The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2837: Heavenly Fire

"Of course we are ready." The leaders of the two forces looked at each other with a smile, and then looked at Su Yu with a smile, "but they are not sure if they are ready."

The door-opener of the Shiren Hall was expressionless but said: "Are they ready, what more would you say?"

After eating for a while, the leaders of the two sides looked awkward and immediately obediently shut up.

The Stone Man Hall is no other place. This place is the place of the Emperor of the Holy Mountain. If troubles occur here, it is likely to reach the ear of the Holy Mountain.

If Heavenly Son of Sacred Mountain expresses dissatisfaction, they will wait for their final execution.

That's why they immediately became honest and did not dare to be half-inferior, and even one eye did not dare to arbitrarily reveal the dissatisfaction that might cause Shiren Temple.

"Are you ready?" The opener asked again.

Su Yu calmly said, "I'm ready."

The gatekeeper nodded and said, "Come in."

The gate of the Shiren Hall was completely opened. Under the guidance of the Shiren, the three forces washed into the hall.

The Shiren Hall has its own splendor, but it is not huge. There is only one huge stone platform that can hold tens of thousands of people.

There is a huge stone man statue on the stone platform.

Judging from the statue, it was not someone else, but the Happy Son.

Staring at the gloomy stone statue, Su Yu's eyes narrowed slowly.

Of the Ten Great Heavenly Sons of the Sacred Mountain, if he has the deepest grievances with him, of course, he is the Happy Heavenly Son.

Twice sent his avatar to bombard Su Yu.

But unfortunately, Su Yu escaped the desperate pursuit again and again, and also destroyed the other two avatars.

So far, none of his first avatars has been successfully restored.

The depth of the enmity between the two sides can be imagined.

In the Shiren Hall with his stone statue, the family clan appraisal was performed. To be honest, Su Yu was a little worried that the test might not be smooth.

"As you can see, the test is divided into three stages. The first stage is the test of the heavenly master."

"Thirty thousand people must reach the level of heavenly masters, and none of them will work."

The other two forces indicated that they were okay, Su Yu blinked, and nodded confidently.

"Okay, then start with Pluto." Shiren said indifferently.

The so-called Hades is the vassal force of that saint, and their strength fully meets the requirements of the family.

Thirty thousand inspectors, under the command of the leader, successively came to the ring.

"Before the test, ugly words said in the front, if the strength has not reached the heavenly master, it is best to step back for me, otherwise after the test is started, it will be life-threatening.

The Pluto leader hesitated, biting his teeth and said, "There is absolutely no problem."

So Shiren nodded and said, "Okay, the test begins!"

With a command, purple flames appeared immediately around the ring.

Seeing this object, 30,000 members of the Pluto on the ring waiting to be detected, could not help but a trace of panic: "The fire of the heavenly master."

The so-called heavenly fire is similar to the fire that appeared when Su Yu broke through the heavenly god.

But the power will undoubtedly be more powerful. Fei Tiandao, the strong, simply cannot bear it.

It seems that not all of them are gods, or a certain percentage of them are fake gods.

Pluto can make them look, make them a little calm.

Those who are flustered quietly settle down, they will not fail to understand the danger in the assessment of forces. Since they dare to come, they must be prepared.

They calmed down quickly and were next to each other.

At this point, the fire of the Lord of Heaven had spread over and burned the entire Huantai.

Those heavenly lords immediately uttered a painful hum. Even if they were heavenly ancestors, they could withstand the fire of heavenly heaven, and still felt extremely painful.

They are still in pain, not to mention those who have not cultivated to reach the Lord of Heaven.

For them, this is devastating.


One who had not yet reached the Lord of Heaven immediately lit his whole body and turned into a fire man.

This means that the inspection was not completed, and was injured by the fire.

But just as the other party was about to be burned to ashes, the fire was so weak that day, it turned out that part of it was absorbed by his partner next to him.

The companion next to him is the Lord of Heaven, and it will not hurt much to absorb part of the sky fire.

And there is more than one heavenly lord next to Huo Ren.

The companions before, after, and around were absorbing skyfire to minimize their damage.

Sure enough, with the help of his companion, the sky fire on this person was taken away, so as not to die.

On the ring of 30,000 people, in fact, there are more than one similar situation. At least thousands of people have not reached the major level of heaven. This method of cheating has achieved great success.

Pluto looked in his eyes, a smile of joy on his face.


Yantai's test has been thoroughly understood, many forces rely on this method to become a family.

After all, 30,000 Heavenly Masters are not so easy to gather.

So you can only use some improper methods.

But just when Pluto was happy, suddenly, the sudden changes occurred.

The heavenly fire on the platform suddenly erupted, powerful, twice as powerful as before!

Many detectors were caught off guard, and all were immediately shrouded in violent fire of heaven.

This fire is so strong that even the true God of Heaven has reached the limit of tolerance, and he is too diligent to care for himself, where can he help others to withstand.

Those who had been repaired as not yet reached the Lord of Heaven, were immediately burned into fire.

Screaming for days!

The sudden outbreak of skyfire calmed down quickly, but left ashes in a place.

Four or five thousand fake heavenly masters were all burned to ashes.

Pluto stood blankly, his mind blank.

How could this be?

Hasn't it been verified countless times? Can Shirendian really cheat in this way?

Why is there a sudden skyfire?

At this time, Shiren said blankly: "I forgot to tell you that the flames of Heaven's Path have changed."

Looking at Pluto, who lost his eyes, Shiren announced: "Pluto failed the test ~ ~ failed to meet the requirements of the family."

It was uneasy for anyone to witness it.

The most disturbing is Ding.

How strong is Ding's actual situation, they will not know for themselves?

Thirty thousand heavenly masters, where did you go?

Don't say thirty thousand, there are no thirty!

This is the status quo of Ding. There are simply not enough heavenly masters.

The wicked woman can't help but sweat for Su Yu. Others are only thousands of days away, and the Taoist cannot cheat and succeed, let alone them?

Su Yu, however, seemed calm, and said, "The soldiers come to cover the water and cover the soil. I have my own method. You should be calm and calm."

Members of Ding reluctantly calm down and watch the developments.

At this moment, Shiren again said, "Which side is the first to detect it?"

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