The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2751: At any rate

The two of them have disappeared, and their strength has been turned upside down.

The wicked girl is still a wicked girl.

The ancient **** of Jiulong has been baptized into a monster by the water of the abyss.

Their strength has long been reversed.

Su Yu was in the arms.

The wicked woman's dissipated soul turned into fluorescence and scattered toward the four sides.

Thanks to a strong will, barely adhere to the body surface.

Feeling the body temperature of Nie Nu's rapid disappearance, Su Yu's heart dripped with blood as she watched her slowly dispersed soul.

"Get back to life!" He tried to use the realm of life.


Unable to ease the disappearance of his soul.

Even more unable to stop its life.

It seems that there is some invisible power that is blocking everything.

"No need to waste any effort! The hit just now contains my realm of death. With your realm, it is impossible to save." Jiulong ancient **** solemnly.

It's also a meta field.

But the ancient gods of Jiulong practiced for countless years, and the field was deeper than that of Su Yu.

Therefore, it cannot work.

Su Yu is not reconciled, but also uses time and space.

However, it was still resisted by the invisible power remaining on the Underworld.

Seeing the dying woman continue to die, Su Yu's heart dripped with blood and shouted, "No!"

How can he keep watching, this face, like Xia Jingyu, disappeared into life?

They used to be enemies.

Later became friends.

Later, it was his benefactor.

He used his kiss to rescue him from Jinghua Tianzi's dream.

"I don't want you to die!" Su Yu roared, trying her best to rescue the evil girl.

But everything is futile.

Su Yu in front of the ancient **** of Jiulong looks very weak.

"My heart! I still have the heart of Jinghua Tianzi!" Su Yu remembered the heart of Jinghua Tianzi.

If you use the blood in it, will it be able to awaken the chaotic power in the evil girl and give her a chance to be born again?

Yes, at this time.

The wicked woman, whose consciousness is gradually blurred, raises her palm hard and covers Su Yu's chest.

Feeling the beating heart, the evil girl was weak and said, "Don't ... your heart ... keep to see Xia Jingyu."

"No!" Su Yu couldn't accept the death of the evil girl, absolutely said: "No matter what the price is, I must save you, I don't want you to die!"

Too many people have died in his life.

He definitely didn't want to bear the weight of the death of a close one again.

Opening the evil girl's hand, Su Yu pointed her finger at her heart to take out a drop of blood from her heart.

Now he can't take care of that much.

Sinister's cheeks moved slightly.

The lips were jerky and stiff and raised slightly.

That's it, laugh!

It was the first smile in her life.

"Finally understand why Xia Jingyu and Qin Xianer will die for you ..." Nie Nu Shiran: "You, it is worth them so ..."

Even her ruthless.

At this moment, Su Yu was also moved.

In life, if there is a person who is willing to fight for himself, regardless of loss and gain, or even life and death.

How to stay still?

Without saying a word, Su Yu stuck her finger in her heart.

The wicked woman's consciousness began to blur, and she murmured, "No need to waste ... I was the one who died once ... Now I am lucky to live again in the world ..."

"It's just a pity that I couldn't help you ..."

The evil woman's eyes closed slowly.


Its body is freezing at an alarming rate.

"No!" Su Yu felt sad to the extreme, feeling the dying woman's dying.

Why do people in life always leave one by one?


Is he too weak?


The Jiulong ancient **** did not bother Su Yu's state of mind.

Its eyes brewed a very strong blood-red light, and it shot towards Cangsheng, with a look of indifference: "Sadly a little cricket ant, only the weak will be sad because of the loss of his companion."

"Follow me and feel the power!"

It will bring all life into the abyss.

Su Yu looked over.

The eyes shot out of the eyes looked like icicles of substance.

this moment.

He hated the ancient **** of Kowloon to no one!

"Kill my wife, destroy my acquaintance, and then kill my sister, and kill my life!" Su Yu put down the evil girl.

Eyes flushed.

Its whole body, once again unstoppable surging black flames.

That was a sign of enchantment.

the difference is.

The previous demonization was a loss of reason.

Today's enchantment is endless madness.

"Do you think your strength is above all else, right? You think you can decide Cang's life and fortune, right?" Su Yu was not afraid to come.

The dark red stare he ignored.

Just a trick.

The Scythe of Mansions appeared in the palm of his hand.

The ancient Jiulong stared at Su Yu, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Somehow, it felt a hint of danger.

But looking up at Su Yu up and down, where can he threaten himself?

Just because of the realm of heaven he just broke through?

Just because of his Yuan field?

With the mighty scythe in his hand?

It's weird.

The ancient **** of Jiulong just felt a hint of the danger of life.

If he is facing others, he is probably on the alert, and he may step down immediately.

But facing Su Yu.

It couldn't think of where it would be dangerous.

"Aunt ants, will this ancient **** be afraid of you?" Jiulong ancient god's eyes burst into a sudden look ~ ~ sprayed a thick **** beam of light.

That beam of light can completely wipe out the road of the abyss, and all the life on it.

Su Yu did not back down.

One step before all sentient beings.

The dark shadow, like a giant fighting the world alone, is holding on to the battlefield and fighting against the enemy.

"The ancient **** of Kowloon !!!" Su Yu growled loudly.

Then raised the Scythe!

He did not pierce the ancient God of Kowloon.

But stabbed at myself! !!

To be precise, it was stabbed to his heart!


The sharp sickle of Wancai pierced Su Yu's clothes and pierced flesh.

Also pierced the heart!

The stone heart of Jinghua Tianzi is broken!

The blood like the heart of Quanchong is flowing out.

Instantly dyed the entire Scythe of Mansions.

Fluttershy once said.

The Great Scythe needs the power of chaos to spur it.

And the power of chaos is the strongest, isn't it the blood of his heart?


The Great Scythe is stained with the purest blood of chaos between heaven and earth!

It will get excited like never before!



Inside the Great Scythe, there was a loud and loud roar.

The whole Scythe trembled violently.

The harsh sound waves splashed the water of the abyss on both sides up to ten feet high!

The two blood-colored beams of light shot by the ancient God of Jiulong were shattered by the roar.

not only that!

Jiulong Ancient God's eyes tingled for a while, his body trembled even more terribly, and he lost his voice: "The ancestor of the uncle"

Between heaven and earth.

This ancestor is not the ancestral ancestor of the former giant Dorothy. ()

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