The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2864: Happy and sad

When his eyes turned to heaven and earth again, his vision was different from the previous perspective.

It seems that the world of his eyes is clearer than ever, and he can even see some hidden things in the sky.

Suddenly, Su Yu felt a slight heat in her chest.

Looking down, it turned out that Guixu Shenbei did not know when to emit a soft light.

Su Yuton felt surprised, and immediately took it out of her arms, and saw the vague old words flashing and extinguishing on the Guixu **** monument.

Su Yu stared for a long time before barely recognizing it.

It turned out to be the word "Going to the Market Emperor"!

"Going to the market emperor?" Su Yu's eyes flashed a deep surprise.

He already knew that the Guixu Realm was a mysterious world independent of the Taichu Realm, and there was also a dead world.

The returning emperor, is it the transcendent supreme master of the returning community?

He tried to touch the four words with his fingers. Who knows, when he touched it, a sharp pain came from his fingertips, as if he was stung by something sharp.

"His!" Su Yu took a breath, her eyes turned to the extreme, staring at the four big flashing characters.

Finally, the clues came when the eyes were sour.

The four words "Guixu Emperor", where are the words, are clearly formed by the accumulation of traces.

Every trace was severe. Su Yu's finger just touched these traces, and she felt pain.

"These ..." Su Yu was surprised, as if she had discovered a new continent.

He thought that all the artifacts of the returning gods were all traces of the ancestral art left by the Taichu Taoist, but now it seems that there are not only the original Taoist's but also the mysterious returning mysterious secrets !!

Su Yu's heart thumped, and the discovery was too shocking.

I'm afraid no one will know that there are remnants left by the Lord of the Returning God on the monument to the Returning God!

However, when Su Yu tried to stare carefully at the remnants above, she was still unable to recognize them.

There seemed to be an invisible diaphragm that prevented him from continuing to observe.

After trying for nothing for a long time, Su Yu had to give up.

"Baoshan is ahead, but it can only be seen across the river." Su Yu was extremely depressed.

"However, why didn't you find the word" Guixu Emperor "before?" Su Yu wondered. The time for the stele in his hands is not short. Why did it appear at this moment?

Thinking of the epiphany in Jiubi Lingzhu just now, Su Yu couldn't help guessing, it should be a perception just now, which made her perspective on the world sublimate.

Only in this way can we see the words "guihui monarch" that ordinary people cannot see.

"It seems that if you want to learn the secret technique of the returning emperor, you must strengthen your epiphany." Su Yu suddenly realized.

Just the word epiphany, easy to say, but difficult.

If you do n’t revisit your hometown today, your heart will feel a bit, and you will naturally enter the state of epiphany, and it will be difficult to create the conditions for epiphany the rest of the time.

Seeing that there are still two days to wait, Su Yu simply sits cross-legged on the spot, and shows the time field, ready to try to find the sense of epiphany again just ten thousand times.

But just after the time field was exhibited, Su Yu felt wrong.

But in the realm of time, it has become different from the past, with a mysterious power.

In the past, the time field was displayed, and there was a faint red, but at this moment, a strange golden color appeared.

"What is this?" Su Yu immediately realized that something was wrong.

However, when the realm of time was fully implemented, Su Yu was even more shocked.

The time flow rate of the whole body has been accelerated by 20,000 times, twice as much as before.

The acceleration in the previous time can only reach 10,000 times at most.

"What's going on?" Su Yu was unexpected, eyes full of bewilderment and shock, why suddenly the field of time has become so strong?

For a long time, Su Yu's eyes flashed, trying to sacrifice seven other areas.

The results are without exception, all areas are more than doubled.

And there is a trace of golden yellow in it.

"These are ..." Su Yu remembered fighting against the black ape, and he competed in eight areas.

The eight major areas were attacked again and again by the black apes, and eventually broke completely.

Is it because the eight major fields have been tempered?

With this in mind, Su Yu's mood was surging.

The ninth realm once said that a total of twelve invincible beings exist between heaven and earth.

They are Taichu Taoist, ten holy mountain emperors and ancestors.

Because they have the power that surpasses all beings-too early!

Because of this power, they can override everything.

There is only one way to get the initial strength, and that is to cultivate to the limit.

The field is also one of them!

When the field is cultivated to the limit, it can achieve the initial strength and become the existence that overrides everything in the world!

Su Yu's eight yuan-level fields have already cultivated to the limit. After so long accumulation, they have already reached the point of transformation.

After experiencing the continuous bombardment of the black apes with yin and yang errors, the metamorphosis finally occurred, and there was a sign of evolution towards the power of Taichu.

This discovery ~ ~ surprised Su Yu.

This trip to the Blood Mountain was a fruitful one.

The original intention was to go to the Blood Mountain to explore the truth, and the best expectation was to recover the Magnificent Scythe.

But now, the harvest is beyond imagination.

Not only did he retrieve the Great Scythe, he also obtained the Emu Soul Soul Bell and the famous sword slave ring, and he also obtained the nine-tailed emperor stone that was bred.

In this way, Su Yu's field has undergone tremendous changes.

A series of gains are extremely joyful.

Su Yuqiang could not bear the excitement in his heart, and began to try to accelerate 20,000 times.

Two days have passed, but Su Yu has experienced a full 40,000 days, which is equivalent to more than a hundred years.

Although it is difficult to get comprehension as conjectured, Su Yu's transformation in the realm of time is extremely gratifying.


Su Yu opened her eyes tiredly, but there was some joy in her eyes.

Compared with curses, this harvest is more valuable.

Looking at the time, Su Yu felt that she was almost ready to go. At this point, the martial arts method should be no martial law.

After he notified Pirates and others, he opened the door and headed outside.

Who knows, Kankan stepped into the door of the room, and Leng Buding came to a guest from the corridor.

Suddenly, Su Yu stomped on the opponent's instep.

Su Yu subconsciously said: "Sorry!"

The other side looked up slightly, angrily, and said, "I don't have eyes!"

But halfway through, the other's face froze.

Also deadlocked is Su Yu's face, because the raised face is not someone else, it is Bai Xue!

The world is so big, this holy city is so vast, the inn is so remote, and there are so many guests.

Who is not good for Su Yu to step on? (https :)

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