The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2719: Life and death

"Count me in!"

"I'll go as well!"

Many powerful people are motivated, and more and more people join them.

At this moment, the sacred mountain is rarely infuriated, if it is united.

Not necessarily dangerous.

Finally, they looked at the Lord of Nirvana.

The Lord of Nirvana remained motionless and calmly said, "My Buddha is merciful and does not create killing. The poor monk waits for your good news."

Everyone was angry.

What kind of compassion?

Are there still fewer people killed by Nirvana?

In order to gain faith, how many wars and casualties have been waged in civilizations, big and small?

At this moment, there was a look of false compassion.

It is clearly unwilling to take risks.

Demon Emperor, Master of Tianshu, and Patriarch of the Heavens, gazing at the Lord of Nirvana a little, then led many powerful men out of the Inferno.


Su Yu stood under the tortoise, and shot the soul wave of the sky in his eyes.

Tianzi people, naturally, can't suddenly be inwardly.

That was Su Yu's control of the hundred captives.

At the beginning of the battle outside the giant cross-horse lotus, Su Yu used the stone mirror of Jinghua Tianzi to destroy a hundred sacred mountains.

And capture the Tianzi people inside.

Instead of killing him, he controlled them, waiting for orders.

At the moment of crisis, Su Yu did not use them.

It is used at the most valuable moment.

Destroyed by the immediate destruction, they really erupted beyond their imagination.

It not only prevented the sacred mountain from annihilating the third tribe, but also caused them to kill each other, and a civil strife.

There is no time to take care of the third tribe below.

Of course, this is not a long-term solution.

"Su Yu, can we leave now, is it too late?" Yu Xiangwan stared at the crisscross of the sky, jumping in shock.

Su Yu solemnly shook his head: "Too late."

The sacred mountain he controlled accounted for only one-tenth.

A one-to-ten fight will not last long.

Just half a cup of tea time.

The holy mountain under his control has been destroyed more than half.

I'm afraid that before they leave the Horde, the battle above will end.

At that time, they had neither the cover of the sacred mountain of the rebellion nor the protection of the tortoise shell.

The outcome can be imagined.

Su Yu stared heavily at the five sacred mountains in danger.

When they fall, the third tribe will wait for the infinite anger of the holy mountain.

At that time, what did the third tribe compete with?

Right now.

The majestic clouds rushed from Uchibu.

The breath of countless peerless powers, mixed together, horrified the world.

One after another, the magic of the sky, the magic weapon of the sky, hit like a rainstorm.


The holy mountain that was fighting the rebels was caught off guard and was immediately smashed into hundreds!

The sacred mountain had to be distracted and reversed the bombardment of the oncoming peers.

However, those strong players suddenly shot and seized the opportunity to disrupt the sacred mountain's cooperation for a while, causing them to fall into chaos and fail to form an effective cooperation.

Plus fifty mighty holy mountains as rebels, attacked on both sides.

For a time, the holy mountain fell into chaos.

Seeing this, Su Yu said, "Everyone, ready to evacuate."

Many strong men have instilled power into turtle patterns for a long time, and the body has a tendency to withstand it.

Now finally liberated.

They stopped, rushed out of the turtle pattern, and galloped towards Inner Deep.

Su Yu led the congregation in heaven, and took the opportunity to leave for Inner Plains.


A scattered golden light beam rubbed across the tail of the heavenly court, causing the heavenly battleship to sway and almost collapse.

And the same scene appears everywhere.

Fortunately, it was only affected.

Unlucky, was killed on the spot.

All beings, with life and blood, perform a battle.

After an hour.

They finally escaped the center of the battle, and few golden beams of light had fallen nearby.

Many people relax.

"Don't stop, you can't rest for a while without reaching the Inner Deep!" Su Yu cried out on the heavenly battleship.

The people forbeared physical exhaustion and injuries and continued to move forward.


But it's exactly this time.

The dogfight is over.

After an hour of chaos, the Holy Mountain gradually destroyed the rebellious Holy Mountain.

Finally took the time to concentrate on dealing with the peerless powers.

A whole five hundred holy mountains, united as one, launched an extinction attack on the peerless powers.

Even the deity of the Holy Mountain emperor, can't face the joint blow of the five hundred small holy mountains alone?

Not to mention the strong among these nothingness.


An existence that survived the previous era was hit by a powerful golden beam on the spot.

The old man died on the spot.

Subsequently, one after another died out.

Although they continue to destroy more holy mountains.

However, the cost of such cannibalism is obviously not worth it.


Successfully destroyed 400 holy mountains, plus 100 controlled by Su Yu, totally destroyed 500.

The holy mountain was directly destroyed more than half.

It can be said that an unexpected big victory has been achieved, which has reduced a lot of pressure for Inby.

The emperor and others laughed and hurried back.

They each have supernatural powers.

It may be difficult to shake the holy mountain, but want to go, can the holy mountain retain them?

Before long, a group of peerless powerhouses disappeared.

But they went this way.

The third tribe is in trouble.

The holy mountain can't catch up with the peerless powerhouses, can't it catch up with the third tribe?


Several golden beams fell, destroying the third tribe's ruins and razing it to the ground.

Then chased wildly, on the ancient earth, the third tribe strongman who fled.

Boom boom--

Gold beams rushed from far to near.

The third tribe's beings pale.

This trip to Inner Plains is at least half a day away from most of their speed ~ ~.

How did they escape?

Su Yu also felt anxious.

Right now.

Suddenly he found a giant no less than a tribe, lying quietly there.

That is the giant Doxorium that originally landed on Daoyuan.

Su Yu flashed in front of her eyes: "Go in!"

The strong men of the third tribe have no choice.

Can only drill in.

Su Yu also manipulated the heavenly battleship and re-entered it.

"All come with me." Su Yu ordered to the central controller.

The ball was still there, but there was no energy left in it.

"You, as much as possible, instill power in it, life and death are here!" Su Yuyang said.

Life and death are at stake, and no one dares to keep it.

Instill all the power into it.

Suddenly, a layer of liquid energy reappeared in the empty sphere.

Su Yu immediately controlled.

Instant time.

There is a layer of turtle marks on the surface of the giant lotus.

Coincidentally, several golden beams came on.

The moire easily blocks it.

Su Yu breathed a little sigh of relief, manipulating the giant cross-horse rose to rise into the sky, galloping towards the inner depths.

At the speed of the giant lotus, it is not a day at all.

One tea time is enough.

The third tribe strongman was immediately excited: "Chief, should we continue to instill power?"

At this time, there is almost one-tenth of the energy in the sphere.

More than when you first got the giant lotus.

Su Yu flashed, and said, "Of course, the more, the better!"

The people immediately fought to instill power into it.

All the hopes of life are pinned on the giant lotus.

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