These noisy people really have ulterior motives and almost got fooled!"

"Kill these foods!"

"Kill them!"

Su Yu's eyes were faint, and she said, "Don't rush, let me know all the traitors."


Who else would oppose Su Yu's order?

Many powerful men immediately started to capture Vice-Chan Chen's former Majesty, all his friends and relatives.

And search soul by soul.

Anyone who found that he was contaminated with Deputy Chief Chen was immediately imprisoned.

One day passes.

There were more than a hundred conspirators.

They each perform their duties.

Deputy Chief Chen is responsible for the most important tasks, breaking the corner of the formation.

One hundred of them are responsible for blocking the restoration, and must give the Holy Mountain a chance to destroy the third tribe.

Beings who know the truth are irritated.

They treat them as brothers in the same robe, but the other party is looking forward to killing them!

In the blood splattering, all the traitors were executed ~ ~ Inner worries resolved.

Su Yu just breathed a little sigh of relief. He approached Yu Xiangwan and said, "Third tribe, you are here for the time being."

How to say Yu Xiangwan once commanded a large corpse.

Right now, it's just supervising many powerful people step by step.

For Xiang Xiang, there is no difficulty.

"Brother Su, how about you?" Yu Xiangwan asked.

Su Yu looked at the rest of the area, looking calm: "I want to go to the commander's headquarters, the appearance of traitors is by no means unique to our third tribe, the commander needs to thoroughly investigate all tribes at once."

Yu Xiangwan bowed deeply: "Brother Su, rest assured, I will protect the third tribe."

It is not too late.

Su Yu immediately left for the commander's office.

Half a day later.

Su Yu stood before the commander's camp.

Like him, there are many tribal emissaries outside the barracks waiting for the call of Shanglong.

Su Yu was slightly anxious.

All traitors should be commanded by the Holy Mountain at the same time.

Now that Deputy Chief Chen has been ordered to take action, I believe the rest of the traitors have taken corresponding measures.

If action is not taken in a timely manner, I am afraid there will be a major turmoil.

However, too many people are coming to report now.

At one and a half minutes, he couldn't be ranked at all.

"Su Sacred Body?" Jin Long came out of the camp in armor.

It was found that Su Yu was waiting outside: "Why, is the third tribe still used to it?"

He thought to himself, wouldn't Su Yu and the chief be together?

What is the character of the chief of the third tribe, Jinlong knows very well.

Su Yu, an outsider, wanted to get along well with him.

He probably came to sue. ()

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