The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 286: Ghost face skull

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Pairs of pairs in the night, like a **** pearl, will reflect the dark red night!

The ferocious and tyrannical gas swirled into the blood eyes.

Feng Qingwei's heart seemed to miss a beat, and his body was instantly stiff.

However, when the scalp is numb, its response is extremely fast and it retreats fiercely!

In a blink of an eye, they quit!

Just when the leader of Feng Qingwei was relieved, the pupils shrank suddenly!

The stone statue in front of me disappeared!


The strange sound came from the back of Lengbu Ding, the leader of Feng Qingwei looked back, a ghost face with blue-faced fangs, and a heart was choking in his mouth.

Blood splattered, and flesh crunched in the ghost's mouth!

In the dark underground, this choking sound is horrifying!

What made Feng Qingwei's leader cool down was that his vest suddenly tingled, and his eyes looked dark.

Looking down, his chest, I do not know when, was hollowed out from behind!

His heart is missing!

The evil creature with blue face fangs is not eating other people's hearts, it is his!

It was only when the other party was too fast that he felt pain when he was dying!

Silently soft to the ground, the leader Feng Qingwei's face left with fear and pain before he died.

"It's an evil corpse! Run away!" An old Feng Qingwei recognized the origin of the ghost, his teeth trembled, he shouted in horror, and turned to flee!

"What? The legendary corpse? A corpse born in an extremely overcast place with at least a feathered strength?"

"Ah! Run away!"

They joined forces enough to sweep the Fengqing Realm and learned that the word "evil corpse" split their livers and gallbladder and fled in a hurry.


However, at this moment, the remaining stone statues are all resurrected!

Blue-faced fangs, blood-red eyes, and miserable green claws!

Turned into a remnant, and flung towards the frightened fleeing wind,

"Ah, no--"


Crunch, crunch--

In the blink of an eye, the screams of horror, the screams of screaming, the splashing of blood and water, and the sound of flesh and bones being swallowed by the mouth, were mixed together and turned into **** in the blood of the sky!

Constantly wind Qingwei was thrown down, the screams kept ringing, blinking, the corridor became a **** on earth!

Su Yu's pupils shrink, so strong evil corpse!

A single strength is at least a feathered one!


Suddenly, an evil corpse rushed to Su Yu.

As his face changed, Su Yu did not back away, but walked towards the deep corridor.

The evil corpse identified Su Yu as he pursued.

Until the end of the corridor, the evil corpse dreaded standing outside a red line, staring at Su Yu.

Oh? Su Yu reassured a little, it seemed that the evil corpse was afraid.

At this moment, he looked back at the entrance.

The ground was clear and the body was clear. Twenty people, only one managed to escape.

The rest, all fell into the blood meal of evil corpses!

What a terrible place! There are dozens of evil corpses that are extremely difficult to form!

In the impression of Su Yu, the evil corpse was buried deep in the shade, and it could only be born after long-term baptism with the evil spirit.

The conditions are extremely harsh, and few evil corpses have appeared in the history of Zhenlong's mainland.

Unexpectedly, there are dozens of them here!

So far, Su Yu had to go further.

At the end of the corridor is a huge wall, and it seems that the underground ruins have come to an end.

Su Yu was slightly annoyed, except for one evil corpse, she didn't get anything!

However, soon Su Yu's eyes gradually narrowed, which could make the inhuman, cruel and cruel evil corpses, and jealous stop here, there must be something extraordinary at the end.

Su Yu's palm rubbed against the stone wall, suddenly feeling cold. Penetrates the skin and surges inside.


Su Yu's palm instantly gathered a layer of white frost!

Suddenly her pupils were frozen, Su Yumu was startled: "It's a strong cold!"

It is rare for him to practice the ice channel, the cold that can freeze his palm.

Eyes flashed, Su Yu punched on the stone wall.


An unexpected scene appeared, a seemingly indestructible stone wall, actually rolled down a boulder.

A cave where only one person could drill past appeared on the stone wall.

Through the stone wall, the almost subdued black yin exhaled from the cave.


The evil corpses on the ground stopped eating at the same time, roaring again and again.

The evil corpse that chased over was afraid to stare into the cave and keep backing!

Can the evil corpse be so scared, what is the evil place on the other side of the cave?

After thinking for a moment, Su Yu gritted her teeth and got into the cave.

The cave is extremely narrow, allowing only one person to pass.

Su Yu climbed up and couldn't breathe, and said no to turn around, nowhere to move his hands and feet.

Before long, Su Yu saw a ray of light.

Bursts of cold, cold, and cold breath came from the air.

Su Yuton felt cold and icy.

He was about to lift his hands to wipe off the ice on his face, and stunned the ground. Su Yu suddenly felt that there was something moist on his back, and there seemed to be some creep.

There is also a warm umbilical blood flow, blowing Su Yu's cheek.

Looking back, Su Yu took a sigh of relief!

On his back, I don't know when, a woman's head is lying on his stomach! !!

Ten meters of long black hair, wet on the ground, wet Su Yu's back!

A pale, swollen woman's face that seemed to have been soaking in water for months, was close to Su Yu's shoulder.

His mouth was opening slightly, exhaling warm air and spraying it on Su Yu's frosty cheeks.

In the air, it smells so bad!

With a closer look, the mouth was full of fresh blood! !!

Like fangs, sharp teeth, dense and slender, are densely covered in the mouth.

Those eyes were filled with resentment and sneer, staring at Su Yu without blinking, as if smiling!

A fire woman's head!

Su Yu II was a man. For the first time, he saw such a spooky and terrible thing, and almost screamed in shock!

Especially the non-smiling eyes, like a wolf, are watching the food about to be eaten!

There was a roar in my head, my hands and feet were cold, my heart was pounding!

Fortunately, Su Yu was just a moment of panic, and soon recovered calm.


In such a narrow place, it is difficult to cast its hands and feet. If you do not get rid of it in time, you will be eaten alive in the end!

Just then, his head grinned, revealing a row of horrible fangs, a rattle of squealing ghosts in his mouth, and he opened his mouth to bite!

Just then, Su Yu finally acted!


The lumbar rod was lifted, and the back collided violently with the top of the cave!


Screaming like a baby, suddenly came from behind.

The woman murmured twice, rolling down from Su Yu's back to the ground, screaming and rolling.

Taking this opportunity, Su Yu used both hands and feet to go through the passage with all her strength.

However, just two steps out of my feet, my feet suddenly tightened!

Looking back, it turned out to be a woman's head, with ten meters long black hair, entangled Su Yu's feet!

The skull, by the force of ejection, flew into the air.

The mouth of the mouth was opened with a mouthful of blood, and a screaming ghost who pierced the eardrum called: "Hey ... I have eaten you! Eat you!"


The most pot is big mouth, about to bite.

However, in such a narrow environment, it is impossible to turn around!

Seeing that she was about to be bitten, Su Yu's eyes flashed, and her soul attack came out without warning!


Skull screamed in agony. The scream was so loud that Su Yu's ears buzzed.

The entire cave is constantly trembling, it seems to be about to collapse!

Seizing the opportunity, Su Yu escaped from her tangled hair and fled!

However, without a few steps, the woman's head caught up again!

The pale and swollen face was full of evil spirits, and the mouth of his blood pool was rattling.

The ten-meter-long hair, like a vine, entangles the bulge in the cave, driving the skull to chase Su Yu at an amazing speed!

"I ate you !!!"

Su Yu's soul is all dead, climbing hard!

Feeling the breath getting closer behind him, Su Yu sweated coldly on his forehead.

at last!


Su Yu successfully drilled out of the cave!

However, he just flew out, his waist was tight, his long black hair wrapped around him, and he pulled it into the cave!

Su Yu's killing was over in his eyes. He took advantage of the flying machine, turned around in the air, and condensed purple lightning arcs at his fingertips!

"Star Thunder Finger!"



The screams came to an abrupt end, and the woman's head was smashed in half on the spot!

However, she is not dead yet!

Screaming back to a bump in the cave!

Su Yu wiped her forehead with cold sweat and was chased by a female ghost in the cave. Really thrilling!

He tried to kill him, but in the cave, it was really difficult to cast his fists and he could only temporarily stop.

At this time, Su Yu thought about looking at this side of the cave.

Amazingly a black world of snow and ice!

The sky was drifting with black snowflakes, and black icebergs stood like darkness, standing in the darkness.

A black snow fell on the palm of Su Yu, and immediately turned into a black ice.

咝 ——

Su Yu took a cool breath and quickly threw off Black Ice.

Looking at the crystal pupil, Su Yu took a sigh of relief!

This is not Black Snow, but ... bug!

It's dense, tens of thousands of bugs, condensed together to form black snow!

They are cold all over the body, so when they fall in the palm, they will feel cold!

Once close to the soul, it will devour the flesh and blood of the soul.

Su Yu ’s palm was only a short stay of black snow, and it was painful. She looked intently, her palm slowly penetrated the bloodshot!

So, all the black snow is bugs? Those huge icebergs are also bugs?

Su Yu's scalp tingled for a while: "What a weird bug!"

Suddenly, Su Yu's pupils shrank.

In the black iceberg in front, there is actually a figure, sealed in the iceberg!

Simple clothes, not like the characters of this era.

Holding a quaint black jade box in her arms.

What made Su Yu's pupils shrink is that the extremely cold and windy wind here is blowing out from the thin seams of the black jade box!

What is a Jade Box? What heavenly things are hidden inside? A yin wind that oozes out of a gap creates a heaven to earth?

However, just as Su Yu was preparing to approach him, there was a sudden movement in the cave he passed.

His face changed slightly, and Su Yu immediately ducked and hid on one side.

唰 唰 唰 ——

A little clutter ~ ~ came from the tunnel.

Amazingly Burial Sword, Blood Demon and Fengqing!

Feng Qingwei's entire army was annihilated, and only one person fled back, which greatly changed the faces of the three, and immediately came down to investigate.

With the strength of the three of them, it may not be possible to kill the corpses so fast, but it is not difficult to break through the corpses.

They drilled into the black ice and snow along the cave that Su Yu found.

"Be careful! Snow, weird!" The burial sword looked dignified, the aura came out through the body, and surrounded the whole body, blocking Black Snow out.

The blood demon and the wind followed suit.

Feng Qing looked around and hummed, "Where is the Silver Feather? There is no him in the dead body!"

The eyebrows of the burial sword were wrinkled, not thinking: "Maybe he hid, no matter what he did? Even if he died, it had nothing to do with us!"

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