The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2866: Curse broke out

The curse is really not an ordinary experience!

For hundreds of years, he was safe and sound. He stepped on it and said that bad is bad, without breathing!

Pirate Saint and Su Caier also collapsed their faces, twitching the corners of their mouths, and cursing was really a troublesome thing.

"It seems that our curse is getting more and more serious. If we don't want to solve it, the consequences will be unthinkable," Pirate Saint reminded.

Su Yu glanced at the teleportation array in disgust, and said, "Forget it, let's go straight ahead."

It just happened that his space sphere evolved and contained a touch of originality, which was about twice as fast as before.

Although it is a waste of time, it is better than hindering here.

Moreover, he couldn't waste time here, because there was another Shirayuki who might return to God at any time.

"Go!" Su Yu has always acted decisively, taking a decisive action in the realm of space, taking everyone a lot of space, and heading towards Shiren.

嗖 ——

Everyone just feels that the space is reversed, and Qiankun is subverted, as if spanning an infinite space.

However, when they opened their eyes and looked, they found that they were still there, as if they had not moved.

If it weren't for the people around the formation who cast extremely miserable eyes on them, they would all be a little skeptical, and they would never leave.

"Several people, what do you mean by teleporting away and back?" The white-robed old man guarding the array was displeased.

Strange to say, as soon as they left, the formation was miraculously working again.

But once it came back, the formation method could not be used, as if the formation method and Su Yu and others were hostile.

Su Yu was a little surprised.

He practiced for more than two hundred years, and the space sector has become so skilled as to eat and drink, and he has no choice.

However, for the first time, he appeared, using all his space to move, and as a result, he made a big circle and returned to his original position.

Su Yu did not believe in evil, and tried again.

As a result, what made Su Yu's face sink is that they went back to their original position again and it was not bad.

Even the Pirate Saint calmed down and said, "The curse is much greater than expected."

She tried to take out a space rune and swept away the crowd, but the rune that could cross countless mountains and rivers took them only a few steps away.

Pirate Saint Ning said: "The more powerful the space aid we use, the worse the effect."

In other words, they can only use ordinary flying, so that the curse has the least impact.

Su Yu sank into the water.

He had a bad hunch in his heart, even under the circumstances that the curse was so serious, even if they succeeded in finding the stone man?

Even rushing to the road frequently caused problems, not to mention the silent capture of a few stone people?

Su Yu glanced at Mo Moheng. He was the only one among them who was not cursed.

"Mo Heng, give it a try." Su Yu took out a space rune and gave it to him.

Mo Heng also saw that Su Yu and others had serious problems. He knew that things were serious, and immediately urged Fu Fu.

As a result, Space Rune did launch successfully, but the distance to take them away was only half of the original effect.

Mo Heng's face also changed, and said, "Did I ..."

He thought about it, took out a dagger, and threw it freely into the sky.

As a result, the dagger turned into Moheng unintentionally!

"The curse is still contagious!" Mo Heng's face was a little stiff. His curse was obviously not as serious as that of Su Yu and others, but it was definitely not light.

Su Yu and Pirate Saint couldn't sink any more!

Even Mo Heng was cursed. So, who of them can go and catch the Shiren?

When the right person is found, I am afraid that the curse has reached an extremely terrifying level, and they are killed on the spot?

At this moment, a anger came from far away: "Ah! I killed you!"

As soon as Su Yu heard, her mouth twitched: "Trouble is coming!"

But suddenly, a flash of aura flashed through his mind and a thought came up.

Pirate Saint frowned and looked at Xuexue and said, "Do you need my help?"

What she meant was to get rid of Baixue. Although Baixue had a breath of great sacredness on her body, she was still too immature. It should be just after breaking through.

"Kill her, who gets Shiren's blood for you?" Su Yu smiled deeply and took the lead in the air, attracting Bai Xue's attention blatantly.

Pirate Saints and others couldn't understand Su Yu's meaning, and could only follow him.

Shirayuki clenched her teeth, trembling with anger: "I see where can you escape?"

Her heart was ruthless, and Su Yu must not be allowed to escape. He just fled to the ends of the earth and had to get him back.

Time passed by.

After a whole month, the two people chased each other and fled, almost across half of the cloud wasteland.

Finally, on this day, Su Yu and others arrived at a mountain covered by golden clouds.

No, to be precise, it is a golden mountain.

That mountain, Su Yu, is no stranger at all, it was the small sacred mountain when the sacred mountain died in the eight-star civilization.

It is located in the middle of the cloud wasteland, overlooking the Quartet.

It is obvious to the naked eye that one stone man patrols the small holy mountain.

When Su Yu's eyes lighted up, was that Shiren?

But their curse was too severe at the moment. While Su Yu looked at the Shiren, several Shiren happened to look into the sky with great coincidence ~ ~ and saw Su Yu and others.

"No flying over Holy Mountain! Warning of Destruction Light!"


A particularly familiar light of destruction swept by Su Yu, and unlike the Eight-Star civilization, the small sacred mountain at this time in the nine-star civilization, I wonder if it is closer to the true sacred mountain, so the power of the outbreak is quite terrible.

Enough to threaten the power of the Great Saint!

Su Yu and others dodged immediately!

However, under the action of the curse, the light of destruction that had been clearly evaded by them exploded unsteadily, covering all four people including Su Yu, Pirate Saint, Su Caier and Mo Heng.


All four were affected, were blown up and wounded.

Among them, Su Caier Xiu was the weakest and the most injured, and Su Yu rushed over to heal her.

Even the patrolling stone man on the holy mountain was startled.

The light of destruction is extremely stable energy, and one million may not explode.

This one not only exploded, but also covered all four with such precision.

In this case, they have never seen it before!

Su Yu stabilized Su Caier's injury and looked angrily at the Shiren under his eyes.

He pulled out the Scythe of Magnificence, and hit the Holy Mountain with a severe blow!

A huge arc of energy attacked the sacred mountain fiercely, blasting it violently.

Although it has not caused any harm to the Holy Mountain, it is undoubtedly a provocation to the Holy Mountain.

Immediately, countless holy mountain strongmen leaped above the holy mountain, launching an attack on them.

Su Yu's eyes flashed and she said, "Go!"

Instead of continuing to escape, they turned around and returned.

And the same way, it is self-evident who can run into it!

(Updated at 6 pm tomorrow) (https :)

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