The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2740: 1 of Sword Kill

The ancestor is still alive or dead so far, it is unknown, and he can't judge whether he shot or not.

Nakabuchi was destroyed, and no ancestors ever shot.

Hope cannot be pinned on him.

Thinking again and again, the demon put away the magic knife.

As soon as the dragon's eyes turned, they immediately understood what they were afraid of, and proudly said, "Why don't you kill me?"

With the ancient **** of Jiulong, who dares to kill him casually?

"Since you don't kill, let me go to the side." Shang Longyi said, completely disregarding the Emperor and others.

Later, he stared at Su Yu and said in a negative hand: "How are you, what do you want me to do?"

Su Yu stood up slowly and said, "Do you think, I fear the ancient gods of Kowloon?"

Between him and the ancient **** of Jiulong, he is an endless enemy.

Need to care about the ancient **** of Kowloon?

Shanglong smiled arrogantly, "You are not afraid, but are n’t the people around you afraid?"

"It really kills me, the evil of Jiulong Ancient God is all to you! If they have any damage, it is all your responsibility to Su Yu!"

He can sacrifice the blood of the heart for life.

So, can we put the life in danger?

no doubt.

He will choose to compromise.

"On the dragon, don't overdo it." The ancestors of the cracking sky can't stand it anymore.

This person is too crazy.

Sin should have died and gave him a chance to live. Instead of being thankful, he worsened.

"What am I excessive? You are innocently detaining me and knowing my sin is the real excess." Shanglong became more arrogant.

He overlooked many angry eyes.

His face was sneer.

What about regenerative gas?

At last.

He looked towards Su Yu and stepped forward, pushing all the creatures in front of him away.

I brought a stool and sat in front of Su Yu.

He tilted Erlang's legs, his mouth cornered, and his fingers hooked: "Come on, let me instill chaos in your uncle."

Su Yu's face was indifferent: "You should not understand me."

Anyone who knows Su Yu knows that he has already killed his heart.

Regardless of who you are descended from.

Just kill it.

As for the danger to the people, he will protect the people with his life.

Never be held hostage.

"The coach doesn't need to know you, you just need to know that you used to be under me, and now you are still under me. What I ask you to do, you have to do!" Shanglong said coldly.

"Immediately infuse me with chaos, whether you like it or not!"

Su Yu sneered, a move in the palm of her hand, a power of the Eucharist erupted.

Turned into a slender sword.

Seeing this, he was naturally surprised, and backed away madly: "Dare you do something to me, use your mind to think clearly before you say!"

Do you still think about it?

Su Yu held a Baizhang sword, stabbed at each other without saying a word.

Amazing sword gas pierces vast space.

Shanglong was shocked, and he rolled down from the chair to the ground.

He crawled up and down, ran to the split-day ancestor, and shouted, "Save me!"

Of all the ancestors of the split-day are the most sane.

He will definitely save himself.


The split-day ancestor did not let him down.

When he noticed Su Yu's actions, the ancestor of Split Sky shouted: "No!"

He himself rushed over to rescue him.

See this scene.

Shanglong's heart was settled.

A split-level ancestor at this level has made a shot, but what can Su Yu do?


A piercing cold penetrated the body.

Looking down, a colorful sharp pointed through his chest ...

Shanglong couldn't believe it and looked back, facing Su Yu's cold eyes: "It's not enough to die."

The palm of his hand shook and killed Shanglong Zhen.

I never imagined that from the dragon to the death, Su Zhong was killed by Su Yu without any resistance at all.

With the destruction of his soul, the smoke of Shanglong disappeared.

When the split-day ancestor rushed over, it was too late, and he couldn't help but blame: "How can the dragon kill? Even without giving chaos, you can't kill it!"

Su Yu calmly reclaimed the eight major areas, and said lightly: "The ancient God of Kowloon is no longer in my clan, and it is unwise to pin the hope of crossing the abyss on it."

Isn't it possible that the ancient gods of Kowloon would not make waves without killing the dragon?


How many years he has been trapped in the abyss has long been alienated into a monster.

Not a kind person.

The ancestor of the split-day has nothing to say, he can only sigh with grief, and he is very worried.

"That's it, you don't need to worry so much." The emperor came over and was full of approval for what Su Yu did.

After all, it will come.

Therefore, you can't bow your head to the ancient **** of Jiulong and please him.

Su Yu nodded: "After this incident, I also hope that you will conduct a screening of the common people. Those who do not meet the requirements should be rejected."

What he wanted to shelter was a life worthy of shelter.

Not those who have sin or feel that they should be helped by Su Yu.

The emperor and the split-day ancestor took it for granted.

Su Yu was in such a great danger that she couldn't let some people who were embarrassed to pick up chopsticks to eat and put down the chopsticks and scolded the mother.

in this way.

Su Yu was completely at ease, refining the blood of the heart.

Time passes slowly.

A day later.

All living beings are ready for the chaos.

Su Yu also struggled several times and took out a drop of blood from the heart.

He flicked his finger to the blood of the heart and flew in midair.

Then he blew a breath to blow the blood of the heart into a blood mist.

In the mist of blood, the breath of chaos, which is astonishingly rich, descends from the sky, like a thick atmosphere covering the earth.

All creatures present have the opportunity to breathe into the body.

of course.

The chaos breath needs a process from entering the body ~ ~ to integrating into the body.

Just as Su Yu and Fluttershy combined the power of mixing, it took five days.

Ordinary creatures will only take longer.

Done everything.

Su Yu turned pale.

Obviously only one drop of blood was taken out, but he felt extremely tired.

Eyelids could not help pulling down, faintly going to sleep.

At the critical moment, he bit his tongue and used the sting to stimulate himself instead of falling asleep.

Otherwise, they will fall into the nightmare as before.

Too tired.

After a brief sting, his brain fell into a drowsy state.

The eyelids opened were extremely laborious.

In the underworld, there are a pair of big hands that are pulling Su Yu's consciousness and sinking towards a dark place.

That big hand should be Jinghua Tianzi in the nightmare.

When his eyes are inevitable to fall asleep.

Suddenly, his face became hot.

The consciousness of drowsiness woke up immediately.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

However, Qingyun saw that the situation was not good, and immediately came out of the cage and covered his palms on his face.

A trace of chaos power reached Su Yu's heart through the palm of her body.

The chaotic power that has lost the heart is weakly supplemented.

In this way, Su Yu did not fall into a lethargy.

"It's okay. I caught up." Qing Yun reassuredly retreated her palms, eyes helpless: "You are too daring."

Su Yu's move was really too risky.

When he saw the stone statue of Jinghua Tianzi again, he might not be able to wake up again.

In the event that the stone statue of Jinghua Tianzi is strangled, his consciousness will perish forever.

And Jinghua emperor will dominate Su Yu's body. ()

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