The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 294: Attack of thieves

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\ "It's a black water thief! \" Zi Yunxiang gave an unexpected answer.

唰 ——

Seventeen urgent letters were presented to Su Yu.

One by one, Su Yu's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled.

Eighteen cities under Yinyu Realm, except for the city of Yinyu City, all the other seventeen cities were attacked by the black water.

Torture, arson, and heavy casualties!

The guards in the city have limited strength and only have defensive power.

Seventeen cities are at risk of being breached at any time.

The situation is in crisis, since the appearance of the unknown domain, unprecedented.

Therefore, the owners of the seventeen cities hurriedly sought help.

No wonder Ziyun Xiang would venture to disturb Su Yu's retreat.

There was a chaos in the territory and the eyebrows were burned.

A little more delay, waiting for Su Yu, will be the tragic scene of the seventeen cities being slaughtered.

As a domain owner, Su Yu couldn't blame her.

Before he came, a city had been destroyed by the beast tide.

Now that you are the domain owner, how can you just ignore it?

Looking at the eighteen cities, only the silver feather city masters such as the clouds, and the strong can go to the battle to save the seventeen cities!

However, Su Yu was holding a letter of seventeen for help, deep in her eyes and eyes, filled with thoughts: \ "Why not notify me now? \"

Just before, Ziyunxiang still has a leisurely bath.

\ "I just received the letter of assistance. \" Zi Yunxiang whispered softly, under the long eyelashes, a pair of clear eyes like moon, dim.

Su Yu's suspicion, like a needle, stabbed her in the chest with a slight pain.

\ "You mean? Seventeen letters of help, delivered at the same time? \" Su Yu thought deeper.

Ziyun Xiang said: \ "Yes! Pan said that the Special Envoy of the Seventeen City somehow arrived at Silver Feather City at the same time, so we were only informed that the situation of the Seventeen City is so critical. \"

The geographical location of the Seventeen City is different, and the time before and after the blackwater pirate attack is different, but it is strange that the special envoys dispatched arrived on the same day, and the critical situation of the Seventeen City was only opened.

It goes without saying that there are weird ones.

\ "Dianzhu, please order. \" Zi Yunxiang asked briefly, unknowingly, and used the word "Dianzhu", if there were any, he was born between the two.

However, Su Yu thought about the critical matter, and for a while, never noticed it.

\ "Well, solicit masters in the city and form a four-way army. \" With a wave of his hand, Su Yu wrote a decree and stamped the main seal of the deputy hall.

With this order, as the people of the Silver Feather City and the people of the Dark Dynasty, they accepted the order unconditionally.

Offenders, dispose according to law!

\ "Yes! I immediately respond to the Special Envoy of the Seventeen Cities. \" Zi Yunxiang had no expression, and was relieved in his heart. In this way, the Seventeen Cities crisis may be resolved.

\ "Wait! \" Su Yu called out lightly: \ "To recruit troops, not to rescue the Seventeen Cities, but ... to block the Silver Feather City! \"

Ziyun Xiang was surprised: \ "The situation of the Seventeen City is in crisis. If you do n’t send your troops in time, you will definitely be covered with charcoal. You will only protect me, Yinyu City, and will be cast aside by the people of Yinyu Domain afterwards! \"

At this critical moment, Su Yu refused to rescue, but guarded the Silver Feather City, regardless of the safety of the Seventeen City.

Su Yumu Lu Jingguang: \ "You misunderstood! I blocked Yin Yucheng, not defense! Do you not think that the seventeen letters of help are too abrupt? \"

\ "Why is Seventeen Cities Attacked, Only Silver Feather City Is Safe? \"

Clever as a purple cloud fragrance, instantly comprehend, Qiaorong is full of surprise: \ "The main meaning of the temple is that the black water thief intentionally created the Seventeen-City Grand Thesis, the purpose is to make the silver feather city shot, the city masters evacuate them to take advantage Enter? \ "

\ "They are tuned away!"

However, what really surprised Ziyun Xiang was another intention of Su Yu: \ "You blocked Yinyu City, you are suspecting that those blackwater thieves have lurked into Yinyu City and waited for the opportunity? \"

There was a chill in Su Yu's eyes: \ "Yes! They may have been joked into the city, waiting for the opportunity to attack! In this case, I push the boat down the river to catch a maggot! ''

However, Ziyunxiang couldn't help it: \ "How can I be sure they entered the city? They should understand that the risks after entering the city are great? How can they risk entering the city? \"

Su Yu knows the color of wisdom flowing in her eyes: \ "The most dangerous time for a person is to feel paralyzed. \"

\ "Even you think that Blackwater Pirates will not venture into the city, so most people will not believe that Blackwater Pirates have the courage to enter the city! \"

In this case, Ziyunxiang was nervous.

Indeed, she was overly convinced that Yin Yucheng was strong and paralyzed.

\ "Pass my order, immediately block the city, heaven and earth, you must not let a person alone!" "Su Yu coldly ordered, but this time added one: \" In addition, the access blockade, leaving two gaps. \ "

A hint of a meaningful smile emerged: \ "I don't know, how would you choose. \"

Leaving a gap? Ziyunxiang was surprised in her heart, but there was no objection, and she continued to execute.

Holding the domain command, masters in the city responded one after another, gathered the Quartet in the city, and mobilized the power of the city according to the order of Su Yu.

In the restaurant.

The second person looks through the window and observes the surging crowd, his eyes flashing different colors.

\ "Two masters, something bad! The master of the Silver Feather Palace issued a command to block the city of Silver Feather. Now, the roads of all parties are gradually closed! \" A man in black was nervous to report.

The second head looked away from Yinyu City, with jealous eyes: \ "It is indeed him, our existence has been perceived by him!"

Last time we met, Su Yu's wisdom and calmness. [,! ], Making him remember.

But now, it seems that he finds himself to belittle him after all!

I thought that even if the Lord of the Silver Feathers noticed the conspiracy contained in the seventeen urgent letters.

However, it never occurred to me that the Lord of the Silver Feather Palace was so bold that it was determined that they had sneaked into the city.

Now, when they catch their wits, the black water robbers who are waiting for the opportunity are falling into the wind.

Facing the apprehension of masters in the city, the black water thief led by him only hated Yin Yucheng.

The man in black was shocked: \ "Second head, should we retreat immediately? While the roads of all parties are not completely closed, there is still a chance! \"


The second man smashed the wooden table in front of him with a single palm. In the expression, it is not difficult to see disappointment, and sighed: "Is there anyone in my hands who can use it? Only simple things, you can't see it!

\ "Is that the master of the Silver Feather Palace wise and under siege, do you think he will give you escape?"

\ "The roads that have not been completely closed, if not unexpectedly, are intentional by him, that is, to give you hope and let you catch yourself! There, there must be ambush soldiers, and maybe even him himself!"

The hearts of people in black are shaking, but they are very uneasy.

The second master is afraid of him, will he overdo it?

\ "The two masters, what should we do? \"

The second settled in place and thought deeply: \ "We have two paths. First, we wait and wait for the masters of the city to search. In this way, our brothers scattered around the city will be dug out one by one and killed on the spot! \ "

\ "Second, convene the brothers, come together, kill a **** road, and escape from Silver Feather City! But, I guess, once we act, we will be immediately noticed, and we will give him a chance to fully twist. "

People in black are stunned, so to speak, they are dead if they don't move!

Two paths are all desperate!

The second master clenched his right fist and made a crackling sound. He shot a little bit of warfare in his eyes: \ "A good master of the silver feathers, a good plan! No matter what we choose, it is a dead end! \"

\ "He wants to play us alive! \"

The man in black was secretly anxious: \ "Second master, both sides are dead, what should we do?"

This adventure into the city, but was spotted, and ended up in a panic, it was unexpected.

"Hehe ..." Er Er shook his head slightly, sneering: \ "Who told you, we must obey his choice? \"

\ "Before I entered the city, I had some precautions and had a plan! This is the third way!"

\ "Send all brothers immediately and kill Silver Yufu together! \"

The man in black was startled: \ "What, kill to Yinyu Mansion? Isn't there the strongest person in the city, and the Lord of the Yinyu Palace sits on the town? Let's go, don't we throw our own net?

It is too risky to make such a choice!

There is a faint line of inscrutable color in the corner of the mouth of the man: \ "The safest place is the most dangerous place! Do it now! \"


Over nine days, Su Yu lost her hand in a cloud of white clouds.

Behind him, Tianyun stands with purple clouds.

With the pupil of the crystal running, he stood at a high altitude, and every move in the city was seen in his eyes.

At this point, all roads are finally blocked.

Including those two, the gap that was intentionally slowed down by Su Yu was finally closed.

In the city, there was no huge movement.

There was a deep smile on the corner of Su Yu's mouth: \ "The comer is not simple, at least, not the ordinary black water thief. \"

Knowing the purple cloud incense of Su Yu's intentions, I was deeply convinced: \ "Yes, in chess, but can penetrate the big picture, see the trap layout, it is easy to say, difficult to do, this person is really very human. \"

Su Yu nodded and shook his head again: \ "Seeing through the trap can only be regarded as qualified. What he really is not simple is that he probably has no choice between the two paths I gave. This is what makes him extraordinary! \ "

\ "This person is very smart. \"

Ziyun Xiangcai's eyes are full of stunners: \ "They move or stay motionless, they are dead ends. This is a conspiracy. They have no choice. Is this the black water thief also seeing through? simple.\"

Su Yu bowed her head, watching the city moving, everything was under control.

\ "Hehe ... if I guess correctly, he must choose the third way! \"

Ziyun Xiangqi said: "" Under the kill, what other way can he go? "

Su Yu's eyes flickered: "" The most dangerous place in the world is the safest place! Which way do you think they will go? "

Risky move!

They, hit Yin Yufu attention!

\ "How is it possible? To be so desperate is tantamount to a moth fluttering fire. \" Ziyunxiang cannot understand.

Su Yu shot brilliant wisdom in his eyes: \ "This man dared to venture into the city, so he is a conceited and intelligent person. He will definitely use this trick! \"

\ "I, already prepared a surprise for him. \"

Staring at Su Yu with extraordinary self-confidence, Zi Yunxiang was slightly disoriented.

In that chatter and laughter, all the peerless postures in the hands of the masters are impressive.

However, in retrospect of Su Yu's fiancee, the inexplicably swept the colorful eyes.

Lonely, flashes of light in her face.


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