The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 281: Public education

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The Lord of Fengqing Temple froze, how could he have expected that Su Yu was so arrogant and mad!

A gust of wind blew, whether it was the people in the domain who had pinched a sweat, or the owner of Fengqing Hall, all fell into silence.

For a moment of stiffness, the main muscles of the main body of Fengqing Hall moved with anger.

According to his calculations, Su Yu killed his people, and he stood up to force them.

Unexpectedly, Su Yu did not eat this set, not only did not refute, but provoked him.

It seems that the results have not changed, but Su Yu has been transformed from a passive passive to a provocative active.

Suppressing the unhappiness of the heart, the main face of the Fengqing Hall was distressed: "Our main deputy halls of the northern continent have the same brotherhood and brotherhood. I am older than you and can be regarded as your elder."

"You have a vicious heart and a killer nature. As an elder brother, you really can't bear to see you continue to fall and go down the evil path! You have a great future and shouldn't be buried like this."

The owner of Fengqing Temple looked at the sky, full of anxiety, and thought for a long time, before sighing deeply: "Silver feather, although you killed me, but you are young, and no matter what."

"As a brother, I should try to be as tolerant as possible." The owner of Fengqing Palace retracted his gaze and stared deeply at Su Yu. He said with gratitude: "Although you kill my people fiercely, you do n’t think I take care of your field's kindness and forgiveness. Tolerance. "

"I decided to continue to help you. From now on, I will take on the responsibility of an elder brother and take you back to Fengqingyu to receive my education. I will continue to take care of your territory."

"If one day I teach you to be a person, I will let you come back and inherit the unnamed domain again, so that you can deal with the people of the unnamed domain."

These words are full of friendship, and those who hear it are heart-warming.

Even when witnessing the arrogance and indignity of the Purple Devil with his own eyes, and even witnessing the contempt and insult of the paper with his own eyes, the people present could not help moving.

Just thinking a little, could not help but be alert.

The master of the Qingqing Temple can really say he will, and clearly wants to continue to occupy the unknown domain, but using the education of Su Yu as an excuse, is really shameless.

Upon hearing this, Su Yu couldn't help laughing: "I have seen a lot of people, shameless people, but few who can show you the right."

"Want to continue to **** offerings from the unknown domain, please speak up!"

"Want to capture me in public and shock the unknown Wei Liwei, please speak up!"

"Hiding in secret, sneaking, pretending to educate me, isn't it really rampant?"

The owner of Fengqing Temple shook his head in disappointment and sighed, "Yin Yu! You, I'm so disappointed! I'm kind and I have been disappointed by you again and again!"

"You have reached the point where no education is possible! For you, for the unknown domain, I must assume a responsibility as an elder brother!"

Su Yu laughed: "What are you? Proud of my brother? Educate me? Do you think you deserve it?"

With such people, Su Yu is not polite at all.

Feng Qingdian's eyes suddenly became cold, and he seemed to be exhausted patiently, frowning lightly: "Yin Yu! You! Passed! As your elder brother, how can there be no elders in his eyes?"

"You've reached the point where you can't teach!" Feng Qing Dian was standing with his hands on his shoulders, and drank softly, "Feng Qingwei! Catch him, bring Feng Qingyu to discipline!"

唰 唰 唰 ——

Twenty Fengqingwei of the Seven Dragons Realm quickly besieged Su Yu in the center.

The headed Feng Qingwei hugged his fist and said, "Please also ask the Lord of the Yinyu Palace not to resist. The Lord of the Qingqing Palace educates you for your benefit!"

Su Yu sneered: "I need his education? His kindness, I am led! Let's all go, to you, before I get angry!"

Shaking his head for the first wind Qingwei: "Sorry, the kindness of the Lord of the Qingqing Palace, you have no right to refuse!"


Drink softly, a Feng Qingwei rushed up immediately!

Under the pressure of the top of the seventeen dragons and seven realms, even if it is the same level and alone, it is difficult to develop a resistance and let alone the combat power.

However, Su Yu sneered: "Already warned you! Don't blame me!"

Qingwei shook his head coldly, disappointed, "You not only lack education, but you also lack the name of self-knowledge. The master of Fengqing Temple is really wise ..."


However, before his words were finished, Feng Qingwei screamed and yelled with a headache.

It seems that he is experiencing some kind of extreme pain!

Immediately afterwards, a figure struck with a flash of lightning and a punch hit his chest!


The chest burst, flesh and blood splashed, the Feng Qingwei was seriously injured on the spot.

The leader of Feng Qingwei's face froze, his eyes suddenly gloomy: "Bold! How dare to hurt people!"

Su Yu flicked the slightly messy silver hair, and smiled back: "Oh? Can't you stand still and wait for you to hurt someone?"

"Nonsense! We just kindly take you back to Fengqingyu to receive education!" The leader of Fengqingwei squinted and drank coldly.

Su Yu said faintly: "This kindness, you keep it, me, don't!"

The leader of Feng Qingwei quietly condensed his aura, and said coldly, "I said, you have no qualification to refuse! Yes, you must, no, you must also!"

"Shoot together!"

唰 ——

Nineteen Feng Qingwei shot out!

This scene made everyone feel calm.

The rumored Feng Qingwei, united together, is enough to sweep Feng Qingyu!

Its combat power, together with Fengqing Dianzhu, must also be extremely jealous!

The strength of Su Yu is far worse than that of Fengqing Hall, who is in the state of feathering. How can there be suspense?

Among the crowd, only Ziyunxiang looked calm and stared indifferently.

"Space control!"

However, when Su Yu's right-eye burgundy eruption broke out, ten Feng Qingwei were teleported ten miles away, including the leader of Feng Qingwei!

Siege the crowd and cut it in half instantly!


All black rays burst out from Su Yu's eyes, the soul attacked and scattered on the spot!

Whenever attacking, a Feng Qingwei screams and loses his resistance!

Waiting for them was Su Yu's flashing attack.



The groaning that followed was accompanied by the sound of collisions that fell to the ground and the sound of flesh and blood splashing.

But a few breaths of effort, ten Fengqingwei, were all killed and killed half!

Looking at the flesh and blood on the ground, Feng Qingwei, who was blinded by life and death, was numb to the scalp!

If they are in their dreams, is this really a stormy situation, the Feng Qingwei sweeping a field?

Standing on the back of his hands, the main pupil of Fengqing Hall, who was watching the show quietly, shrank, his smile was stiff.

Even he did not respond!

He confessed that he could solve the ten wind guards alone within a few breaths.

However, Su Yu just turned the dragon into the seven kingdoms!


Ten leaders of Feng Qingwei, who were teleported away from the space, were furious and flew back.

Su Yu is actually proficient in space!

The unexpected killer slammed them together and besieged, and when they returned, they found ten seriously injured compatriots, even more shocked.

How did he do it in just a few breaths?

However, the owner of Fengqing Hall is on the side, and the reputation of Fengqingwei must not be damaged!

"Let's go! From different angles!" Feng Qingwei's leader sang loudly.


Ten Hualong Seven Realms peak shot, suddenly shot!

Su Yu's gaze was dull, and he followed suit. In his eyes, he shot a soul attack.

Every time you glance, you can subdue one person, and then punch one at random to kill the other half!

In a short while, two people were seriously injured!

Feng Qingwei's leader was furious: "Boy! Let's go crazy!"


The leader of Feng Qingwei did not know when he came to the angle behind Su Yu, and took this opportunity to start coldly!

Su Yu sneered at the corner of her mouth ~ ~, turned around, and shot two black lights with her eyes.


Su Yu turned around suddenly, suddenly a warning sign!

A sharp icy breath suddenly struck behind it!

Looking back, it was the owner of Fengqing Temple!

While Su Yu was focusing on the leader of Feng Qingwei, he actually attacked!

A deputy chief of the hall, in the presence of all people, dared to attack!

Feng Qing Dian ’s look was extremely majestic, righteousness said suddenly: “Yin Yu! You are so disappointing, you have to attack Feng Qing Wei by sneak attack, this Dian Zhu said that you must not capture you in place!”

"Kneel me down!"

Obviously he attacked, but slandered Su Yu's attack!

The surprise of his sneak attack and the close distance did not give Su Yu any time to avoid it!

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