The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2745: Steal the chicken

Whether you can find the lost Dongfu world depends on the last locator.

After half a cup of tea.

Gu Taixu stared at the red dot on the crystal plate.

A ray of joy appeared: "Catch up immediately."

That red dot always went in the direction of Su Yu.

Say it's not Liudaoxian, who would believe it?

The Lord of Nirvana's murderous surge: "Betrayed me for a man? Hehe ..."

The end of Liudaoxian is absolutely ugly!

Even more terrible than death.

"Near!" They chased into a pair of tall reeds.

Looking at the red dots not far away from him, Gu Tai was eager to make a meritorious deed, and flew past him.

Flying over the empty spot.

And he used the magic technique to burn everything nearby.

The "Six Immortals" hiding in it are revealed.

Gu Taixu looked down, but the smile on his face was completely rigid.

It wasn't Liudaoxian who was in front of him, but a burned bear demon.

The Lord of Nirvana rushed over, and the smile on his face narrowed.

It was replaced by gloom.

He pinched through the air, crushed the bear monster's body, and took out a locator that was constantly emitting signals from the body.

The Lord of Nirvana's face was as gloomy as water, and said lowly, "This is what you said, another locator?"

this moment.

Gu Taixu was at a loss.

Are both locators found?

Did Liudaoxian see through his plan, discovered both locators in advance, and planned to lead them away?

Should not be!

How could that woman have expected what he wanted to do?

and many more!

Gu Taixu's eyes narrowed immediately. Is it Su Yu?

If that woman can reach Su Yu ...

Thinking of this, Gu Tai trembled with anxiety and hated the students.

It should be Su Yu.

It can't be wrong.

Only he could easily see his scheme and set up a series of countermeasures.

All his plots were ruined.

At this time, Da Hu Fa yin and yang strangely said, "Lord of Nirvana, I'm curious. Since Gu Taixu already discovered the plot of Liu Daxian, why did she wait for her to report to you after she succeeded?"

"In addition, the two locators he arranged did not play the slightest role. Instead, they took us around and wasted the best time to intercept Liudaoxian?"

The implied meaning is naturally to suspect that Gu Taixu stalks from it.

The Lord of Nirvana narrowed his eyes.

Indeed, from the beginning, all the words of the ancient Tai Xu were.

Gu Taixu justified immediately and sincerely said, "Lord of Nirvana, please believe me, I have really arranged the locator, but the other party has Su Yu's guidance, found it, and deliberately led us away."

Da Hu Fa grinned: "Su Yu can count, you can see through the past and you can't do it, don't you say, how does he know that there are locators in the world of Dongfu, and, or two?"

Gu Taixu could not argue.

Su Yu really can't see through the future.

But he really can't figure it out.

Given a little clue about everything, you can analyze the ins and outs of things.

It's terrible!

No one who has had a mentality with Su Yubi, does not know his terrible!

Gu Taixu said, "The Lord of Nirvana, if I betray you, why bother with it? Wouldn't it be more convenient for Liu Daxian to get out of hiding?"

The Lord of Nirvana groaned.

This is true.

If there is no false report from the ancient Tai, the six Taoxian may have successfully delivered all the Dongfu world to Su Yu.

If he is a traitor, there is no need to do more.

Adding risks to the trip, he puts himself at risk.

The Grand Guardian Law is about to continue to be questioned.

The Lord of Nirvana waved his hand: "The enemy is too cunning, and the ancient Taixu plan failed."

He glanced at his ancient eyes and said indifferently, "I said that there is a reward for getting back the Dongfu world. Since you haven't found it, go back to work in situ."

It was said that there was no longer any dispute over the law.

Instead he retreated calmly.

When Yu Guang looked at Gu Taixu, there was a cold smile.

Back to the original position?

That is to return to his jurisdiction.

Gu Taixu still wants a good life?

Ha ha!

How can Da Hufa reconcile himself without destroying Gu Tai's fate?

Gu Tai went down with an open mind.

He thought this time the winning ticket was in his hands, so he was everything.

But results.

Instead of being rewarded by the Lord of Nirvana, he took over the great protection.

Instead it offended him to death.

Really returning to his place, his end will be more terrible than death.

Nirvana can no longer stay.

There is no place for him here.

"Yes, his subordinates retired!" Gu Taixu stepped forward with great interest and left Nirvana as soon as possible.

Dafa is about to follow.

The Lord of Nirvana said: "Large protection of the law, dispatch another protection law, cast a net of heaven and earth, be sure to find out six immortals."

"Yes!" Da Hu Fa helpless, can only stare at the back of Gu Taixu, and first execute the order of the Lord of Nirvana.

Right now.

A bird came hurriedly, and after circling for a few weeks, asked, "Did you see the ancients too futile?"

Will the Lord of Nirvana deal with a little monster?

Da Hu law flashed his eyes and asked, "What's the matter with him?"

Bird said: "In the name of man, send a thank-you letter to Gu Taixu."

Thank you letter?

The Lord of Nirvana's eyes narrowed: "Who sent it?"

Bird shook her head: "I don't know ~ ~ listen to others call her Liudaoxian."


Liu Daoxian thank you to Gu Taixu?

The Lord of Nirvana caught the bird and immediately caught the birds.

Take a written letter from his chest.

Take a look.

The above reads: "Thank you Brother Gu for taking the risk of your life to cover us. Now that we have successfully reached our destination, we also ask Brother Gu to look for opportunities to escape Nirvana and join us as soon as possible."


The Lord of Nirvana instantly crushed the letter into pieces.

Da Hu Fa said angrily: "Let's just say that Gu Taixu deliberately took us around and wasted the best time for us to intercept!"

The Lord of Nirvana looked somber and asked the birds: "Where did the Six Taoxian deliver the letter to you?"

The bird shook his head: "I don't remember."


The Lord of Nirvana immediately searched the soul of the bird, but found that the memory of the stationery was considered deleted.

"Hateful!" The Lord of Nirvana could not tolerate it, and he was actually played by a small character from Gu Taixu.

Ru Fei happened to be in this letter of thanks.

I'm afraid I'm still in the dark!

"Pass my order! Nirvana chases and kills Gu Taixu until the dead!" The Lord of Nirvana growled and roared.

Da Hu Fa bowed for yes.

He immediately led a search of Gu Taixu.

But he has long seen an escape.

In a corner, Gu Taixu, in disguise, looked at the fanatics who came to arrest him.

Ancient Taixu looks extremely gloomy.

It's a real steal.

Now, Nirvana cannot stay at all.


In the heavenly battleship.

With a smile, Su Yu looked at the Six Immortals close by, with infinite emotion in her eyes.

Liu Daoxian seemed to laugh but said, "Su Yu, you will still be a man, as always."

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